Gold Member
I saw DF run it with 200x scaling.
I dont think even my TX can handle 8K lol
aren't they at 1080p with 200% so it'd be 2160p?
I saw DF run it with 200x scaling.
I dont think even my TX can handle 8K lol
anyone still having judder or frame pacing issues while using gsync?
I've tried all windowed/boderless/fullscreen options, with vsync off and on and i cannot get rid of the judder
I've noticed with GSync @ 4K I get tearing if the game goes beyond 60fps. Especially evident on Shadow of War
I've noticed with GSync @ 4K I get tearing if the game goes beyond 60fps. Especially evident on Shadow of War
I swear the beta was performing a lot better for me than this final.
I am still on an old 780 Ti though, tried lowering a bunch of stuff I don't remember having to lower in the beta and it didn't really make any difference for me. i7-4770. Latest drivers, of course.
Not really sure what I have to do to get this game to run smooth now, the beta gave me the impression I was going to have no issues. Been holding out buying anything new GPU wise as I've been fine at 1080P for pretty much everything, which has been fine with me.
Game definitely has some optimization\memory leak issues. After playing a while in the EDZ, going back to the Farm is a slideshow. Restarting game and loading back into the Farm and it's smooth again.
Also starting the Red War mission solo and the EDZ is back to playing smooth with no framepacing or hitches.
Really hope this gets addressed soon.
I think the Beta only had the least taxing areas available. Large zones seem to be a struggle for some setups.
EDZ is a stutterfest with a 5930k and a 1080ti @ 3440 x 1440
Its a game issue , ive tested everything.
Restarting DOES indeed help. I think it s a memory leak
I have a 4790k, 16gb RAM & a 1080Ti and I cranked everything up to their highest settings at 1440p and on my Dell G-Sync everything was buttery smooth. Just beautiful.
Noticed that people with these memory leak symptoms seem to be using the latest nvidia drivers. I haven't updated my drivers in months (forgot to do it for this release) and so far so good.Game runs well, but after 1-2 hours of gameplay, my game still shows as running 60 FPS but it sure as hell is not. I always have to restart the game so the frames fix themselfs.
It's as if there is a memory leak.
i7700k 4.5
GTX 1060
SSD 500gb nvme samsung
32gigs 3200mhz ram
and latest nvidia drivers.
Just a hunch, but I think the stuttering might be related to the number of other players and action going on around you.
This game's optimization has to be among the best I've seen ever. Bungie deserves nothing but praise.
Might actually be windows 10 had severe stuttering in league of legends from creators and fall's update then clean installed into anniversary and now it's small micro stutters in league which isn't that noticeable since it doesn't affect me that much with that kind of gameplay but unfortunately it cannot be said the same for destiny 2.It probably has something to do with that as multiple players plus enemy AI can be CPU heavy. But there is definitely something wrong with the game when I can do a fresh boot into the Farm (fully populated) or the Crucible without any performance issues, but I get terrible performance if I go to the EDZ first then the Farm or Crucible.
Nice to see improvements over the beta.Couple of new launch build benchmarks (more through the links):
Destiny 2 GPU Benchmark: Massive Uplift Since Beta
Destiny 2: PC graphics performance benchmark review
How's it even possible that a stock 1080 destroys a Vega 64 at 1080p (125 vs 113), and then at 1440p it's completely reversed and even the Vega 56 surpasses the 1080?
Me. I noticed that it's happening after a while though, the game is super smooth when I launch it but after a while it looks like frames gets "mirrored"
The framerate is high but a weird stuttering start to happens
Guess in a sense it's a good thing hopefully will be patched out soon.I'm on Windows 7 so it's not a pure Windows 10 problem. The Titan area also stuttered now and then for me.
It was actually the studio Vicarious Visions. They deserve the praise.
If this was up to Bungie, it would be a stutterfest and looking like Cuphead. It took them 4 weeks to address the black screen tower issue...and its still happening.
anyone still having judder or frame pacing issues while using gsync?
I've tried all windowed/boderless/fullscreen options, with vsync off and on and i cannot get rid of the judder
Game runs well, but after 1-2 hours of gameplay, my game still shows as running 60 FPS but it sure as hell is not. I always have to restart the game so the frames fix themselfs.
It's as if there is a memory leak.
i7700k 4.5
GTX 1060
SSD 500gb nvme samsung
32gigs 3200mhz ram
and latest nvidia drivers.
How's it even possible that a stock 1080 destroys a Vega 64 at 1080p (125 vs 113), and then at 1440p it's completely reversed and even the Vega 56 surpasses the 1080?
Been playing 4k60 hdr on a oled b7. Game looks absolutely sick, like D2 on steroids.
1080 sli 6900k, very few drops below 60, I dropped AA to off, foliage shadows to High, CA & film grain off.
I have experienced rubber banding during public events, here and there, no crashes. I assume this is a network bug. Otherwise, Im super happy with what they released.
1440p with Gsync is almost always above 90 fps for me, super smooth.
Hey, Rus, an offtopic question. Do you know if the r9 390 benefits of higher bandwidth? I ask this because it's my card, and it already has a fuckton of it. Kind of want to overclock the ram, but it would be pointless if there is no benefit.More benchmarks are published:
Destiny 2 im Benchmark: Die bisher beste PC-Umsetzung des Jahres
Destiny 2 PC im Technik-Test mit Benchmarks: Die ultimative Version von Destiny 2 [Benchmark-Ticker]
It's funny how some NV sponsored titles run better on AMD h/w.
DX11 game, AMD's CPU utilization issues are widely known by now, NV is a lot better at using the multicore CPUs in OpenGL and DX11 so when you're CPU limited - which you are in a low resolution like 1080p - NV wins, when you're not - depends on how the renderer is using the GPU, and this case it's a win for AMD GPUs.
It was actually the studio Vicarious Visions. They deserve the praise.
If this was up to Bungie, it would be a stutterfest and looking like Cuphead. It took them 4 weeks to address the black screen tower issue...and its still happening.
Hey, Rus, an offtopic question. Do you know if the r9 390 benefits of higher bandwidth? I ask this because it's my card, and it already has a fuckton of it. Kind of want to overclock the ram, but it would be pointless if there is no benefit.
The in-game Vsync is essentially broken for me.
Niether 60 nor 30 will stay locked yet without it on I'm seeing 120-130, nothing below 80-90.
Hate playing without vsync as variable frame rate bugs the shit out of me. Would much rather have a locked 60 smooth experience that a wavering high fps that isn't as smooth.
I've tried forcing a locked 60 through various means with no luck at all.
I have a feeling this game has a memory leak issue.
Stuttering in public events and other not-so-intensive times, doesn't go away without a restart. In-game FPS monitor does not reflect the lost frames.