The 1st time I went to the tower there were tons of people. Now it's only AI.
Aaand you are totally right on that. Nobody's in my tower anymore. Bunch of people earlier. Heh, wonder why that is.
The 1st time I went to the tower there were tons of people. Now it's only AI.
This is still one of the complaints that come up over and over again. To be 100% honest I just do not get it. Think about the following scenario: Strikes can be balanced one of two ways in my opinion. They can be balanced like WoW dungeons, e.g. the lowest common denominator otherwise known as balanced around the random group (thus they are easy/boring/braindead) or they can be balanced around a group that works together. Hopefully they can find a good middle ground.
What I do not want and something that will really turn me off from the game really quickly is if they start nerfing/re-balancing strikes because they are "too hard". If you can get a group of random strangers together and just blast zerg a strike mission without any or much difficulty, then how do you think they will play with a group of friends?
I'm really hopeful that strikes remain difficult (note they really aren't currently, they just require you to know the weak points/tactics).
The new FX for the ghost is way worse. WTG internet.
Well then you're being ripped off. I'm paying $80 for 50/10 with unlimited usage on Bell. Look around. Try Tekksavvy of its in your area.
Anyway, to stay on topic, it shows I'm nearing levelling up some extra abilities in my character such as a grenade splitting up. I got that as a Warlock but now I'm a hunter. Do they still level or is that only levelled when my character levels?
Aaand you are totally right on that. Nobody's in my tower anymore. Bunch of people earlier. Heh, wonder why that is.
The new FX for the ghost is way worse. WTG internet.
It's not.Got my Warlock to 8, enjoyed it, story seems average, not amazing but not terrible, good enough to hold interest. Didnt enjoy it as much as the alpha, largely because theres not really much more to it than the alpha. I'll probably level a titan and guardian to 8 and leave it there. Not a fan of the multiplayer, and not really interested in grinding for "BIS" when its going to get reset anyhow.
The only two things that stood out were how necessary aiming feels, which can be a bit boring at times and it would be nice to be able to check your bounties somewhere (possibly you can do this and I missed it). Oh and the loading, while much better than the alpha, is still too long.
Is the cap in the main game really 20? That seems ridiculously low considering how quickly you hit 8
Don't get me wrong, I am against dumbing down in most cases. I just feel like the damage intake is a bit on the high-end and the boss mechanics are poor. It wouldn't be so bad if wasn't shot through cover so much. I once went to type in my chat and died through a blast that hit a wall on the opposite end of where I was standing from full health. The majority of that particular part of the mission was spent in a hallway I could cheese the boss from, slowly whittling down his monstrous health while my teammates stood far away out of combat.
The others who mention my complaints are because it's Beta, let's be real guys, this is going to be what the full game is like. My issues aren't going to change on release because they deal with its design in general. Of course, there will be more story and strike missions, but I don't believe for a second there is going to be more variety in the random missions or interact-ables in the empty world, or the skill tree will significantly change with actual abilities. I'm expecting 6-8 explorable planets that function more-or-less the same way as Earth.
What is everyone's favorite/go-to Scout Rifle right now for PvP?
For heavy and special weapons, it's a penalty. This has already been discussed on live streams by DeeJ.Im still mad that when i switch weapons from my inventory, my ammo does a disappearing act.
God I hope the cap is at least 50.
I thought the level cap was recently confirmed to be higher than 20?
There's definitely more loot chests than there was in the alpha.
You can only communicate with people in your actual fireteam, not randoms from matchmaking. That's a design choice, not a PSN limitation, and wouldn't be any different on the xbone.
Huh, I thought the opposite actually. A number of things I've come across-- from Bungie I thought-- pointed to the cap for the base game to be 20, and that the game past that is more about specialization and customizing your character with the loot you want, so the barrier of entry to that was purposely made "low"; it also encourages experimentation with different classes as it seems people will hit the cap in a relatively short time. I thought 20 sounded low too but the explanation as to why sounded reasonable to me so we'll see how it pans out in a couple months![]()
The only two things that stood out were how necessary aiming feels, which can be a bit boring at times and it would be nice to be able to check your bounties somewhere (possibly you can do this and I missed it).
Also in PVP there are some half baked ideas that really should have been thought out a bit, mainly the vehicles
why isn't there a way to knock someone off like halo? I know it's not Halo but that should have been an obvious counter move to some of these vehicles, I can literally get in the big guns and drive around destroying shit because no one is going to top it unless they actually get the heavy ammo that only arrives every 1-2 mins and
From what we've seen so far it looks like 20 is a soft cap, and then there are extra levels that can be stacked.
For sure. I've noticed I get a lot less Glimmer than alpha too.
Also in PVP there are some half baked ideas that really should have been thought out a bit, mainly the vehicles
why isn't there a way to knock someone off like halo? I know it's not Halo but that should have been an obvious counter move to some of these vehicles, I can literally get in the big guns and drive around destroying shit because no one is going to top it unless they actually get the heavy ammo that only arrives every 1-2 mins and
also there is a definitely lack of balance between the full auto, semi auto, and pistols themselves where the full is heavily stacked against the 2 former
Where do you find loot chests? I don't think I've seen one.
so what do we think of Peter Dinklage now that his voice has a more robotic sound to it? still cringe worthy? i think they fixed it since it wasnt bothering me.
Hidden in caves mostly, all around the free roam areas. Look for where the Fallen spawn and if there's cliff faces around the area, if you'll find small cave entrances.Where do you find loot chests? I don't think I've seen one.
I didn't have much of a problem with the normal Dinklage of the alpha, but the filter they're using on his voice is a marked what do we think of Peter Dinklage now that his voice has a more robotic sound to it? still cringe worthy? i think they fixed it since it wasn't bothering me.
Anyone else keeps getting kicked off the game world? I go in to do a mission and receive an error. I can go to the tower just fine but aside from that I get an error.
I feel like one of the best aspects of the game is its ability to world build and tell stories through its impeccable art and environments. The universe just feels 'lived in'. It's a very similar feeling to what I felt when I first played games like Mass Effect and Bioshock. The art direction and the environments they put you in really tell a story all in themselves. Just phenomenal.
Anyone else feel this way?
so what do we think of Peter Dinklage now that his voice has a more robotic sound to it? still cringe worthy? i think they fixed it since it wasnt bothering me.
Also, whats the deal with the Grimoire cards? Are they just a collectible to view on the web?