Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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So, since there is a "chance" of characters transferring from Beta to Full... What is your guys opinion on that?

Would you rather have everyone start from zero, or not really care?
Finally got a pair of uncommon gloves that boost Discipline! Only took 8 hours lol. Nice little bonus that it increases reload speed for my hand cannon.

Seems whatever weapon you are using at the time the armor that falls tend to boost for it. Doesn't appear to be random. Back when I used auto rifles my armor drops would give some boosts to those.
Still yet to find a damn green Auto Rifle under level 9. Did find a nice Rocket Launcher for PvE..maxed blast radius, homing and 2 shot magazine, projectile moves crazy slow though so useless in PvP.

Damn that sucks. Been using a green Auto since level 5, was lucky enough to get one with a few modifiers.
I really hate playing the moon map on pvp the vehicles make it such bull.

Take advantage of using the vehicles yourself. I didn't have fun on the moon map either at first. I thought regardless of whether I used the vehicles or not, that I just wouldn't like the way the vehicles are balanced on the map.

Then when I started actually using the vehicles, I liked it almost as much as Venus.
not saying the vehicles are or aren't op

Also, use a rocket launcher for your heavy weapon on that map.
So, since there is a "chance" of characters transferring from Beta to Full... What is your guys opinion on that?

Would you rather have everyone start from zero, or not really care?

Want my stats and progress to transfer because that first 30 minutes for all 3 characters again would absolutely suck.
Has Bungie ever said how chests work? Say I find a chest in a cave, loot it and it disappears. Someone comes along a few minutes later. Is that chests there for them or is it gone because I already looted it?
Has Bungie ever said how chests work? Say I find a chest in a cave, loot it and it disappears. Someone comes along a few minutes later. Is that chests there for them or is it gone because I already looted it?

Every one gets their own set of loot, doesn't matter if you opened the chest first or if someone else did.
I really hate playing the moon map on pvp the vehicles make it such bull.

Crossing my fingers for a no vehicle playlist for PvP.

Play with someone who's a fiend for vehicles and it becomes much less of an issue. Or play with a few people who can coordinate quick enough to use the supers and take them out. I think Warlocks can one shot them, maybe Titans as well. And the Hunter's Gold Gun can do a lot of damage from far away.

While Venus is by far the better map, the Moon map is fun too. Just, y'know, get on a good team.


Anyone know what this activate fan business is?


Doesn't seem to do anything for me.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Anyone know what this activate fan business is?


Doesn't seem to do anything for me.

I was under the impression it activated the fan on top of the building below, but I'm not 100% sure 'cos it was already active when I noticed it (with people dancing on top of it) and therefore didn't do anything.


Got an invite for some Crucible with a Gaf group. Was a lot of fun despite me sucking so bad. At least we still won 5/6 of the games. Thanks for carrying me! =)


Fantastic game. Starting to get used to how it looks on ps3 so when I get the bundle and fire it up on ps4 it'll be heavenly.

Warlock seems like the class for me so far. Love the sticky grenade now that I have a handle on it's trajectory. Enjoy the melee dash feel when force-punching someone in the air. Did pretty well in crucible, lots of fun close matches. Won some good loot from it, inc lvl 10 stuff :/

9/9 needs to hurry its ass


Play with someone who's a fiend for vehicles and it becomes much less of an issue. Or play with a few people who can coordinate quick enough to use the supers and take them out. I think Warlocks can one shot them, maybe Titans as well. And the Hunter's Gold Gun can do a lot of damage from far away.

While Venus is by far the better map, the Moon map is fun too. Just, y'know, get on a good team.

Just not a fan of them.


I can't speak for people, but, the Scout Rifle I found was an uncommon one and this shit fucking rocks. it can hang with people from almost all distances, even the hip fire gets the job done up close.


could never
Anyone know what this activate fan business is?


Doesn't seem to do anything for me.

Gotta have people on the fan on top of that building. Press and watch em fly! I have photo's of it in action. Will drop em here soon ish.

It's really fun.
Been running with the scout rifle. Probably why I suck so much.
Scout rifles are actually pretty good, but you need range in order to be effective. In Control, you're basically bound by the objective of the gametype to be fighting for and at specific points, so you can't control how far you are from targets. They'd probably be pretty good in deathmatch scenarios, but Control is a no-go.
Vehicles definitely need a nerf IMO. Either that or the Map itself. Here's why:

- Most of the Vehicles can enter the Flag area and completely destroy everyone.
- Turrets lose in a straight up fight against an Intercepter. Should not be the case IMO.
- Shotguns for some reason don't do that much damage against most of these vehicles up close. (At least for me anyway)

Those are my main complaints anyway.


So what's the difference between the human, exo and awoken? Do they influence stats or anything? Or are they just cosmetic?


Ugh with this warm weather i want to play but it draines me for the moment. To hot outside and inside. Hopefully tommorow it will cool down a bit i really like Destiny.


I know you can sell your "spin metal" the one on the left at one of stores in the tower.

Guess no one has noticed yet, but spin metal has a use. Its a material required to upgrade legendary weapons/armor. If you check the vendors that have legendary gear and check the details, you'll see that in order to unlock some of the upgrades they require either spin metal, helium filiments (spelling?), spirit bloom, and some kind of iron (don't remember exact term), along with sapphire wire/weapon parts. Blue gear as some have noticed require just weapon parts or sapphire wire for some of the upgrades. I'm assuming ascendent shards and other blue materials will likely be required for upgrading exotics.

So do not trade them in the full game. If you want to upgrade a single legendary item completely you need a total of 65 of the materials I've mentioned.


Gold Member
Ooh can't wait to see the Mars map tonight. I really like the mystery and sense of exploring new planets and places in this game. It's cool.

The Moon map blew me away, there's something about the lighting that really makes it look "real" [for lack of better term]. Incredible skybox too.

Destiny is a gorgeous game.
So, since there is a "chance" of characters transferring from Beta to Full... What is your guys opinion on that?

Would you rather have everyone start from zero, or not really care?

I'ved played the opening and the cosmodrome missions so many times that I never ever want to to do it agian. If I could just import one my dudes that would be fantastic
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