Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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This is still one of the complaints that come up over and over again. To be 100% honest I just do not get it. Think about the following scenario: Strikes can be balanced one of two ways in my opinion. They can be balanced like WoW dungeons, e.g. the lowest common denominator otherwise known as balanced around the random group (thus they are easy/boring/braindead) or they can be balanced around a group that works together. Hopefully they can find a good middle ground.

What I do not want and something that will really turn me off from the game really quickly is if they start nerfing/re-balancing strikes because they are "too hard". If you can get a group of random strangers together and just blast zerg a strike mission without any or much difficulty, then how do you think they will play with a group of friends?

I'm really hopeful that strikes remain difficult (note they really aren't currently, they just require you to know the weak points/tactics).

Don't get me wrong, I am against dumbing down in most cases. I just feel like the damage intake is a bit on the high-end and the boss mechanics are poor. It wouldn't be so bad if wasn't shot through cover so much. I once went to type in my chat and died through a blast that hit a wall on the opposite end of where I was standing from full health. The majority of that particular part of the mission was spent in a hallway I could cheese the boss from, slowly whittling down his monstrous health while my teammates stood far away out of combat.

The others who mention my complaints are because it's Beta, let's be real guys, this is going to be what the full game is like. My issues aren't going to change on release because they deal with its design in general. Of course, there will be more story and strike missions, but I don't believe for a second there is going to be more variety in the random missions or interact-ables in the empty world, or the skill tree will significantly change with actual abilities. I'm expecting 6-8 explorable planets that function more-or-less the same way as Earth.
Well then you're being ripped off. I'm paying $80 for 50/10 with unlimited usage on Bell. Look around. Try Tekksavvy of its in your area.

Anyway, to stay on topic, it shows I'm nearing levelling up some extra abilities in my character such as a grenade splitting up. I got that as a Warlock but now I'm a hunter. Do they still level or is that only levelled when my character levels?

There is only Telus and Shaw around here.
I can't really describe it, but the movement in this game feels off. Like my left stick/movement is so slow, and my right stick/aiming is (and needs to be) fast. But I can't adjust the left stick's sensitivity.


Got my Warlock to 8, enjoyed it, story seems average, not amazing but not terrible, good enough to hold interest. Didnt enjoy it as much as the alpha, largely because theres not really much more to it than the alpha. I'll probably level a titan and guardian to 8 and leave it there. Not a fan of the multiplayer, and not really interested in grinding for "BIS" when its going to get reset anyhow.

The only two things that stood out were how necessary aiming feels, which can be a bit boring at times and it would be nice to be able to check your bounties somewhere (possibly you can do this and I missed it). Oh and the loading, while much better than the alpha, is still too long.

Is the cap in the main game really 20? That seems ridiculously low considering how quickly you hit 8
It's not.
So there's one thing I still don't quite understand even after going through the alpha and now beta. How do I upgrade my Warlock's abilities? When it comes to grenades and supers, is it just getting kills using those? And what about the other abilities? Things like glide? The full game needs to explain this better. Yes, there's a green experience points circle around it but it's not like it says how you got those points.
Played a bunch of the beta on PS4 today. As much as I want to say people are blinded by their love for Bungie and this game would have no hype if it was made by anyone else, I'll just settle with saying not everyone enjoys the same games (shocker).

This beta is not doing anything for me.
Don't get me wrong, I am against dumbing down in most cases. I just feel like the damage intake is a bit on the high-end and the boss mechanics are poor. It wouldn't be so bad if wasn't shot through cover so much. I once went to type in my chat and died through a blast that hit a wall on the opposite end of where I was standing from full health. The majority of that particular part of the mission was spent in a hallway I could cheese the boss from, slowly whittling down his monstrous health while my teammates stood far away out of combat.

The others who mention my complaints are because it's Beta, let's be real guys, this is going to be what the full game is like. My issues aren't going to change on release because they deal with its design in general. Of course, there will be more story and strike missions, but I don't believe for a second there is going to be more variety in the random missions or interact-ables in the empty world, or the skill tree will significantly change with actual abilities. I'm expecting 6-8 explorable planets that function more-or-less the same way as Earth.

Again the damage intake is only bad when you are using weak gear with a character that has little development. By the end of alpha I was soloing the walker in 5-7 minutes. Tearing off its legs and exposing the core quickly for massive damage.

I think some are treating this like a general FPS and not the FPS RPG-lite that it is. You gain new abilities, your armor has its own unlock able abilities and stat boosts same as your weapons. You can be twice as powerful a few days later from the moment you hit 8 to when, for me, alpha ended


Also in PVP there are some half baked ideas that really should have been thought out a bit, mainly the vehicles

why isn't there a way to knock someone off like halo? I know it's not Halo but that should have been an obvious counter move to some of these vehicles, I can literally get in the big guns and drive around destroying shit because no one is going to top it unless they actually get the heavy ammo that only arrives every 1-2 mins and

also there is a definitely lack of balance between the full auto, semi auto, and pistols themselves where the full is heavily stacked against the 2 former
I thought the level cap was recently confirmed to be higher than 20?

Huh, I thought the opposite actually. A number of things I've come across-- from Bungie I thought-- pointed to the cap for the base game to be 20, and that the game past that is more about specialization and customizing your character with the loot you want, so the barrier of entry to that was purposely made "low"; it also encourages experimentation with different classes as it seems people will hit the cap in a relatively short time. I thought 20 sounded low too but the explanation as to why sounded reasonable to me so we'll see how it pans out in a couple months :)

Edit: And there are also an attribute called "Light" (motes of light?) that you can only start getting after you hit the cap. These are stackable buffs (from my understanding, please correct me if I'm wrong) that allow your output (damage, etc..) to go beyond 20 even if your level doesn't.


so what do we think of Peter Dinklage now that his voice has a more robotic sound to it? still cringe worthy? i think they fixed it since it wasnt bothering me.
I feel like one of the best aspects of the game is its ability to world build and tell stories through its impeccable art and environments. The universe just feels 'lived in'. It's a very similar feeling to what I felt when I first played games like Mass Effect and Bioshock. The art direction and the environments they put you in really tell a story all in themselves. Just phenomenal.

Anyone else feel this way?


Huh, I thought the opposite actually. A number of things I've come across-- from Bungie I thought-- pointed to the cap for the base game to be 20, and that the game past that is more about specialization and customizing your character with the loot you want, so the barrier of entry to that was purposely made "low"; it also encourages experimentation with different classes as it seems people will hit the cap in a relatively short time. I thought 20 sounded low too but the explanation as to why sounded reasonable to me so we'll see how it pans out in a couple months :)

I've seen pictures of characters higher than 20.


The only two things that stood out were how necessary aiming feels, which can be a bit boring at times and it would be nice to be able to check your bounties somewhere (possibly you can do this and I missed it).

Check your inventory. They are listed in the bottom right corner.
Also in PVP there are some half baked ideas that really should have been thought out a bit, mainly the vehicles

why isn't there a way to knock someone off like halo? I know it's not Halo but that should have been an obvious counter move to some of these vehicles, I can literally get in the big guns and drive around destroying shit because no one is going to top it unless they actually get the heavy ammo that only arrives every 1-2 mins and

Bungie did not implement vehicle boarding because players are more agile than they were in Halo and there are already many powerful ways to take out vehicles. Turrets, supers, grenades, heavy weapons, snipers, team shooting and other vehicles can make short work of any pilot. Throwing boarding on top of that would be overkill and make the vehicles less rewarding.
Also in PVP there are some half baked ideas that really should have been thought out a bit, mainly the vehicles

why isn't there a way to knock someone off like halo? I know it's not Halo but that should have been an obvious counter move to some of these vehicles, I can literally get in the big guns and drive around destroying shit because no one is going to top it unless they actually get the heavy ammo that only arrives every 1-2 mins and

also there is a definitely lack of balance between the full auto, semi auto, and pistols themselves where the full is heavily stacked against the 2 former

Yeah no stealing vehicles is an issue, but as of right now maps aren't terribly big and have loads of places to hide from vehicle fire, so maybe that's their excuse? Plus like I said the assault rifle could take them down. Still, it's not like Halo has that copyrighted or something, should've been added if they're going to add vehicles to maps. Or at the very least increase the frequency of heavy ammo spawning.

Agreed on the primary weapon issue.

Another issue for me is that I hope there are more game types that just King of the Hill and I assume Slayer/deathmatch. A Capture the Flag would be nice but that would require slightly bigger maps with more open spaces and maybe vehicles that can transport at least 2 people. Or no vehicles really


Anyone else keeps getting kicked off the game world? I go in to do a mission and receive an error. I can go to the tower just fine but aside from that I get an error.


have a question...

So I am lvl 3, hunter class, played a couple of missions and am back at the tower. If I know that my friends are playing a game, how can I find them and join them? Is there a place in the tower to locate them? Or do I need to be up in orbit and search for them?

Also, whats the deal with the Grimoire cards? Are they just a collectible to view on the web?


Choosing to ignore my objective in Old Russia, I was having a very good time exploring the area, fighting (and sniping) random dudes and finding lots of loot. Then I got kicked by my third networking error of the evening back to orbit.

Anyone else experiencing this? (360 version)
Where do you find loot chests? I don't think I've seen one.

There are 5 golden chests hidden in exact locations which you can find on Youtube. At the end you get an upgraded Sparrow.

There are also random silver chests located throughout the game that you find by exploring side hallways/nooks and crannies. Generally, just keep a sharp eye for something that sticks out for the landscape and always be sure to check your surroundings.
Guess i'm not going to play today :(
I'm trying to update the game on PS3 and i received this message:

A server error has occurred.
(HTTP Status Code: 400)


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
I am shocked at how awesome this is. I don't even like shooters that much, but I'm waiting to get off work to go play some more of this. It was a hard choice between Hunter and Warlock, but I went robo-Sniper for my first dude.

And man, is it sexy.


so what do we think of Peter Dinklage now that his voice has a more robotic sound to it? still cringe worthy? i think they fixed it since it wasn't bothering me.
I didn't have much of a problem with the normal Dinklage of the alpha, but the filter they're using on his voice is a marked improvement.



I made it to level 8. Beat all the story levels there are to beat (including the co-op level and about 3 hours in the free roam level). I have a green (and a few higher levels I can't equip) for every slot. The game has a serious amount of promise. If this is just a slice of what there is to offer (5% or less) this game will be epic. I'm going to assume it was just a tiny preview.


-The one PvP multiplayer map they let us play was TINY. There was no hope for anyone that wanted to play any type of strategic play. Straight run and gun, which was disappointing. The different modes better offer more. Hunter class with rifles and long range weapons was literally useless. If PvP becomes an arena shooter that will be a massive let down.
-The graphics were nothing special and actually at times sub-par
-Simple boundary problems with roaming the land (felt like I was in skyrim)
-Story was completely uninteresting
-No sound effects control, voice chat was totally drowned out
-Again the whole thing despite all the customization of weapons and gear boiled down to a simple run and gun. The gear didn't really stand out like Borderlands did, it just felt like a natural progression of any other RPG game (yay 2 more defense, woohoo). Class customization seems to be severely lacking in what they were aiming for.
-The events were fun but came unbalanced when a level 2 and a level 8 were fighting side by side

-The co-op was fantastic
-Gun play was great
-Network was fantastic getting in and out of games/co-op experiences
-The upgrade trees promise for a lot more in depth gaming
-Events were still fun and frantic
-Despite all my negatives, it was still just a joy to play

In summary: To me this game is headed straight to a single player/co-op and then done experience. The different weapons didn't matter enough and the PvP was pretty standard generic play (if not worse). It'll be a fantastic game that I'll love if they can provide the content (need at least 5x the beta) but will forget in a months time (still be GOTY contention but I'm not sticking around for 100 hours).
I feel like one of the best aspects of the game is its ability to world build and tell stories through its impeccable art and environments. The universe just feels 'lived in'. It's a very similar feeling to what I felt when I first played games like Mass Effect and Bioshock. The art direction and the environments they put you in really tell a story all in themselves. Just phenomenal.

Anyone else feel this way?

Yeah I was completely engaged with every little event going on with the story and the random event I got into tonight. Can't say enough how much impact a strong sound system has. When that giant ship entered the atmosphere during the intro the room shook. The first time you hit the Flood .. I mean Hive the sound effects of the enemies mixed with the music and everything had my heart pounding and was a bit disorienting. Made fighting them off that much better.

The art design is phenomenal. As you said everything has a sense of history to it. I love everything about this game. I didn't think I would really care for beta much since it is basically alpha with the new build tweaks but boy wasI wrong. I'm sucked in like its my first time seeing this live on my TV again. Love it


so what do we think of Peter Dinklage now that his voice has a more robotic sound to it? still cringe worthy? i think they fixed it since it wasnt bothering me.

It better now. Though honestly, the issues I have/had with the voice in the alpha steemed mostly from bad writing.
Also, whats the deal with the Grimoire cards? Are they just a collectible to view on the web?

You can view them on the web or through the companion app on a smart device. Beyond awesome art and lore from the game, Bungie has hinted that they will have an additional purpose... maybe stat increases? Unlockables?
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