Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Some of the PS4 version's shadows are just as low res with a blur filter & edge dither applied. Looks bad.
My only real criticism of both this and the alpha before it, is I only want to play the story missions. Since they seem to be so few in number, I don't know if this game is going to be holding my interest. The strikes are fine I guess, but the PVP is fucking horrid.


Can you keep the M4 that you start with and just play with that ol' rusted thing for the remainder of the game?

I'd love it if there were more of these old relic type guns with gunpowder and whatnot, rather than lasers. An ak-47 would be slick.

Sure you can, you will just be quite gimped as the dmg is pretty much as low as it gets :p But you get other weapons like it later on, not everything is lasers and spacemagic ^^


So I went to the tower for a second and started dancing (because that's what you do in MMOs) while I went AFK for a minute. I came back and found like 5 people sitting around me. And then I walked away and the entire crowd started following me all over the place. I got a little freaked out and logged out.
Not necessarily true. Depends on what sort of player you are. Aside from the differences in the different weapon classes themselves, the type of weapon in each class can differ, some preferring less damage but with a higher rate of fire (like me), others less of a rate of fire for better stability, and others maximum damage for less on the other stat attributes and so on. Plus once you start unlocking elemental additional damage, things mix up again.

Elemental damage I've unlocked, but only on charge up rifles which makes it useless for PvP and most encounters in PvE imho.

As to rate of fire vs precision vs all that other junk, as PvP has proven right now the king in damage is assault rifle for primary weapons. If they balance it out where other choices are viable, then maybe.
12+ hours straight. I fear whats going to happen when the full game comes out. Got my character maxed out. I frigging love this game. Did about everything there is to do in old russia. Tomorrow is crucible.
12+ hours straight. I fear whats going to happen when the full game comes out. Got my character maxed out. I frigging love this game. Did about everything there is to do in old russia. Tomorrow is crucible.
Now imagine when you have the moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter thrown in lol...
Only Old russia for earth ? Also, beside the early tutorial, I haven't seen any loot crates. is it me or ?
I'm hoping for more than Old Russia on earth

If you press the touchpad near another player in your firesquad, an option comes up to press select, but it doesn't do anything. I'm betting there will be trading.
I remember reading that Bungie doesn't want trading. The reason being that they want you to earn the loot on your own.


Are there any good sources for detailed backstory on the "universe" in Destiny?

I had thought, when the game was unveiled, was that the story was that humanity started to expand across the galaxy, encountered a very nasty enemy, was pushed back to Earth, down to the last city, and then the Traveler showed up and put itself between the city and the invading aliens, causing them to withdraw, leaving things at a stalemate. But humanity didn't know what the traveler was, what its motivations are, etc.

The story as explained by the Speaker sounds significantly different, with the Traveler having shown before humanity started to expand.


Sure you can, you will just be quite gimped as the dmg is pretty much as low as it gets :p But you get other weapons like it later on, not everything is lasers and spacemagic ^^

But you can at least somewhat upgrade the weapon, no? Or do you move through weapons every 5 minutes?

Look, all's im sayin is, I just want a solid gold AK with a green laser pointer and a smiley sticker on the ACOG sight cover along with a Hello Kitty keychain dangling off the charging handle. Is that too much to ask?
I love the story and exploration modes but I am wholly unimpressed with strikes/boss fights. MMO-style pools of health without MMO-style RPG roles don't make a lick of sense, they're big dumb slogs. At least so far.


Hand Cannon is feels so fucking good.


Package it up with a nice shotgun, and a heavy machine gun on my titan and I'm ready to rock and roll.
There are gonna be several. According to IGN's wiki anyway, here are earth locations:

"European Deadzone
The Last City
Mumbai Push
Old Russia
Old Chicago
Twilight Gap"

These are areas that they have shown concept art of when first talking about Destiny. However, seeing as we have yet to see any appearance by them, I'd be extremely leering of saying that they will be in the final build. IMO, those are post-launch expansions or Destiny 2/3 locations. I don't see them adding them into the final build.
Yeah and isn't the one with a ship flying toward a city with the sun really close?

Yup, edited in the pic

There are gonna be several. According to IGN's wiki anyway, here are earth locations:

"European Deadzone
The Last City
Mumbai Push
Old Russia
Old Chicago
Twilight Gap"

Oh my GOD YES that's freaking awesome. I knew I heard about those places before but I thought it was just unconfirmed speculation. IGN having it up means it's confirmed right? (considering they seem to be interacting with bungie a lot for the IGN Fira)


These are areas that they have shown concept art of when first talking about Destiny. However, seeing as we have yet to see any appearance by them, I'd be extremely leering of saying that they will be in the final build. IMO, those are post-launch expansions or Destiny 2/3 locations. I don't see them adding them into the final build.

Perhaps, but do you think we are just gonna get old Russia? I would be surprised if each planet/moon didn't have at least 2-3 locations.


So I noticed a few changes from the beta that I thought were needed for balancing issues, and most of the minor glitches I originally experienced are gone now too. I am liking the new additions, and I am sure the main game will deliver much better story-wise than what we have right now.

As for things I have noticed or have been pointed out to me for changes, there are a few. In Crucible, the hunter knife has a delayed effect, so you can still get killed like 2 seconds after the melee attack by the victim. Also, aiming or doing anything while in the jump modes that aren't Hunter cancels the glide, but I am not sure how much an issue that is.

Also, I think the map choice in Crucible needs to be more randomized or something, since I have almost exclusively played on Venus (not a problem I love that map, but still want more variety). Other than that I haven't come across much I disagree with.

Things I am extremely frustrated with in this Beta include the rarity of public events, the lack of cloaks to try on or use, and the tease that is the Moon being shown. Other than that I am not too frustrated about anything though, pretty solid experience overall.
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