i wish i knew what i can do with these things ...
I know you can sell your "spin metal" the one on the left at one of stores in the tower.
i wish i knew what i can do with these things ...
Hey quick question but what's the difference between Strength and Discipline in this game? What affects what between those two?
Invite me if you get room. I'll be on for a little bit. Can't sleep @_@
I know this has been touched on, but the Dinklage voice over is terrible. Distracting at times.
I think you were too excited getting on your semantic soapbox to pick up on the actual comment. If you still take it given that beta and demo are interchangable, it's still a valid question given the amount that this beta/demo are sectioning off content wise. There aren't a lot of RPGs where you can feel out the entirety of its systems within the first 8 levels. That's like making a judgement call on the amount of content in WoW only playing its starting zones.
You can mouse over those stats in your character screen (just left of your character model. It explains everything those stats do.
So stats like strength, intellect and discipline only has to do with your skill and not actual power of the character?
I'm gonna take a break, gotta question: What's the best place to get loot at level 8? I still don't have a decent heavy machine gun, scout rifle, or fully auto rifle. I'm assuming going through Devil's Lair or the Array Mission on hard.
the hype is realInvite me if you get room. I'll be on for a little bit. Can't sleep @_@
Take your sniper and shove it where the sun don't shine.the hype is real
I know you can sell your "spin metal" the one on the left at one of stores in the tower.
Take your sniper and shove it where the sun don't shine.
Will anything in the Beta change after the two days of maintenance or the dates of the Beta after the 22nd?
Yes - especially on the 26th. You want to be there for that day. Report for Beta testing duty at 2PM Pacific. Your rewards will be handsome and permanent.
My friends and I just played two PvP games. We were just talking and not really paying attention. At 12 am is apparently when all the serious teams play because we were completely butt stomped dominated by these teams that play completely like an actual team. It was ridiculous. Apparently we can't attempt to play this late unless we have 6 people and are serious.
Also 1 am Destiny Tower is hilarious. So much dancing and mass lemmings suicide. I love players in this game.
I'm at level 4 right now. I feel I should be impressed with this game more than just technically but I'm not. It's actually quite boring IMO
Speaking of PvP, I'm gonna hop on for a while. add me if you wanna play. (No mic cuz it's late here):
PSNID: OldSocksAndShoes
really sell or just trade in for vanguard/crucible points? i found only the trade in ...
at the end of the beta i put all in the vault hoping i can keep it - but on the other side, i guess it's more crap compared to things in the full game in september ...
<3 stay on my team lolTake your sniper and shove it where the sun don't shine.
And here we lament the quiet days when Destiny stood on its own legs, and not on recycled memories of Halo play. If anything is going to bring this giant to its knees, it'll be these needless call backs to things completely unrelated.
Basically this. I wanted to play with randoms casually because I as done talking to people and half of the GAF team from earlier shows up and fucks me and the randoms.
I'm at level 4 right now. I feel I should be impressed with this game more than just technically but I'm not. It's actually quite boring IMO
Great, I'm out of town then.![]()
The Iron Banner begins on Saturday, July 19th at 2pm PDT. It will remain open for two hours. Every Guardian will receive a message when the Tower doors that lead to Lord Saladin open for the first time. Every Guardian will need to be ready.
Play the Strike at level 6. If you think it's boring after that then I don't think this is for you.
I felt the game was okay but then I started playing through the missions and multiplayer with a friend and it's much better that way. If you're not talking and playing co-op it loses a lot of its lustre.
So stats like strength, intellect and discipline only has to do with your skill and not actual power of the character?
Apparently yeah.
As a Hunter, Strength affects my throwing knife (which I admit is almost useless for me) while intellect affects the cool down of my golden gun and Discipline affects the cool down of my grenades. Both much more useful than Strength apparently.
True, yet most uncommon armour pieces have high str attributes than the other 2.![]()