I hear what you're saying. For me personally, I found that the story, while it didn't wow me with quality VA, left me wanting to know more. Like who is this Rasputin warmind and what is it that he is protecting in the cosmodrome? What exactly is the Traveller? Where does it come from? We know so little. The game just basically says hey, you were dead, the ghost brought you back to life. The Traveller helped bring about a golden age and humans spread across the solar system only to have the Darkness, which we know nothing about, nearly wipe humans out. Now you have been brought back to life to help reclaim what was lost and stop the Darkness from finishing the job it sent out to do however long ago. That premise alone gives me a nerdy boner. I think it also sets the stage for a lot of really cool stories about the past lore to fit into the games narrative, like who you were in the past and why you are so important, were you a soldier during "the collapse"? Who knows? I feel they have done a good job just giving us a basic idea of whats going on without spoiling too much of the story. But to each his own I guess. I can see where you are comming from too though I'm more in the happy with what Ive seen so far camp.