Here are two Destiny Beta codes for the taking if anyone can use them...
For PS4
Here are two Destiny Beta codes for the taking if anyone can use them...
For PS4
Is there only one map for the Crucible?
This would be great. Gives Bungie the opportunity to create their own galaxy with completely new planets in Destiny 2.I'm thinking the traveler opens when the darkness overruns the last city. survivors flee into the traveler and it takes them to some new mysterious galaxy. That's how I would do it.
I saw that now the game has been released, you have to leave the clan and then re-join. I just tried it, but won't be home until later to see if it worked. I DID NOT leave the group though, just the clan.
They need to do something about quitters in PVP.
Once someone leaves the match, it's completely disadvantageous in a game where numbers holding points is the key to victory.
I lost all the games where 1 or 2 people left.
Two maps at the moment.
Love the potential.
I hope the alpha and beta had accelerated xp, cuz hitting level 8 was fast.
If the cap is 20, seems reachable in about 8-10 hours.
Haven't been paying too much attention to this thread since yesterday. We can't play the moon stuff yet, right?
Anyone know the locations of all the gold chest? I have 4 out of 5.
Anyone know the locations of all the gold chest? I have 4 out of 5.
I think the worst part is them blaming him for it. Clearly this is what they wanted him to do. What is direction and all that.
Have you hit Level 8 and are looking for something to do? Have you done any of this:
Public Events
Hang around one of the large areas long enough and a Public Event will trigger. The sky will turn dark and your Ghost will tell you about a special mission. But hurry! You only have a limited time to complete it! Here's the public events I've discovered thus far:
The Divide: Defeat the Devil Walker
Rocketyard: Eliminate the Target
Mothyards: Eliminate the Drilling Crews
Forgotten Shore: Eliminate the Target
Skywatch: Defend the Warsat
There might be multiple Public Events per sector, I'm not sure. And the Eliminate the Target one seems to be impossible solo.
P.S. For the first Public Event you get Gold Tier on each day, you'll get a reward. It's waiting for you back at the Tower.
Devil Walker
You know that Devil Walker from the Devil's Lair Strike? He's there in the same spot in the Explore mission. Go try and beat him solo! Or bring some friends and see if you can perfect a strategy.
Gold Chests
There are five Gold Chests littered around the area. They should appear in most missions. The first is the one you stumble across in the first mission. Find all 5 for a special Uncommon Sparrow that is faster and more durable than the normal one
You can take on a bounty from a merchant in the Tower. They come in two flavors: Vanguard and Crucible. They'll give you big EXP boosts so you can level up your gear and abilities much faster.
Good news everyone.
You can now view my Destiny Beta sharefactory video on your mobiles/tablets.
Thanks for the feedback and yes Gaz, your welcome.
People are complaining about his performance? I had no problems with it.
Were people expecting another Guilty Spark or something?
Cool....I'll be at work....
I'm making one tonight!
L3g10NsL3gACy Will anything in the Beta change after the two days of maintenance or the dates of the Beta after the 22nd?
Yes - especially on the 26th. You want to be there for that day. Report for Beta testing duty at 2PM Pacific. Your rewards will be handsome and permanent.
Sarcasm? It's locked.
sorry if i missed this, but is there in game chat?
Every online game should have a dance button from now on