Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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RUSTED LANDS: Eastern Flood Zone - Earth
Map Tour | Gameplay

FIRST LIGHT: Mare Cognitum - The Moon
Map Tour | Gameplay

SHORES OF TIME: Maat Mons - Venus
Map Tour | Gameplay

BLIND WATCH: Meridian Bay - Mars
Map Tour | Gameplay


From Destinypedia:

"The Twilight Gap is a location in the City Perimeter on Earth as well as a Crucible map.

Little more is known about the nature or characteristics of the Twilight Gap at this time, except that it contains "war-torn fortresses." In news coverage of the Reveal Press Conference, multiple sources stated that it was described as something visible from the Overwatch District. The Twilight Gap was also described as "apparently [representing] a big chunk of mankind’s history in the game."

According to Bungie, humanity first encountered the Cabal at the fortresses of the Twilight Gap."

*UNKNOWN MAP: - Phobos; Mars


Control: Kill opponents to earn 20000 points. Capture zones to earn additional points and multiply your points earned per kill.
*Rumble: Free For All (seen above), represented by the 3 classes crossing blades. Lone Wolves, this is for you.
Lockdown Most likely a King of the Hill variant with either a static or dynamic hill. Could also be a 1-sided offense-defense gametype.
Skirmish: A variant of Capture the Flag. Could be a Stockpile variant where flags are placed around the map, delivered to a capture zone, and defended or stolen until they are scored at specific intervals. (Skirmish was the name for an Objective playlist in Halo 3)
Team: This is the Slayer/Team Deatchmatch gametype for pure carnage.
Salvage: From the achievement's list, Salvage appears to be a gametype where points are also captured. This could mean several things: Salvage is a gametype where an object is held for a duration of time to earn points; a gametype where loot of sorts is collected from a player and then scored at a drop zone (Headhunter), a gametype where a Ghost is collected from a fallen player to score a point (Kill Confirmed); a gametype where players fight to pick up loot and deliver it to a drop point (like a Bounty); or an entirely new gametype.
So we are at least going to have a bit of head start downloading?

I've read that it's 40GB so it's going to take me a good 20 hours to download missing the first 3 days of the test if I can only start on the day of launch.

No it couldn't be - 40GB for the full game i think was the latest estimate for that but i would not expect the beta to be more then 10-15GB, especially with the Alpha at 7GB.
So we are at least going to have a bit of head start downloading?

I've read that it's 40GB so it's going to take me a good 20 hours to download missing the first 3 days of the test if I can only start on the day of launch.

I am not sure when we can start downloading the beta. Sincethey start rolling out PS3/4 beta codes on the 17th, I imagine that's when we can start to download the beta for those platforms. The codes the Bungie Twitter talked about are the codes to just choose your platform and region for the beta, not the actual beta itself. For some reason, people redeeming for NA had no problems, but EU had thiis bug where they couldn't redeem and choose platform/region. And the Alpha file size was ~7GB, so I imagine the Beta will be similar in size, give or take a GB or 2.


I tried to check the bungie site for the selecting of regions for the beta but I don't see any page for it. :( -> Profile -> Redeemed Codes.

The beta region selection is now at the top of the page.

So we are at least going to have a bit of head start downloading?

I've read that it's 40GB so it's going to take me a good 20 hours to download missing the first 3 days of the test if I can only start on the day of launch.
The alpha was something like 6.7GB, I'd expect the beta to be a little higher than that (~10GB.)


Was Nolan North the boss-man for the Hunter class in the Alpha?
Nope, that was Nathan Fillion - the man who SHOULD be playing Nathan Drake in any live-action film!
He was the Male Exo Hunter mentor. Gina Torres (Fillion's co-star in Firefly who played Zoe Washburn) was the Female Human Warlock mentor and Lance Reddick (Capt. Daniels from The Wire) was the Male Awoken Titan mentor.


Okay so I entered my beta code a couple days ago. We were supposed to pick our platforms today right? Where do I go to do that?
Just put in for joining DestinyGAF on Bungie! Starboard is user name.

I'm going into this game blind...and on purpose.

LE pre-ordered!

You're approved.
Welcome to DestinyGAF

Most excellent OP, Dax.

GAF, today you choose your platform, in one week you choose your (Beta) guardian. Choose wisely.

I hereby self-appoint myself the DestinyGAF master of propaganda.
Join Today!

Great stuffs right there.
Thanks for the support!
RUSTED LANDS: Eastern Flood Zone - Earth
Map Tour | Gameplay

FIRST LIGHT: Mare Cognitum - The Moon

SHORES OF TIME: Maat Mons - Venus
Map Tour | Gameplay

BLIND WATCH: Meridian Bay - Mars
Map Tour | Gameplay


From Destinypedia:

"The Twilight Gap is a location in the City Perimeter on Earth as well as a Crucible map.

Little more is known about the nature or characteristics of the Twilight Gap at this time, except that it contains "war-torn fortresses." In news coverage of the Reveal Press Conference, multiple sources stated that it was described as something visible from the Overwatch District. The Twilight Gap was also described as "apparently [representing] a big chunk of mankind’s history in the game."

According to Bungie, humanity first encountered the Cabal at the fortresses of the Twilight Gap."

*EXODUS BLUE: - Phobos; Mars (supposedly the Playstation timed-exclusive map)

"The Exodus Blue is a long-dead space vessel. Before the Collapse, it brought hope and humanity to worlds beyond Earth"

EDIT: May as well dump the gametype post up here too:

Control: Capture and defend 3 zones to win.
*Rumble: Rumble is traditionally Bungie's word for FFA (seen above), represented by the 3 classes crossing blades. Lone Wolves, this is for you.
Lockdown A circle around a sword could represent either a lock or a capture zone. Most likely a King of the Hill variant with either a static or dynamic hill. Could also be a 1-sided offense-defense gametype.
Skirmish: Sounds like a form of Capture the Flag. Skirmish was the name for an Objective playlist in Halo 3. Could be a Stockpile kind of variant where flags are placed around the map, delivered to a capture zone, and defended or stolen until they are scored at specific intervals.
Team: Instead of the swords crossing, they are unified.This is the Slayer/Team Deatchmatch gametype for pure carnage.
Salvage: From the achievement's list, Salvage appears to be a gametype where points are also captured. This could mean several things: Salvage is a gametype where an object is held for a duration of time to earn points; a gametype where loot of sorts is collected from a player and then scored at a drop zone (Headhunter), a gametype where a Ghost is collected from a fallen player to score a point (Kill Confirmed); a gametype where players fight to pick up loot and deliver it to a drop point (like a Bounty); or an entirely new gametype.

Man, who on earth are they recording? I know I'm being "that guy," but those multiplayer matches are almost hard to watch. Zero awareness or anything. =/
That sounds fantabulous!
It is. Also, if you were wondering, there’s also a group called DestinyGAF you can join on You have to make an account on first, though, then join the group. Because clans – yes, there are clans – will have a max of 150 members, the clans for GAF will have to be sorted out. is receiving a major upgrade on the July 10th, and will hopefully reveal some information about how clans will work in the Beta, and beyond.

I know you hate clans/groups and such.
But, Thanks for the support Dax!
Awesome OT btw.
BETA HYPE begins now!


If your not already on my PSN friends list...

PSN/DestinyGAF ID: SomaXD

(just include DestinyGAF in the message!)

ONE WEEK!!!!!!!
Did anyone notice that the Future War Cult's Ambassador is voiced by Shohreh Aghdashloo, the same woman who voiced Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay In Mass Effect 2/3 (Tali's 'Auntie')? I love her voice; it would be cool to hear her as MP announcer.


Did anyone notice that the Future War Cult's Ambassador is voiced by Shohreh Aghdashloo, the same woman who voiced Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay (Tali's 'Auntie')? I love her voice; it would be cool to hear her as MP announcer.
Yes I did. Being as big of a Mass Effect nerd as I am, I picked it up instantly. Also Chloe Black was in the Postmaster section of the Tower (Admiral Xen from ME, Morrigan from DA.)

Is there going to be different gravity effects depending on planet location?
Yup. We already saw this on the Moon PvP map in the alpha. Gravity does indeed play an effect in movement abilities.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Nope, that was Nathan Fillion - the man who SHOULD be playing Nathan Drake in any live-action film!
He was the Male Exo Hunter mentor. Gina Torres (Fillion's co-star in Firefly who played Zoe Washburn) was the Female Human Warlock mentor and Lance Reddick (Capt. Daniels from The Wire) was the Male Awoken Titan mentor.

Holy shit, that's a ridiculously awesome VA lineup.

I bloody j'adore everything those 3 do.


I wonder if IGN using Ryan McCaffrey to do the IGN First Destiny coverage is a sneaky way to try and placate all those whiny Xbox players over on the forums, considering how much of a massive Xbox fanboy he is.

/conspiracy theory

Holy shit, that's a ridiculously awesome VA lineup.

I bloody j'adore everything those 3 do.
Yeah the VA cast for Destiny, even just in the alpha where it's been nothing but chitchat-type dialogue, is fantastic. As was mentioned above we've also got some Mass Effect VA cast in Claudia Black and Shohreh Aghdashloo.
Bungie needed to hire Mark Meer to voice the Hive/Fallen.
Nope, that was Nathan Fillion - the man who SHOULD be playing Nathan Drake in any live-action film!
He was the Male Exo Hunter mentor.

How could I not have picked that up. Team Mal all the way.

Gina Torres (Fillion's co-star in Firefly who played Zoe Washburn) was the Female Human Warlock mentor and Lance Reddick (Capt. Daniels from The Wire) was the Male Awoken Titan mentor.

Zoe too?! Fffffuuuuuuuu

Firefly Class best class confirmed.

Serenity Destiny Now!

D i Z

I wonder if IGN using Ryan McCaffrey to do the IGN First Destiny coverage is a sneaky way to try and placate all those whiny Xbox players over on the forums, considering how much of a massive Xbox fanboy he is.

/conspiracy theory

Yeah the VA cast for Destiny, even just in the alpha where it's been nothing but chitchat-type dialogue, is fantastic. As was mentioned above we've also got some Mass Effect VA cast in Claudia Black and Shohreh Aghdashloo.
Bungie needed to hire Mark Meer to voice the Hive/Fallen.

I think if they snuck Ben Browder in there somewhere, I would have a stroke.


Nope, that was Nathan Fillion - the man who SHOULD be playing Nathan Drake in any live-action film!
He was the Male Exo Hunter mentor. Gina Torres (Fillion's co-star in Firefly who played Zoe Washburn) was the Female Human Warlock mentor and Lance Reddick (Capt. Daniels from The Wire) was the Male Awoken Titan mentor.

I knew about Nathan but my god I didn't realize that was Gina Torres! That's simply amazing. IMO they should just go the whole hog and get the entire Firefly cast in it.

#FireflyGAF assemble.


Oh yeah... totally continuing to be a Warlock...

Seriously... i just want to be Peter Quill... i mean... you can look SUPER close to how Starlord looks! i love the way he looks!

I guess since I dedicated so much time to training as a Warlock in Warcraft, erm I might as well just continue on that path. Tried my lock in alpha was very nice indeed.


could never
Oh yeah... totally continuing to be a Warlock...

Seriously... i just want to be Peter Quill... i mean... you can look SUPER close to how Starlord looks! i love the way he looks!


I like you.

Yes he does, one of the main reasons I'm now rolling a Lock 1st.
Oh yeah... totally continuing to be a Warlock...

Seriously... i just want to be Peter Quill... i mean... you can look SUPER close to how Starlord looks! i love the way he looks!

Proof that Warlock fashion is lightyears ahead of everyone else.

Step your game up, peasants.


Are there any map/diagrams out on the web? What is the scale of the exploration modes? Old Russia for example, how does that map size compare to other games?
RUSTED LANDS: Eastern Flood Zone - Earth
Map Tour | Gameplay

FIRST LIGHT: Mare Cognitum - The Moon

SHORES OF TIME: Maat Mons - Venus
Map Tour | Gameplay

BLIND WATCH: Meridian Bay - Mars
Map Tour | Gameplay


From Destinypedia:

"The Twilight Gap is a location in the City Perimeter on Earth as well as a Crucible map.

Little more is known about the nature or characteristics of the Twilight Gap at this time, except that it contains "war-torn fortresses." In news coverage of the Reveal Press Conference, multiple sources stated that it was described as something visible from the Overwatch District. The Twilight Gap was also described as "apparently [representing] a big chunk of mankind’s history in the game."

According to Bungie, humanity first encountered the Cabal at the fortresses of the Twilight Gap."

*EXODUS BLUE: - Phobos; Mars (supposedly the Playstation timed-exclusive map)

"The Exodus Blue is a long-dead space vessel. Before the Collapse, it brought hope and humanity to worlds beyond Earth"

EDIT: May as well dump the gametype post up here too:


Control: Capture and defend 3 zones to win.
*Rumble: Free For All (seen above), represented by the 3 classes crossing blades. Lone Wolves, this is for you.
Lockdown Most likely a King of the Hill variant with either a static or dynamic hill. Could also be a 1-sided offense-defense gametype.
Skirmish: A variant of Capture the Flag. Could be a Stockpile variant where flags are placed around the map, delivered to a capture zone, and defended or stolen until they are scored at specific intervals. (Skirmish was the name for an Objective playlist in Halo 3)
Team: This is the Slayer/Team Deatchmatch gametype for pure carnage.
Salvage: From the achievement's list, Salvage appears to be a gametype where points are also captured. This could mean several things: Salvage is a gametype where an object is held for a duration of time to earn points; a gametype where loot of sorts is collected from a player and then scored at a drop zone (Headhunter), a gametype where a Ghost is collected from a fallen player to score a point (Kill Confirmed); a gametype where players fight to pick up loot and deliver it to a drop point (like a Bounty); or an entirely new gametype.

Nice info, but lol, wish they could've called team deathmatch something better than "team." I can imagine the announcer saying that at the beginning of the match. Seems weird. Feel like that'll change, or at least it should.
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