Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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- The strike mission that recommends you to be level 6 was ridiculously hard, dying almost instantly constantly to anything that wasn't the weakling enemies. The tank boss ended up being me soloing it while my teammates hid behind the beginning area so they wouldn't die instantly. The mechanics of the 2 bosses are soooooo boring, they're like typical cliche mmo boss fights and they take forever to kill.

This is still one of the complaints that come up over and over again. To be 100% honest I just do not get it. Think about the following scenario: Strikes can be balanced one of two ways in my opinion. They can be balanced like WoW dungeons, e.g. the lowest common denominator otherwise known as balanced around the random group (thus they are easy/boring/braindead) or they can be balanced around a group that works together. Hopefully they can find a good middle ground.

What I do not want and something that will really turn me off from the game really quickly is if they start nerfing/re-balancing strikes because they are "too hard". If you can get a group of random strangers together and just blast zerg a strike mission without any or much difficulty, then how do you think they will play with a group of friends?

I'm really hopeful that strikes remain difficult (note they really aren't currently, they just require you to know the weak points/tactics).

leng jai

Awesome game, was worried about the gunplay since I'm not a huge fan of Halo but it's solid. You can already tell this game is going to be insanely addictive. Not sure if I'm completely down with the colour grading they're gone for though.


Anyone experience downgraded audio compared to the Alpha?

just want to make sure its not me or my Home Theater playing up..
I just did the Level 8 option and didn't notice any difference. Not one captain in the Sepiks Prime battle.

Why did they fuck with this? It didn't need fixing.

weird...I did the strike tonight and there were captains during that part on normal...haven't tried level 8 (got killed by them a few times)


Apologies if this has been answered but will our beta progress carry over? This is quite a bit they've included from the campaign.


Level 8 cap, crap I totally missed that and i'm level 6. I kept playing and not liking Warlock wanting to see it the level 15 power was good. His starting drain nade is junk compared to the Titans attacks.

My modem cycled and booted me offline, guess i'll check out the Hunter class whenever I hop back online. PvP is fun (unless you don't get in the tank on the moon map) but just feels unbalanced. Still buying day one.


ummm.. sorry if this has been asked a lot of times, but when I try to download the patch (1.01), the game says "A server error ocurred (HTTP Status code:400)"

is that because of the load of the servers or is there something I can do (or must do)?

quoting for new page, sorry to bother...


Well after playing the alpha, the beta is certainly disappointing. Same level cap? What's the point? It's just the alpha with a couple new missions (that are basically taken from the alpha missions and spread out) and a new MP map...

Is it supposed to open up later? Maybe when xbox gets it?

Is the only competitive MP mode still Conquest?

just asking, because I find conquest to be pretty mediocre.

yes. with a new map venus, which is pretty meh


weird...I did the strike tonight and there were captains during that part on normal...haven't tried level 8 (got killed by them a few times)

Hmm.. yeah I didn't run into one. I hope you are right though! Challenge definitely felt lacking compared to the alpha.


I agree, assault rifles mow down players like butter, slightly overpowered.

I find myself up against people that one-shot with shotguns and fusion rifles too often to even care about primary weapons half the time x.x And I've yet to actually figure out the trick to taking people down from full with a single shot from a shotgun... Not sure if I just need to find a shotgun with higher impact or what. Even point blank I can only ever take down their shields to finish with a melee.
Hey, so it didn't seem like anyone saw my question or knew the answer before, but I'm really curious: can you move platforms and keep the same character? Even from Sony to Microsoft or vice versa?
Level 8 cap, crap I totally missed that and i'm level 6. I kept playing and not liking Warlock wanting to see it the level 15 power was good. His starting drain nade is junk compared to the Titans attacks.

My modem cycled and booted my offline, guess i'll check out the Hunter class whenever I hop back online. PvP is fun but just feels unbalanced still buying day one.

Warlock's drain grenade is ridiculously power. It's probably the best starting grenade. It rocks in PvP as it absolutely kills/blocks tight doorways and hallways. It also can be thrown on a capture point to prevent capturing.

In PvE you can literally throw it on a ground boss or high level and most of the time they will stand it on take a large chunk of damage. It also cleans up large mobs like thralls quickly and easily.
PVP in general now is uninspired and boring anyway. Bungie should concentrate on making the main game as good as possible and not even worry about PVP.

It's just a bunch of spawn. Die. Spawn again. Die again. No point or purpose. Just like all the others. Endless boring cycle with unimaginative maps. I remember back in the day of Unreal Tournament seeing those gigantic badass CTF maps with a base on each side and players just going apeshit in the center with some people rocket launching each other 200ft. Into the air and across the map to infiltrate the base. Fighting it out on the back of massive ships in warp with low gravity, trying not to fly off and get burned up by the engines. Was glorious.

Now, decade later we have these little circle maps with a little ledge for someone to snipe in and a room here and there with 8 entrances. Death is meaningless really as you spawn back in 5 seconds and you get dizzy from all the spinning around you have to do since anyone could be coming in from anywhere at anytime since death is so short. Ah. It's just not good anymore


ummm.. sorry if this has been asked a lot of times, but when I try to download the patch (1.01), the game says "A server error ocurred (HTTP Status code:400)"

is that because of the load of the servers or is there something I can do (or must do)?
I'm getting the same issue here buddy...


Game is great, and MP is a lot of fun. Not getting the backlash on the MP. I've seen posts about it being unbalanced. In what way is it unbalanced?


So, is PS+ required just for P2P?

Will the co-op not require Plus?

Will it be the same for the Xbox?

When the XB1 version launches, someone needs to see if "XBL" is required for PvP

This isn't a F2P game so I don't see why it wouldn't require Plus. I don't think SP will obviously but you never know.

And you can pretty much guarantee Live will be


Game is great, and MP is a lot of fun. Not getting the backlash on the MP. I've seen posts about it being unbalanced. In what way is it unbalanced?

That you can start with a one hit kill shotgun for a start. What a bunch of horse shit.

That shit destroyed Halo 4 and I can't believe Bungie is making this same mistake.

It's not so bad on the moon map because it's more open but on the other maps it's straight up beast time with it.
I agree, assault rifles mow down players like butter, slightly overpowered.

They get demolished at range though.

If you fight somebody with an assault rifle and you use say a sniper or something else with longer range but powerful bullets of course that weapon will win. Issue is that at mid-range and with no special bullets assault rifles seem to quickly chug away at an enemy's life. Pulse rifles/quick burst rifles are supposed to be a precision weapon that does more damage per bullet and could win if the person has good aim, the issue is that when you're being shot by a bunch of bullets from a guy who is flying in the air, aiming will be an issue and at that point the matter becomes on who can do more DPS, which assault rifle wins almost all times.

As to shotties being destroying in close quarters true, maybe toned them down a bit. The issue is that if you do that then you have to slow down how quickly shit like the titan's punch cool down, because right now if you get close to a titan close quarters chances are they'll do a falcon punch slam.
PvP is a blast, especially with a full team. I hope they get the balance to work because I can see myself spending more time here than the other areas honestly (although I'm really itching to explore Mars...)

The 1st time I went to the tower there were tons of people. Now it's only AI.

It's usually full if you go to it after completing a strike or story mission. It'll also fill up if you enter with a fireteam. Any other way and the bug may prevent other players from showing up.
PvP is a blast, especially with a full team. I hope they get the balance to work because I can see myself spending more time here than the other areas honestly (although I'm really itching to explore Mars...)

It's usually full if you go to it after completing a strike or story mission, or if you enter with a fireteam it'll fill up. Any other way and the bug may prevent other players from showing up.

Just opened fire team to open, re entered orbit, tons of people at the tower now.
If you fight somebody with an assault rifle and you use say a sniper or something else with longer range but powerful bullets of course that weapon will win. Issue is that at mid-range and with no special bullets assault rifles seem to quickly chug away at an enemy's life. Pulse rifles/quick burst rifles are supposed to be a precision weapon that does more damage per bullet and could win if the person has good aim, the issue is that when you're being shot by a bunch of bullets from a guy who is flying in the air, aiming will be an issue and at that point the matter becomes on who can do more DPS, which assault rifle wins almost all times.
This is precisely what's happening to me, just slightly annoying. I'm finding the majority of my encounters to be at mid-range so I think I'm just going assault from now on.
I looked. I'm on a 25 mbps plan for $80 that requires a TV bundling, so it ends up to be $120 if you want internet.

Well then you're being ripped off. I'm paying $80 for 50/10 with unlimited usage on Bell. Look around. Try Tekksavvy of its in your area.

Anyway, to stay on topic, it shows I'm nearing levelling up some extra abilities in my character such as a grenade splitting up. I got that as a Warlock but now I'm a hunter. Do they still level or is that only levelled when my character levels?
Just to show some no ADS combat myself, pretty viable (PS4share so mind the compression). I'm liking it so far. Sliding is cool but shooting while doing so is not as viable as Wolfie. AI is a disappointment coming from Bungie, though.

Space punks

Shotgun cleans up nice

Shotgun headshot




Got my Warlock to 8, enjoyed it, story seems average, not amazing but not terrible, good enough to hold interest. Didnt enjoy it as much as the alpha, largely because theres not really much more to it than the alpha. I'll probably level a titan and guardian to 8 and leave it there. Not a fan of the multiplayer, and not really interested in grinding for "BIS" when its going to get reset anyhow.

The only two things that stood out were how necessary aiming feels, which can be a bit boring at times and it would be nice to be able to check your bounties somewhere (possibly you can do this and I missed it). Oh and the loading, while much better than the alpha, is still too long.

Is the cap in the main game really 20? That seems ridiculously low considering how quickly you hit 8
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