Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Well, I've played the Alpha and now the Beta quite a bit and I'm not too impressed with this game. It's hard to judge certain things based on the level cap presented in the demo, but I don't feel like this game contains much depth.

- The only world you can explore is small and exploring seems mostly pointless but sometimes I am lucky enough to find level 20 enemies near starter zones, which I appreciate greatly. The only interact-able thing you will find are chests rarely and the loot is pretty mediocre. Otherwise, the game feels completely empty.

- The random missions scattered throughout Earth are akin to those pointless side-quests in Skyrim that never end. They are all basically the same over and over and constantly repeat themselves. The events that randomly happen are cool but they were pretty rare and usually there was no one to help. I don't know if there are solo-able events, but the 3 I was a part of were not, at least not for my level at the time. I'm guessing there is no world PVP which is a bummer for me, although I did manage to get someone killed by dragging an event mob near him, that was pretty hilarious.

- Skills are lacking. All the core skills are basically just passives so you really just have the 1 skill bound to R1+L1 with some passives that modify some things, just a really boring skill tree for me. Leveling doesn't really feel rewarding.

- Leveling capped to 20 just feels lazy like they want to sell you 10 more levels every year. It doesn't take much time to hit level 8 already. I enjoy leveling in MMO's and although I know they don't want to call this an MMO, it's basically one.

- The strike mission that recommends you to be level 6 was ridiculously hard, dying almost instantly constantly to anything that wasn't the weakling enemies. The tank boss ended up being me soloing it while my teammates hid behind the beginning area so they wouldn't die instantly. The mechanics of the 2 bosses are soooooo boring, they're like typical cliche mmo boss fights and they take forever to kill.

- The story missions were all right. They weren't really bad but I wouldn't say they were great either.

- Game looks pretty but not outstanding. One thing that bothers me about the UI, though, is when you press down on the touch-pad to look for the next objective or mission, the marker is a bit hard to see and blends to easily with the environment.

- I really like the Fusion gun. That thing is awesome. Would have liked more variety in the guns department because everything feels too CODish.

Can't say anything about the PVP because I honestly don't care for it. I still kinda enjoyed the game for what it was, but I'm certain now I won't be purchasing it. I can tell this game would get boring for me really quickly, it just feels very basic to me. Overall, the most fun I had was getting someone killed by an event mob.
You can only communicate with people in your actual fireteam, not randoms from matchmaking. That's a design choice, not a PSN limitation, and wouldn't be any different on the xbone.

In crucible why? That doesn't sound like a good design decision at all if it's supose to be competitive. That's a huge letdown for me and I bought a ps4 for this game. I thought this game was supose to be social sounds like it's not.
Had a blast tonight, wound up joining up with a few randoms and then we added each other. Destiny, like Borderlands, benefits a ton from playing with friends. Hit the Lv 8 cap pretty quickly, too.



Well that's a bummer. It's kind of jarring to go third person when I don't want to.

I tried playing a while ago on the 360. I kept getting an error where I was taken to a black screen, then "you have been removed from the game world" (or there about) as an error message back in orbit. Happened six times over about 20 minutes so I never got out of the tower. Is this going around?
Are they reseting the levels for release? Or will I be at 8 when it comes out?
I would assume they would reset, that's how these things usually work.

I'm enjoying it so far. Wasn't able to play any of the alpha but thankfully this is a longer time frame. Love the art direction in this game.


Man I REALLY want to explore the rest of the worlds in this. Just looking at the concept art makes me want to see what they do with the rest of the planets.
I've been trying to decide if it's that, the texture resolution, the draw distance, the internal resolution, the shadow resolution, or the lighting.

I knew the PS3 version was going to look bad. I should have just avoided it. Why did I do this to myself.

Hmm, well obviously it's going to look worse on this old hardware, but to be honest, I don't think it looks bad at all. I think Bungie did a great job porting it to PS3. I'm having a blast, and the art really shines through the IQ - which was to be expected. For this massive of a game, I commend them, personally. PS3 version is probably the least pretty version, too.
Made a night version of my Alpha comp with the PS4 Beta.

Big Blue

The PS3 version looks horrible. Maybe I've gotten used to 1080p gaming on my new build, but the textures, the aliasing makes it one of the worst looking games I've played om the PS3.


Well, I've played the Alpha and now the Beta quite a bit and I'm not too impressed with this game. It's hard to judge certain things based on the level cap presented in the demo, but I don't feel like this game contains much depth.

- The only world you can explore is small and exploring seems mostly pointless but sometimes I am lucky enough to find level 20 enemies near starter zones, which I appreciate greatly. The only interact-able thing you will find are chests rarely and the loot is pretty mediocre. Otherwise, the game feels completely empty.

- The random missions scattered throughout Earth are akin to those pointless side-quests in Skyrim that never end. They are all basically the same over and over and constantly repeat themselves. The events that randomly happen are cool but they were pretty rare and usually there was no one to help. I don't know if there are solo-able events, but the 3 I was a part of were not, at least not for my level at the time. I'm guessing there is no world PVP which is a bummer for me, although I did manage to get someone killed by dragging an event mob near him, that was pretty hilarious.

- Skills are lacking. All the core skills are basically just passives so you really just have the 1 skill bound to R1+L1 with some passives that modify some things, just a really boring skill tree for me. Leveling doesn't really feel rewarding.

- Leveling capped to 20 just feels lazy like they want to sell you 10 more levels every year. It doesn't take much time to hit level 8 already. I enjoy leveling in MMO's and although I know they don't want to call this an MMO, it's basically one.

- The strike mission that recommends you to be level 6 was ridiculously hard, dying almost instantly constantly to anything that wasn't the weakling enemies. The tank boss ended up being me soloing it while my teammates hid behind the beginning area so they wouldn't die instantly. The mechanics of the 2 bosses are soooooo boring, they're like typical cliche mmo boss fights and they take forever to kill.

- The story missions were all right. They weren't really bad but I wouldn't say they were great either.

- Game looks pretty but not outstanding. One thing that bothers me about the UI, though, is when you press down on the touch-pad to look for the next objective or mission, the marker is a bit hard to see and blends to easily with the environment.

- I really like the Fusion gun. That thing is awesome. Would have liked more variety in the guns department because everything feels too CODish.

Can't say anything about the PVP because I honestly don't care for it. I still kinda enjoyed the game for what it was, but I'm certain now I won't be purchasing it. I can tell this game would get boring for me really quickly, it just feels very basic to me. Overall, the most fun I had was getting someone killed by an event mob.

I thought the level cap was recently confirmed to be higher than 20?

Also, a lot of your complaints seem to be exclusive to the restrictive nature of the alpha/beta.

And the strike mission is exceedingly easy if you have a half decent team and the right equipment/skill.


Can somebody please answer this for me...

Do you have to reach a certain level before the crucible is available? The multiplayer is all I care about. I spent an hour or so getting up to level 5.

How do I get the crucible to show up? I though I went straight to it in the alpha.


Is there a mars one?

In the Alpha it was moon and earth...I played once on Venus today, but that's it.

Yeah there is. Lol

There's supposed to be. They made it seem as though the two from the alpha as well as the Venus and Mars maps would be here, but all there seems to be right now is the moon and venus =/ I was looking forward to having four maps in the rotation instead of it being a coin flip. Plus I don't actually care for the venus map all that much lol. Mars looks like the one I'd enjoy the most.
I put a good two hours into crucible with my hunter and I like it but I didn't hear a single person talk if this is what multyplayer games are like on ps4 I may go with the xbone version.

I have never heard a game so quiet on Xbox and I like to be competitive and chat and so far pvp has been a let down no team work at all.

It's the new age of gaming. no one really talks anymore. even the xbox is bad. i don't know why but i can't even imagine what its' like on playstation now if even xbox is bad.. must be completely silent.

literally, no one talks on Titanfall. No one.
Can somebody please answer this for me...

Do you have to reach a certain level before the crucible is available? The multiplayer is all I care about. I spent an hour or so getting up to level 5.

How do I get the crucible to show up? I though I went straight to it in the alpha.

Complete all the story missions & talk to the quartermaster.


The level 8 cap can go fuck itself. I'm only level 4 but already finding level 9/10 gear. They dangle it over my head, teasing me of a brighter future but I'm forever 8.

Think I'll cry when I finally get to equip a level 9 item in retail.
First time I fought devil walker at lv. 7 it took. 30 mins. By end if alpha I would seek it out in explore and solo it within 7 minutes.

Your gear and character progression works wonders


Playing more Crucible I'm feeling the same way I felt when I first saw the footage. CoD and Halo isn't a good mix mechanics wise and it shows. They seem to want this fast paced CoD action yet still want the gameplay to "float" like Halo did and it just all collides. Especially the reliance on iron sights and aiming, since hipfire, while good, isn't exactly always the best idea.

In Story it's ok for the mechanics to gel because the speed of which you explore and fight can be controlled by you for the most part, however in a game mode where you can't control the pace of firefights aim mechanics are at odds with itself.

Crucible is going to get flooded with people running teams and clans after launch, it's honestly going to be rough playing this alone come release unless you are working out some sort of strategy or you have "synergy" with the other randoms. I honestly blame CoD "rich get richer, fuck you I got mine" for fucking up what little team play there was in mainstream FPS because that fanbase will need to learn it when they tower over the MP at release


It's the new age of gaming. no one really talks anymore. even the xbox is bad. i don't know why but i can't even imagine what its' like on playstation now if even xbox is bad.. must be completely silent.

literally, no one talks on Titanfall. No one.

Yeah it's weird, man. I miss the days of Halo 3 and COD 4 where you could barely hear your party because the lobby wouldn't shut the hell up. Great trash talk was dished and awesome friends were made. Now basically people go into party chat with their friends and never talk in game.


The aloja has 2 different settings for the strikes. It seems that the beta also has 2, eve for missions. But, both say normal for me and are colored green. Is this a bug? I can't find any info on it.


They took out hard mode for the Strike in the beta? :(

That was like my favorite thing to do...

I think the "Level 8" option is that, or similar. They removed the previous way of showing how prepared you were, though, and I think the "Normal" is just the replacement for that. Meaning you're properly geared for it. I say this, because when I could see the Strike at a lower level, it listed it as Hard - so I'm assuming it's just saying how it is relative to your character.
So, is PS+ required just for P2P?

Will the co-op not require Plus?

Will it be the same for the Xbox?

When the XB1 version launches, someone needs to see if "XBL" is required for PvP
Well, I've played the Alpha and now the Beta quite a bit and I'm not too impressed with this game. It's hard to judge certain things based on the level cap presented in the demo, but I don't feel like this game contains much depth.

- The only world you can explore is small and exploring seems mostly pointless but sometimes I am lucky enough to find level 20 enemies near starter zones, which I appreciate greatly. The only interact-able thing you will find are chests rarely and the loot is pretty mediocre. Otherwise, the game feels completely empty.

- The random missions scattered throughout Earth are akin to those pointless side-quests in Skyrim that never end. They are all basically the same over and over and constantly repeat themselves. The events that randomly happen are cool but they were pretty rare and usually there was no one to help. I don't know if there are solo-able events, but the 3 I was a part of were not, at least not for my level at the time. I'm guessing there is no world PVP which is a bummer for me, although I did manage to get someone killed by dragging an event mob near him, that was pretty hilarious.

- Skills are lacking. All the core skills are basically just passives so you really just have the 1 skill bound to R1+L1 with some passives that modify some things, just a really boring skill tree for me. Leveling doesn't really feel rewarding.

- Leveling capped to 20 just feels lazy like they want to sell you 10 more levels every year. It doesn't take much time to hit level 8 already. I enjoy leveling in MMO's and although I know they don't want to call this an MMO, it's basically one.

- The strike mission that recommends you to be level 6 was ridiculously hard, dying almost instantly constantly to anything that wasn't the weakling enemies. The tank boss ended up being me soloing it while my teammates hid behind the beginning area so they wouldn't die instantly. The mechanics of the 2 bosses are soooooo boring, they're like typical cliche mmo boss fights and they take forever to kill.

- The story missions were all right. They weren't really bad but I wouldn't say they were great either.

- Game looks pretty but not outstanding. One thing that bothers me about the UI, though, is when you press down on the touch-pad to look for the next objective or mission, the marker is a bit hard to see and blends to easily with the environment.

- I really like the Fusion gun. That thing is awesome. Would have liked more variety in the guns department because everything feels too CODish.

Can't say anything about the PVP because I honestly don't care for it. I still kinda enjoyed the game for what it was, but I'm certain now I won't be purchasing it. I can tell this game would get boring for me really quickly, it just feels very basic to me. Overall, the most fun I had was getting someone killed by an event mob.

You do get that this is a beta right?


Yeah it's weird, man. I miss the days of Halo 3 and COD 4 where you could barely hear your party because the lobby wouldn't shut the hell up. Great trash talk was dished and awesome friends were made. Now basically people go into party chat with their friends and never talk in game.
This. I used to love being called a bitch ass nigga during the last match of Execution in Gears of War


So, is PS+ required just for P2P?

Will the co-op not require Plus?

Will it be the same for the Xbox?

When the XB1 version launches, someone needs to see if "XBL" is required for PvP

You need PS+ for Crucible and Strikes. Anything else is beyond the paywall. Same thing with XBL afaik.
Something needs to be done for some balancing of weapons in crucible imho. I played a couple of matches with fireteam and assault rife as main weapon seems to take the cake against pulse rifles and revolvers.


I think the "Level 8" option is that, or similar. They removed the previous way of showing how prepared you were, though, and I think the "Normal" is just the replacement for that. Meaning you're properly geared for it. I say this, because when I could see the Strike at a lower level, it listed it as Hard - so I'm assuming it's just saying how it is relative to your character.

I just did the Level 8 option and didn't notice any difference. Not one captain in the Sepiks Prime battle.

Why did they fuck with this? It didn't need fixing.


ummm.. sorry if this has been asked a lot of times, but when I try to download the patch (1.01), the game says "A server error ocurred (HTTP Status code:400)"

is that because of the load of the servers or is there something I can do (or must do)?
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