Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Venus is dope.


Isn't it just like halo except crouching is nerfed to discourage camping?

Better, because it is less obvious where and how close you are to the enemies. I like it a lot, because even with it, you can't tell all that well. Solid radar style that Bungie chose for this game.
I wish there were NPCs around the worlds we explore. There's an emptiness to the co-op experience that isn't intentional (not to be mistaken with the intentional emptiness of the game's story)

Also, I hope there are lots of neat caves and places to explore/find that lead to something/somewhere...maybe even cross-map sidequests? For example, finding remnants/clues in one level that tie in with other areas on other planets? A mix of Dark Souls/Skyrim in that sense. There are some little caves that literally have one monster hiding in there for no real reason.

I am so addicted to the PvP.


Also, I think the map choice in Crucible needs to be more randomized or something, since I have almost exclusively played on Venus (not a problem I love that map, but still want more variety). Other than that I haven't come across much I disagree with.

Every match I've had has been on the Moon except once. Venus > Moon honestly.
These are areas that they have shown concept art of when first talking about Destiny. However, seeing as we have yet to see any appearance by them, I'd be extremely leering of saying that they will be in the final build. IMO, those are post-launch expansions or Destiny 2/3 locations. I don't see them adding them into the final build.

Yeah this is me.

I'll say though, this was by far my favorite concept art shown off at it's reveal


I honesetly thought it was too awesome to actually make it in =/. Or not that I exactly thought it wouldn't make it in because of limitations or something. I thought that would just be more abstract work to just help develop the tone they were going for, and that they weren't really planning on putting that exact same area in... But alas


This is why I have a good amount of hope for some of those other awesome concept arts to make it in the game
Isn't it just like halo except crouching is nerfed to discourage camping?

There's no way to hide or surprised opponents if that's the case.

This game needs some serious tuning.

The vehicles...holy shit do they dominate. The turrets are worse! I've never played a game where the turrets are so powerful. Frustrating stuff. Also the spawns aren't that great. Been spawn killed a few times.
There's no way to hide or surprised opponents if that's the case.

This game needs some serious tuning.

The vehicles...holy shit do they dominate. The turrets are worse! I've never played a game where the turrets are so powerful. Frustrating stuff. Also the spawns aren't that great. Been spawn killed a few times.
I only have issues with the moon map for these exact reasons, the other maps are great. I still have fun on the moon map bit its way too easy for people to own with the vehicles/turrets.


Every match I've had has been on the Moon except once. Venus > Moon honestly.

That is extremely odd. I have had one match on First Light and a ton on Venus in this beta. I love the map, because of how the points and everything are all set up, and it looks beautiful. Amazing art style and environment. Issue is that I only ever play on that one map. I like the variety of switching between the Moon and it, and Earth, and Mars.

By the way, I might be late or uninformed on it, but are Earth and Mars already in the beta? I haven't played a single Earth match this time around and I remember the Mars map being talked about on IGN. Is it coming after the maintenance?
There's no way to hide or surprised opponents if that's the case.

This game needs some serious tuning.

The vehicles...holy shit do they dominate. The turrets are worse! I've never played a game where the turrets are so powerful. Frustrating stuff. Also the spawns aren't that great. Been spawn killed a few times.

Crouching makes you invisible on radar. It is so dang useful on Venus.

Vehicles? Focus Fire. If you get two guys shooting at them, they go down quick. Turrets you can just avoid the area until someone kills them.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Oh my GOD the PS3 version is hideous.

I think I might just buy a PS4 tomorrow, then I'll have the beta on all the systems to play with people and save my eyes from the horrors in front of me.
Better, because it is less obvious where and how close you are to the enemies. I like it a lot, because even with it, you can't tell all that well. Solid radar style that Bungie chose for this game.

I hope there are some modes that dont use it. I like it, but find it can be a little too generous in its detection--some enemies seem far, yet the radar picks them up, which can make the game too magnetic in its constant killzones. Though, I think some of this is because of the Control mode. It should flow better with less focused modes.

I know Halo catered to both. Interestingly, 3v3 seems to be a focus for PvP. Which is great, as it sounds to be more competitive, like Team Tactical in COD4.

I am desperate to play CTF, which I think is called "Salvage" in this game. The modes sound very vague, but TDM and FFA seem to be accounted for. I really hope they give us another mode to tease us with.

Can someone confirm if crouching indeed doesn't hide you from radar? Is everyone always shown if you get within the radius?

I am not sure I like snipers as special weapons. There is far too much ammo, and there are enough players skilled enough to rely on it consistently enough. Same for the fusion rifle. I think special ammo needs a severe cutback, as the ammo is way too generous.


First impressions before bed: It's okay. I don't mind ADS normally, but the mechanic works in Destiny; gunplay is pretty good. The UI is brilliant. Encounter areas respawn enemies too quickly. The AI needs a lot of work; swarm or stand still isn't good. I don't quite understand the Tower yet, nor do I get the random world pickups like metalweed. Ghost fragments appear to do nothing.


Ssh! Your friend says the 360 beta is next week. But since we're discussing hypothetical situations, no, I was never disconnected for two hours tonight

D'oh, I totally forgot. Though all the worlds I was in were well populated. I'll shut up until next week.

Exploring Old Russia is good times.


I played one Crucible match and was hilariously bad. No idea which way to even face on that Venus map, I feel bad for my teammates.

Love the beta, game is great etc etc. I really enjoyed the opening story mission, but the last story mission was the most fun I think. Once again, patrol is my jam. If the game was nothing but free roaming around and the occasional public event I'd probably be content.



One more positive I have to say. The support for the game is phenomenal. Bitch slaps a game like Diablo 3 in the face and it's only launch. Stats, equipment, clans, everything on day one. They did it right.
Jesus... Did my first strike mission and that was intense. Spent an hour on that thing. Man I'm crushed

Yeah same. I felt I had good gear but lol no. Far from that. The boss was a pain. Then the real boss shows up. ohshit.gif and tons of oh crap oh crap moments. It took an hour to bring down. Got a level 9 blue coat that gives 50 discipline lol. Can't wear. level cap is 8 in the beta. Oh well.
I found this amusing bug on my Scout Rifle. When do I get my official invitation to the Outlaw club?


Real description can be seen below. (It has the same symbol as the Outlaw upgrade.)



They are just much more powerful than you at the moment.

No, they are artificially made impossible to kill by overly aggressive level scaling. Warframe does it better -- if you're underleveled, you have a chance to win, but it's very slim. Destiny just refuses to let you challenge yourself with harder enemies.
No, they are artificially made impossible to kill by overly aggressive level scaling. Warframe does it better -- if you're underleveled, you have a chance to win, but it's very slim. Destiny just refuses to let you challenge yourself with harder enemies.

I was able to kill level 9 enemies with my level 4 character. If they're ?? they are out of your kill range but if they've got an actual number you have a slim chance.
My thoughts on the Beta:

The most important thing to note is that I played the Alpha. So I've already been exposed to the game's mechanics, aesthetics, structure, etc. One of the most enjoyable parts of a game is when everything is brand new, and it's all a surprise. I was blown away by how great the Alpha was; I went from mild interest in the game to Day friggin' 1!

So I've been counting down the days to the Beta. I played it for a couple hours this evening, and it's a disappointment. Not because of the game's quality -I still love it!- but because of the lack of new content. It's great to be back in the atmospheric Old Russia, and to experience the fantastic shooting mechanics. But it's all just so similar to the Alpha. One of the missions is exactly the same, and the two others I've done are really simplistic and kind of dull. I'm saving the fourth and final mission until tomorrow. Once I'm done that I don't think I'll have much left to do in the Beta. I already explored Old Russia so much in the Alpha that I don't have much desire to enter Explore/Free Roam mode. And I was super disappointed to find out that the Strike mission is the same one as the Alpha: I already completed it twice there. Not too interested in a third serving. So I'll probably just play some matches in The Crucible. I really only need a couple days with the Beta.

The Ghost sounds MUCH better now that they've made Dinklage's voice sound more like a robot. I also like the idea of limiting re-spawning at certain points during missions - it makes things more intense.

I'm a bit disappointed with the story. Does what we have in the Beta include everything from the very beginning of the game until the end of the fourth mission? Meaning, are there no bits of story cut out? The narrative thread just feels a bit thin to me. Things move from your character being brought back from the dead, to getting a ship, to suddenly fulfilling your Destiny as a Hero too quickly for my likings. I prefer a bit more development and establishment of lore.


I was able to kill level 9 enemies with my level 4 character. If they're ?? they are out of your kill range but if they've got an actual number you have a slim chance.

Right. I'm saying ?? shouldn't be a thing. Enemies should just kill you really easily if they're so much higher level. Like in Warframe/Dark Souls


Just fought the Giant Spider and damn was it fun. What's the penalty for dying, in all my excitement I forgot to check lol.


Just fought the Giant Spider and damn was it fun. What's the penalty for dying, in all my excitement I forgot to check lol.

If your entire fireteam is dead at the same time you lose some progress (boss HP reset, for example). Otherwise I don't think there are any penalties..
Loving this so far courtesy of a fellow GAF member. One question, how do I access traditional multiplayer? Do I have to beat all the story missions available first? I've finished the first 4.

Get to level 5, go to the tower, and there will be a message that says go see this crucible guy.

Loving this so far courtesy of a fellow GAF member. One question, how do I access traditional multiplayer? Do I have to beat all the story missions available first? I've finished the first 4.

Get to level 5, go to the tower, and there will be a message that says go see this crucible guy.


So after finally getting the game to work (no thanks to Sony whose EU preorder beta did not work at all, had to use a Bungie key), here are my impressions so far (I've played only briefly):

- intro is cool (but why is one of the astronauts carrying an assault rifle to uninhabited planet?) and story seems like it has potential

- graphics are nice, but cross gen takes its toll. There are some very impressive lighting effects, AA solution works very well (I haven't noticed any jagged edges), some textures could be more detailed

- Peter Dinklage did an "okay" job, but I'd prefer if the Ghost had a female voice

- shooting feels very good, there is an odd smoothness to aiming despite the game being "only" 30 FPS

- AI seems fairly competent, frequently running to cover

- character creation screen is very clean and simple, you can create a face you really like in a few minutes

Planning to play much more today since I wasted entire night yesterday trying to get the game to work. Ended up deleting EU PSN preorder beta (which was constantly giving me CE-34632-8 error), used one of the 3 keys I got from Bungie, and beta access with a key worked like a charm.

Started with an Exo Warlock, figured out I'm tired of playing cookie cutter Humans all the time. Might try different class Awoken later on.
Wow. The grip on the left thumb stick on my dual shock 4 is disintegrating. It will tear by tomorrow guaranteed. This is stupid. I don't want to have to use that dual shock 3, it's a piece. Any warranty on this thing? Ugh.

Loving Destiny on PS3 though. So good. Xbox beta can't come soon enough.
Complete BS it is being held back right now. Just stupid business crap tactics. Feels bad man.


Right. I'm saying ?? shouldn't be a thing. Enemies should just kill you really easily if they're so much higher level. Like in Warframe/Dark Souls

Those mobs are there to limit where you can go in the beta. Instead of changing the map by adding temporary beta walls, Bungie decided to put some unlkillable mobs. Pretty sure this was in one of the videos.
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