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Destiny 2 PC performance thread

I'm sure there are benches on the Internet which answer this question better than I can. Personally, I think that between its power consumption and 512 bit bus its memory system is well balanced as it is and OCing the memory make sense only if you will OC the GPU too. But this is a generic advice really, applicable to most of cards on the market.
Forgot to add that I've already searched and the answers are a mixed bag. Just wanted another input.
Anyway, I have the core OCd with stock voltage and is stable af (1100).
Hey, Rus, an offtopic question. Do you know if the r9 390 benefits of higher bandwidth? I ask this because it's my card, and it already has a fuckton of it. Kind of want to overclock the ram, but it would be pointless if there is no benefit.

r390 is core limited the majority of the time


Surface pro 4

windowed mode, all options low. Full res for surface screen- Rendering rez 30%
20-30 fps in firefights.

Im shocked it runs at all


formerly nacire
This is the only game I've ever run into where RTSS wasn't able to cap fps. Really weird. Maybe it can be fixed in a future update

Setting Vsync to on and manually setting the cap to 60FPS within the cvars file has helped quite a bit. It's not perfect, but it's much better.
So no matter what settings I use I pretty much have 60 FPS on lockdown more or less, with VERY minor dips. However, after playing for 30 minutes to an hour and a half, the framerate gets capped around 50-53 FPS (typically after a missions end/after loading a new area), and no matter how low I make the settings at that point it won't improve. I have to close and re-launch the game for it to fix itself. Is this some kind of memory leak issue or something?


What are the cpu options I can lowere in this? running a 1080ti but my i7 is 2/3 years old so would like to lighten the load on it slightly.
I assume you're not having any issues with SLI crashing/locking up your machine? I've got 1080's in SLI as well and I can't stay in game for more than 15 minutes before my entire system locks up. Also playing on 1440p with Gsync myself

No, recently did a clean install of the latest nvidia drivers, I’m on W10 fall update and don’t overclock the gpus. 32gb ram


Anyone with weird judder even when you:

a) have vsync on and frames don't dip below refresh rate
b) have some kind of adaptive refresh rate

There is something wrong with the mouse movement in the game. Whenever you run into a spot where when looking at a certain direction will result in judder you just alt tab out and set a different usb polling rate (Logitech drivers for example) and jump back in the judder will have gone, until you run into it again.



Destiny 2 Launch CPU Benchmark: Ryzen, Kaby Lake, & 8350K


Is anybody here using geforce experience? Something has been bothering me. The "optimized" button for Destiny 2 is missing. It doesn't show up. Every other game that i can select via geforce experience has it. It's just destiny 2 that doesn't. This may be related to my performance problems.

Is this happening for anybody else?
This sux. When the game is smooth in certain areas, it’s beautiful ;_;

Not liking these 45 FPS dips from 75 FPS.

It's no longer smooth for me at any time. I think this must be a game issue because no other game I'm playing currently is experiencing the same degradation. I can't play for more than 10 minutes or one public event without things becoming a slideshow (despite the fps counter telling me there are only brief, infrequent drops to the lows 50s and very high 40s--1060 3gb and laptop I7 6700HQ)


I saw AMD have released a new driver which I didn't have installed.
Will install tonight and test again. Hope it fixes it or Bungie address it soon as up until then the experience coming from ps4 had been amazing.


Neo Member
Everything at max, 4k, plus 115% resolution... Running on 2x1080s, with the latest drivers and seems SLI is working, installed in an SSD, 5ghz 3770k, and running like a dream locked at 60fps! Buttery smooth! Can't believe how well it runs! Loving it so far.

Hope everyone else gets their issues sorted out... I am running it with the Fall Creator's update for Win10. Not sure if those having issues have tried it on the update yet.


Is the farm running the worst in the game? It feels like its running 30 fps but says it 60. Before that I was getting 100+fps

I'm on a 1080ti, i7 4790k


It's no longer smooth for me at any time. I think this must be a game issue because no other game I'm playing currently is experiencing the same degradation. I can't play for more than 10 minutes or one public event without things becoming a slideshow (despite the fps counter telling me there are only brief, infrequent drops to the lows 50s and very high 40s--1060 3gb and laptop I7 6700HQ)

Same here. Some people are saying that the drops happens after playing for a while but for me they happen as soon as i start the game and go to earth or titan.


Is the farm running the worst in the game? It feels like its running 30 fps but says it 60. Before that I was getting 100+fps

I'm on a 1080ti, i7 4790k

Restart and go straight into the farm and see if it runs as bad. The farm only runs terrible for me if I go to it after EDZ.

Same here. Some people are saying that the drops happens after playing for a while but for me they happen as soon as i start the game and go to earth or titan.

Same for me...lately im getting maybe a 30 seconds to a minute of smooth gameplay in the EDZ before it goes to shit.


Tried it out yesterday, runs super smooth on my 1060 6GB + some sort of i5 @1080p. Settings all on default except motion blur off, CA off, film grain off and textures down to high (from very high).


Hey guys, have a friend with these specs wondering how well she will be able to run the game.

Graphics Card: MSI Radeon R9 380 Gaming 4GB
Motherboard: MSI Z170A Tomahawk
RAM: Kingston HyperX Fury 16GBDDR4
SSD: Samsung 750 EVO 120gb SSD
HDD: 1x Seagate Barracuda 1TB ST, 1x original 1TB unsure of brand
Core: Intel Core i5 6500
Power: XFX Pro 550W power supply

I am a parts noob so hoping you guys smarter than me will know :)


So is there any way to cap the framerate in this game? Ingame FPS Limiter is some kind of Vsync which brings a stutter fest into my gsync setup and when i try to set up a fps limit with nvidia inspector, the fps are going up and down from the configured fps cap. RTSS is not working aswell.

idk what to do here what is this


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So is there any way to cap the framerate in this game? Ingame FPS Limiter is some kind of Vsync which brings a stutter fest into my gsync setup and when i try to set up a fps limit with nvidia inspector, the fps are going up and down from the configured fps cap. RTSS is not working aswell.

idk what to do here what is this

See "Cap the framerate (2)". It may not have been there when you last checked as I edited it in only 15ish minutes ago.


Neo Member
wow. the visual is insane. playing with 4k hdr and it look gorgeous. i usually limit fps with rtss + nvidia vsync. since rtss not working, i disable nvidia vsync and use in game vsync. it quite good with no stuttering.
Been on and off GAF for a couple days and was worried JaseC had left with all the departures, glad to see you're still here.

Anyways, have this installed and will be diving in this weekend. I expect performance to be great based off what I'm seeing here. Great thread as always JaseC.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Been on and off GAF for a couple days and was worried JaseC had left with all the departures, glad to see you're still here.

I figured I'll stick around to, if nothing else, continue maintaining my great many PC performance threads and helping out with Steam stuff where I can. Most of these threads are a solid source of information (some were ill-fated and don't have anything more than the default template) and it wouldn't feel right to abandon them just because I'm more active somewhere else.

I'll also continue to post new threads on here for as long as they're popular enough to be worthwhile (it appears quite a large chunk of PC-GAF has left for different pastures). Advertising splinter forums is discouraged, naturally, so I can't properly credit people when the source of something happens to be such a place (which is why I initially wasn't sure what to do), but username mentions are better than nothing and, more importantly, more eyes = more information = happier players.

I'll probably be beaten to the punch on AssCreed Origins since I have the Steam version and Ubi is unlocking it at 4pm UTC versus a rolling midnight unlock on Uplay, but Wolf2 should unlock first here in just over 11 hours.

Anyways, have this installed and will be diving in this weekend. I expect performance to be great based off what I'm seeing here. Great thread as always JaseC.



Neo Member
I'm also getting strange memory leak-esque performance issues. EDZ -> farm sometimes yields a 20-30 fps slideshow. While restarting the game has helped, it's worth noting that sometimes loading into any area fresh can also lead to a slideshow. This is unfortunate as the game, when running without anomalies, looks great and feels smooth as hell (1440p high+, averaging 90-100fps with dips to 70/80 rarely). I'm on a GX 1070, i7 2600k (still more than capable), 1440p 144hz gsync monitor and have the game installed on SSD.

I've also encountered multiple instrances where the game not only locks up, it also locks up other running apps and won't let me get into task manager. Let's hope these issues get addressed soon - these are clearly game breaking issues and without them the game feels excellent and I'm clearly not the only one who feels this way.
I have a feeling this game has a memory leak issue.

Stuttering in public events and other not-so-intensive times, doesn't go away without a restart. In-game FPS monitor does not reflect the lost frames.

I'm getting the same, super annoying stuttering in public areas. When in single player mode it's butter smooth.


Getting insane stutter issues after playing for about an hour. It starts stuttering at around 30 minutes of playtime and by I hit the hour mark it gets literally unplayable. Game is still running at 60fps but the pacing or something is completely off. It's REALLY bad.

Running at 1440p, max settings, AA off with 125% resolution.

7700K, 16GB RAM, GTX1080


I'm happy this stuttering issue is not just me and my system but also sucks that it gets like this for lots of people. Hopefully Bungie knows about it and can patch it ASAP.


I bought this game for PC tonight but won’t have a chance to play it until tomorrow. I liked warlock in d1, any reason I should choose another class?

Edit: sorry wrong thread


Just to rule it out, what kind of drive did the people that have stuttering install the game on? Looking back at the thread it seems a few are using SSD. Anyone having the problem on a regular HDD?


RX580 and Ryzen 1700x newest beta drivers borked the game for me, crashing and performance issues. Rolled back to 17.10.1 and havent had an issue yet and runs constant 60fps (60hz vsync)


4gb card?

I ran the beta at 1080p high on a fx6300 1050ti4gb with 12gb ram and a SSD. Could lock 30 highest settings or unlocked and high settings 40 to 60fps
Yeah, that one.

Gonna stick with the console version then. :/ I know it's something of a low-end card and the game looks great, but I thought there was a chance to get something better than the version I currently own.

Thanks. :)
Yeah, that one.

Gonna stick with the console version then. :/ I know it's something of a low-end card and the game looks great, but I thought there was a chance to get something better than the version I currently own.

Thanks. :)

Ryzen 1600 and 1050Ti will get you 60fps at a mix of medium/high settings, which is still ahead of console performance.


I only started it up last night after forgetting all about it.

Played it for about half an hour and didn’t have any issues.

(5820k at stock, 1080ti 16gb ram).


Is there a to cap frames WITHOUT vsync?
I've got gsync and want to cap at 85 fps, rtss is blocked by the game.. does any other method work?


Is there a to cap frames WITHOUT vsync?
I've got gsync and want to cap at 85 fps, rtss is blocked by the game.. does any other method work?

Cap the framerate (2): Open C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Bungie\DestinyPC\prefs\cvars.xml and change the value of framerate_cap to your desired limit. (Credit to vegtro.)


Cap the framerate (2): Open C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Bungie\DestinyPC\prefs\cvars.xml and change the value of framerate_cap to your desired limit. (Credit to vegtro.)

My game isnt installed on my main HDD where windows is though so how do I find it?

All good, found it!
Yeah DOF highest is such a hog. Upped my fps by around 30 with setting it to High, and I virtually cannot see a difference in image quality.

Quoting Nvidia's Destiny 2 article so people can get a better idea why it's so demanding.

Depth of Field

Out of focus, stylistic, depth of field blurring is applied during in-game cinematics and scripted moments, in select instances when in third person in social spaces, and when aiming down sights, as shown below.

Under the hood, Low is applying a basic, low-cost blur filter, while High and Highest are applying a cinematic-style Bokeh depth of field effect to the entire screen, greatly improving the quality of the out-of-focus blurring.

To create the Bokeh depth of field effect, the scene is sampled to make accurately-blurred detail. For example, if there is a yellow light you wish to apply Bokeh DoF to, you sample the scene to make a hexagonal yellow shape (or whichever shape the developer selects), and apply it on, over or near the original light source, whilst generally blurring out the background. Depending on the number of samples taken, the Bokeh DoF shape could be a rough approximation of the original light, or a sharp near-perfect recreation.

On Highest, Bungie boosts the sample count by 200% in both gameplay and cinematics, greatly improving the accuracy and fidelity of out of focus detail. Compared to High, that's a 100% increase in cinematics, and a 150% increase during gameplay.

Difference in quality is indeed minimal and not worth such big framerate cost, especially because when DoF is active you are supposed to look at objects in focus, and not at DoF itself.

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