Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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  • The base game is still not very fun.
  • Cutscenes that don't really tell me anything.
  • Story just kinda "starts" with no real draw other than "The Darkness!"
  • The first 30 minutes are absolute trash. I really don't want to repeat that every time I create a new character, in addition, I already played this game for well over 20 hours in the Alpha. Need to be able to skip this or at least have story progression transfer to characters.
  • Story missions are still extremely short.
  • Going back to orbit after story missions is tedious.

I essentially agree with the above. The quest system is worse than most MMOs. There really isn't any ingame drive to explore or do the sidemissions.

The first 30minutes-one hour are beyond fucking boring. I actually prefer the Alpha where they just dropped you in. Doing those intro segments for multiple characters is really going to be painful.

Load times really are a buzzkill.

Somebody commented that Borderlands has this beat on weapon loot and I agree. Right now it seems so simple with more damage=better. In Borderlands 2 all these factors came into play as to what weapon you'd take with you.

And it's not like it can be said that Borderlands doesn't have armor upgrades, because as of right now the armors in the game are pretty simplistic as well.

Yea the loot in this game seemingly sucks balls. Hopefully the end-game stuff is better. So many weapons are garbage.
Pretty fucking solid so far. The early guns are sometimes lacking in upgrades that make them more unique than any other gun, and the multiplayer has some balancing issues, but this is the longest that I've played a game in a single sitting in a long time (basically eight or so hours). I have complete faith that my pre-order is a safe bet.
At work now, but need my Destiny fix!

Enjoyed exploring old Russia, searching the caves to find loot, revive lost ghosts etc..

Just need to level up now and get better weapons for my Exo hunter...

And I see the 'that wizard was from the moon' line has gone now :( gutted!

I'm counting the minutes. Still little less than 3 hours to go. After that I will play Destiny the whole f***in Weekend!!


The beta is fantastic so I can't even imagine how good the full game will be. But good lord, I hope they balance the vehicles in pvp. They're obscenely overpowered at the moment. It's just ridiculous how strong they are. I also wouldn't mind a small shotgun nerf. They're a little on the overpowered side right now too.


I'm sure that this has been answered before, but, bungie gives to us 3 codes. This codes can be shared or it only works with the same user/console?
  • The base game is still not very fun.
  • Cutscenes that don't really tell me anything.
  • Story just kinda "starts" with no real draw other than "The Darkness!"
  • The first 30 minutes are absolute trash. I really don't want to repeat that every time I create a new character, in addition, I already played this game for well over 20 hours in the Alpha. Need to be able to skip this or at least have story progression transfer to characters.
  • Story missions are still extremely short.
  • Going back to orbit after story missions is tedious.
  • PVP is good on every map that isn't the Moon.
  • Voice acting is still dull and boring.
  • Music is nice most of the time.
  • Holding [BUTTON] for what feels like eternity is annoying.
The game was more interesting to me in the vidocs.

You've got a point.


well peter dinklage's voice is better :)

also i'm confused by the set screen bounds setting. is this separate from the display area settings you can already set in the main ps4 ui settings?


There really isn't a whole lot that wasn't in Alpha huh?

Just some more story missions, cutscenes, etc. I was hoping we'd get to try one of those 6 man raids (though maybe those are end-game max level only?), or even just an extra Strike.

But I guess this keeps more of the game fresh for launch :)


Reached level 8 with my Warlock, but continuing to level the skill tree as far as Bungie will allow me. I can now see that at level 15 Warlock's subclass called Sunsinger opens up and has a whole new skill tree. This didn't happen during the Alpha when I continued getting XP, so new to me.

Under subclass it has two slots open, so I imagine you can chose to continue leveling Voidwalker or switch to Sunsinger and then another subclass that I don't know. That opens up a lot of depth to how each class will play in PVE and PVP.


Gold Member
Goddamn that moon tease. Just let me explore somewhere else already :(. Sick of Old Russia. Also raise the lvl cap pls so I can get a feel for each class a bit better. Kthxbye Bungie
There really isn't a whole lot that wasn't in Alpha huh?

Just some more story missions, cutscenes, etc. I was hoping we'd get to try one of those 6 man raids (though maybe those are end-game max level only?), or even just an extra Strike.

But I guess this keeps more of the game fresh for launch :)

I'm really hoping there's more in game documentation and lore stuff when the game releases. They're asking you to pick a race and even though I did everything in the beta I still have no idea what the Awoken or Exo are.


Had some fun tonight playing on "hard" difficulty with good ol' BagelBeard and his friend. Game is fun solo, but so so much better playing with others. Which is normally the case, but even more so here, in Alpha and Beta thus far, and with more content added in, can't wait.

Game is great. Such polish. Sure there's a couple failings here and there, but nothing critical. Sound is great in the game, music is great but sometimes "interesting" I guess I could put it.

Feels good playing this again.

Oh, and Titan's are BS in PVP... lol. ;)


Reached level 8 with my Warlock, but continuing to level the skill tree as far as Bungie will allow me. I can now see that at level 15 Warlock's subclass called Sunsinger opens up and has a whole new skill tree. This didn't happen during the Alpha when I continued getting XP, so new to me.

Under subclass it has two slots open, so I imagine you can chose to continue leveling Voidwalker or switch to Sunsinger and then another subclass that I don't know. That opens up a lot of depth to how each class will play in PVE and PVP.

Yeah it's pretty deep. Wasn't aware there were subclasses until the beta


So after finally getting the game to work (no thanks to Sony whose EU preorder beta did not work at all, had to use a Bungie key), here are my impressions so far (I've played only briefly):

- intro is cool (but why is one of the astronauts carrying an assault rifle to uninhabited planet?) and story seems like it has potential

- graphics are nice, but cross gen takes its toll. There are some very impressive lighting effects, AA solution works very well (I haven't noticed any jagged edges), some textures could be more detailed

- Peter Dinklage did an "okay" job, but I'd prefer if the Ghost had a female voice

- shooting feels very good, there is an odd smoothness to aiming despite the game being "only" 30 FPS

- AI seems fairly competent, frequently running to cover

- character creation screen is very clean and simple, you can create a face you really like in a few minutes

Planning to play much more today since I wasted entire night yesterday trying to get the game to work. Ended up deleting EU PSN preorder beta (which was constantly giving me CE-34632-8 error), used one of the 3 keys I got from Bungie, and beta access with a key worked like a charm.

Started with an Exo Warlock, figured out I'm tired of playing cookie cutter Humans all the time. Might try different class Awoken later on.

I got that same error message as well with the european preload, but after adding a beta code to my own account I could play the beta without having to redownload it first :).


Yeah, I'm really underwhelmed by the story so far. I gave the alpha a pass since I know that it just threw me in, but the beta actually starts at the beginning. Seriously, that's it? Wake up and oh no, the darkness? Yeesh. I know Bungie are obviously terrible storytellers, but this is low even for them.

I think I'll still be addicted to the loot game, but damn. I was really hoping for more coherent story – one that's not silly as fuck. This really is just straight up moon wizards and space magic. Ugh.


After browsing the last few pages I'm not surprised to find a few things, people who absolutely love the beta, people who hate it and have the direct opposite opinion of those who love it (so that small minority will probably not get the attention they want)

..... But I'm also seeing people disappointed it's too much like the Alpha. . My response to that, there are people (Microsoft owners) who never experienced the seems silly to be complaining about that when you should be feeling privileged to get an early look while others starved! Keep things in perspective people.

With that said, greatest first 30 minutes to a game in quite awhile, haven't felt that since Borderlands 2.


Played for like an hour yesterday and already had alot of fun!

I'm left with a few questions tho..

Is it rewarding too scout the entire area? like for loot etc (went down a tunnel and found ?? enemy's i was like shit... nope nope nope and ran).

Also found these Ghosts lying around, whats that about?

And got my ass kicked in Devil's lair.. died like 5 times, I came to the conclusion that Titan style run and gun doesn't work out so well in there..


Yeah, I'm really underwhelmed by the story so far. I gave the alpha a pass since I know that it just threw me in, but the beta actually starts at the beginning. Seriously, that's it? Wake up and oh no, the darkness? Yeesh. I know Bungie are obviously terrible storytellers, but this is low even for them.

I think I'll still be addicted to the loot game, but damn. I was really hoping for more coherent story – one that's not silly as fuck. This really is just straight up moon wizards and space magic. Ugh.

I would not be surprised if the full release has a much more fleshed out beginning.
For those of you complaining about maxing too early, I'm still unlocking abilities on my subclass 8 hours in, even though I've been max level for a long time.


Spending lots of time with the character customization now I think I've settled with this design. I initially intended to play a Exo, but then I discovered the skin palette for Awoken. I've always liked characters with white/pale/greyish skin. Don't know why really but I just find it very beautiful. :)

You've got a point.

I essentially agree with the above. The quest system is worse than most MMOs. There really isn't any ingame drive to explore or do the sidemissions.

The first 30minutes-one hour are beyond fucking boring. I actually prefer the Alpha where they just dropped you in. Doing those intro segments for multiple characters is really going to be painful.

Load times really are a buzzkill.

Yea the loot in this game seemingly sucks balls. Hopefully the end-game stuff is better. So many weapons are garbage.
Pretty much .

As said earlier, I don't "not like" it, but it isn't very fun or entertaining. It has moments for sure. Just very "meh" to me most of the time.

I will continue to play the Beta though. There is a certain draw to this game that brings me back, I can't put my finger on it.


One thing I'm finding a little bit annoying is the look speed, but that may just be due to me not liking controllers for the FPS genre. Feels far too clunky and I want to just plug in a mouse/keyboard for better mobility.

Another thing I've found, the Tower feels somewhat useless outside of going there for identifying items and progressing story. It could have easily been a disconnected, solo instance and it wouldn't have made a difference to me, especially when you can't chat and there is no player interaction.

Oh, also that FOV is atrocious. Feels like its sub 50.
I essentially agree with the above. The quest system is worse than most MMOs. There really isn't any ingame drive to explore or do the sidemissions.

The first 30minutes-one hour are beyond fucking boring. I actually prefer the Alpha where they just dropped you in. Doing those intro segments for multiple characters is really going to be painful.

Load times really are a buzzkill.

I completely agree on all counts, sadly.

I'm disappointed with the story. Does what we have in the Beta include everything from the very beginning of the game until the end of the fourth mission? Meaning, are there no bits of story cut out? The narrative thread just feels a bit thin to me. Things move from your character being brought back from the dead, to getting a ship, to suddenly fulfilling your Destiny as a Hero too quickly for my likings. I prefer a bit more development and establishment of lore.


Somebody commented that Borderlands has this beat on weapon loot and I agree. Right now it seems so simple with more damage=better. In Borderlands 2 all these factors came into play as to what weapon you'd take with you.

And it's not like it can be said that Borderlands doesn't have armor upgrades, because as of right now the armors in the game are pretty simplistic as well.

Yea the loot in this game seemingly sucks balls. Hopefully the end-game stuff is better. So many weapons are garbage.

Higher level weapons have their own complete upgrade trees, for customization of that weapon's effects, so the weapon system will probably shine when we get access to such weapons in the full game.


I completely agree on all counts, sadly.

I'm disappointed with the story. Does what we have in the Beta include everything from the very beginning of the game until the end of the fourth mission? Meaning, are there no bits of story cut out? The narrative thread just feels a bit thin to me. Things move from your character being brought back from the dead, to getting a ship, to suddenly fulfilling your Destiny as a Hero too quickly for my likings. I prefer a bit more development and establishment of lore.

Think that's what the grimoire cards are for....

And I didn't mind the opening story, and I know it's just opinions but in no way would I describe it as beyond boring, not even close....(not aimed at you btw)....
Reached level 8 with my Warlock, but continuing to level the skill tree as far as Bungie will allow me. I can now see that at level 15 Warlock's subclass called Sunsinger opens up and has a whole new skill tree. This didn't happen during the Alpha when I continued getting XP, so new to me.

Under subclass it has two slots open, so I imagine you can chose to continue leveling Voidwalker or switch to Sunsinger and then another subclass that I don't know. That opens up a lot of depth to how each class will play in PVE and PVP.
It's really just a tease tho, seeing how you can't pass level 8. Beta disapointed me in the lack of content honestly.


Haven't really been following the game all that much even though I have been interested, but ended up getting an Beta Invite from a friend to come and play on PS4 today. Just preordered the digital version, the hype is real.
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