Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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« generous god »
Choosing to ignore my objective in Old Russia, I was having a very good time exploring the area, fighting (and sniping) random dudes and finding lots of loot. Then I got kicked by my third networking error of the evening back to orbit.

Anyone else experiencing this? (360 version)

You are one of the few who is playing the 360 version its not out for the general public.
Choosing to ignore my objective in Old Russia, I was having a very good time exploring the area, fighting (and sniping) random dudes and finding lots of loot. Then I got kicked by my third networking error of the evening back to orbit.

Anyone else experiencing this? (360 version)

Ssh! Your friend says the 360 beta is next week. But since we're discussing hypothetical situations, no, I was never disconnected for two hours tonight


-The one PvP multiplayer map they let us play was TINY. There was no hope for anyone that wanted to play any type of strategic play. Straight run and gun, which was disappointing. The different modes better offer more. Hunter class with rifles and long range weapons was literally useless. If PvP becomes an arena shooter that will be a massive let down.
-The graphics were nothing special and actually at times sub-par

There is multiple PvP maps. Sometimes it hard to get other ones, however.

What system were you playing on? 360/Ps3 graphics are obviously going to be subpar as it is designed for PS4/Xbox One
I feel like one of the best aspects of the game is its ability to world build and tell stories through its impeccable art and environments. The universe just feels 'lived in'. It's a very similar feeling to what I felt when I first played games like Mass Effect and Bioshock. The art direction and the environments they put you in really tell a story all in themselves. Just phenomenal.

Anyone else feel this way?

I love the art style and the bright colors. Old Russia feels like it has a decent amount of range of difference between the areas. Doesn't necessarily feel "lived in" to me as of right now though. Feels like a typical landscape for an MMO area where you go to hunt/kill baddies and see others running around. In fact the design of the Old Russia and the main city feel a bit bland to me. Not necessarily bad, just not too exciting, I'm hoping other maps are more exciting.

My main complaint, outside of comments on PvP I'll be sure to send to Bungie, is that the early level armor is all so similar. At least it doesn't seem like much variety exists, I keep getting upgraded versions or I/II versions of the same looking armor. This is a shame for me as I really love wildly different armor designs in fantasy titles.


Again the damage intake is only bad when you are using weak gear with a character that has little development. By the end of alpha I was soloing the walker in 5-7 minutes. Tearing off its legs and exposing the core quickly for massive damage.

I think some are treating this like a general FPS and not the FPS RPG-lite that it is. You gain new abilities, your armor has its own unlock able abilities and stat boosts same as your weapons. You can be twice as powerful a few days later from the moment you hit 8 to when, for me, alpha ended

That's fine, except the mission is recommended for level 6 players who probably aren't grinding out their gears abilities and getting decked out, and it should be balanced accordingly. Hard mode should be for beyond that.
So the ?? invincible enemies have returned, again. What gives? Are they going to be in the main game or what?

That just means they are of a level that your damage is comically negligible. Once you get your level higher that 8 (i.e. in the main game), you ought to be able to kill them proper.


Missing custom sound controls are a major turn off. This is a game about exploring a world with other people, and how am I supposed to do that if the game volume is just as loud as the other person mic?? I couldn't hear my friend say a thing during major battles or cutscenes. The ONLY thing I could do was make the game sound come out of the speakers instead of my headset but then I can't hear anything....


Choosing to ignore my objective in Old Russia, I was having a very good time exploring the area, fighting (and sniping) random dudes and finding lots of loot. Then I got kicked by my third networking error of the evening back to orbit.

Anyone else experiencing this? (360 version)

Tough to say since none of us are playing on Xbox yet, but I've had my own fair share of networking issues (random kicks, unable to connect to Bungie serviers, etc.) and I'm on PS4.
Somebody commented that Borderlands has this beat on weapon loot and I agree. Right now it seems so simple with more damage=better. In Borderlands 2 all these factors came into play as to what weapon you'd take with you.

And it's not like it can be said that Borderlands doesn't have armor upgrades, because as of right now the armors in the game are pretty simplistic as well.


Is there anyway to download the beta while my console is in standby? I have the update file downloaded but it takes me into destiny beta and downloads in game.. I want to download while i'm out the house all day!


Is there anyway to download the beta while my console is in standby? I have the update file downloaded but it takes me into destiny beta and downloads in game.. I want to download while i'm out the house all day!
Nope, gonna have to leave your console on and let the in-app download continue.


If I know that my friends are playing a game, how can I find them and join them? Is there a place in the tower to locate them? Or do I need to be up in orbit and search for them?
why isn't there a way to knock someone off like halo? I know it's not Halo but that should have been an obvious counter move to some of these vehicles, I can literally get in the big guns and drive around destroying shit because no one is going to top it unless they actually get the heavy ammo that only arrives every 1-2 mins

BS I just destroyed a tank with a grenade and a pistol.
I can't really describe it, but the movement in this game feels off. Like my left stick/movement is so slow, and my right stick/aiming is (and needs to be) fast. But I can't adjust the left stick's sensitivity.

personally it doesn't bother me, the movement and jumping feels very Halo which is the only shooter I've ever enjoyed over-all how it feels in movement, even if a bit floaty.


Is there anyway to download the beta while my console is in standby? I have the update file downloaded but it takes me into destiny beta and downloads in game.. I want to download while i'm out the house all day!

If you're on PS4, it'll do that automatically.


From what I've read, Bungie has said the max level can be reached in a few hours, so it would make sense if it was 20. Anything past that I assume would be like Paragon levels from Diablo 3. I could see them implementing something like that.
From what I've read, Bungie has said the max level can be reached in a few hours, so it would make sense if it was 20. Anything past that I assume would be like Paragon levels from Diablo 3. I could see them implementing something like that.

I don't see that happening. Took me more than a few hours to reach level 8 and the beta has a sped up XP system.


There is multiple PvP maps. Sometimes it hard to get other ones, however.

What system were you playing on? 360/Ps3 graphics are obviously going to be subpar as it is designed for PS4/Xbox One

I'm playing PS4. Going to try for another PvP map right now. Really it's not a bad review of the game, I said it's got GOTY potential, but just wanted to point out that as it stands right now it's really just Borderlands MMO with weaker character and weapon customization but with Bungie network polish.

Graphics are ok, they aren't great. I just can't help but notice the inconsistencies and repetitive (saw it a million times before) graphics and environment. Cutscenes are nice, but nothing like the gameplay.


Missing custom sound controls are a major turn off. This is a game about exploring a world with other people, and how am I supposed to do that if the game volume is just as loud as the other person mic?? I couldn't hear my friend say a thing during major battles or cutscenes. The ONLY thing I could do was make the game sound come out of the speakers instead of my headset but then I can't hear anything....

Ugh this a million fucking times over. My friend and I gave up trying to coordinate anything.


Are the PS4 codes region locked? I'd made arrangements to get a code off someone else, but the error I got when trying to redeem was "The Prepaid Card code you entered is incorrect or is no longer valid". I tried it on the PS4 directly and got error E-82000134.


Nope the install file downloaded in like 5 minutes then took me straight in game.. I though I could set it off then do the whole 12GB in standby mode.

That's the PlayGo portion. It downloads that so you can play while it downloads the rest in the background.


Somebody commented that Borderlands has this beat on weapon loot and I agree. Right now it seems so simple with more damage=better. In Borderlands 2 all these factors came into play as to what weapon you'd take with you.

And it's not like it can be said that Borderlands doesn't have armor upgrades, because as of right now the armors in the game are pretty simplistic as well.

Not necessarily true. Depends on what sort of player you are. Aside from the differences in the different weapon classes themselves, the type of weapon in each class can differ, some preferring less damage but with a higher rate of fire (like me), others less of a rate of fire for better stability, and others maximum damage for less on the other stat attributes and so on. Plus once you start unlocking elemental additional damage, things mix up again.


Can you keep the M4 that you start with and just play with that ol' rusted thing for the remainder of the game?

I'd love it if there were more of these old relic type guns with gunpowder and whatnot, rather than lasers. An ak-47 would be slick.


BS I just destroyed a tank with a grenade and a pistol.

Yeah. You guys have to remember that while everything doesn't feel balanced when you first start playing, eventually as you get more skill everything just works. I never have trouble with vehicles anymore. Just have to play smart.



G***n S**n*bi
Me: Alright. 30 more minutes than I hit the bed.
Me 1 hour and 25 minutes later: Fuck. Ok, just 10 minutes more.
Me 45 minutes later: What the fuck? How is 1:30am already?! This is bullshit.

Fuck this game. I'm done for the night.
Well, I mean, 20 more minutes couldn't hurt, right?
Having an incredibly number of network issues today. Can't even do the level 3 story mission because my connection is so unreliable.

internet pls
Am I the only one really annoyed by the fact that the crosshairs on holo scopes are drawn when you aren't looking down the sights? That's not how they work...
Yeah. You guys have to remember that while everything doesn't feel balanced when you first start playing, eventually as you get more skill everything just works. I never have trouble with vehicles anymore. Just have to play smart.

I don't know man I shot the big tank vehicle with all 3 bullets of my gold gun and it didn't blow up it seems I need to carry the rocket launcher but the heavy ammo is so scarce. You also shouldn't be able to drive the smaller vehicles through doorways into buildings that needs fixed. The hunter grenade isn't bad verses vehicles but it's cool down is so slow. Also this game needs voice chat in crucible it's impossible to coordinate with your teammates right now.


Game is okay. I haven't been paying much attention to it, so I didn't know what the pvp was going to be like. I thought it would be more battlefield-like, but it's just more like halo (obviously). If that's the case, then I guess I'll be skipping this one. The titan class just doesn't feel right either, definitely felt like the weakest of the three classes..


Missing custom sound controls are a major turn off. This is a game about exploring a world with other people, and how am I supposed to do that if the game volume is just as loud as the other person mic?? I couldn't hear my friend say a thing during major battles or cutscenes. The ONLY thing I could do was make the game sound come out of the speakers instead of my headset but then I can't hear anything....

Did you try adjusting the os party volume setting? Never had this problem with the alpha. Still waiting for download to finish.
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