Have found quite the opposite honestly. Hunters have a very significant advantage with the double jump, throwing knife and Golden Gun. The knife almost completely kills enemies and has a really good range. The double jump is quick, agile and you can change directions in mid air. You can also jump at any time before you land on the ground.
People tremendously underestimate the Golden Gun as well. For 10 seconds (longer if you use a certain upgrade with the knife), you are super charged. You can run into a building and clear two people out and then run out of it and snipe a guy across the map. Or you can take out 3 Pikes on your own. Or you can snipe an Interceptor across the map. Or you'll use it too early and run around frantically looking for someone to shoot (lol), and in a lot of cases you do find somebody.
The Titan has the benefit of being able to use his super quickly in CQB or on an approaching vehicle (and he's practically invincible while doing it). Outside of that, it's [currently] useless at range. Nova Bomb is devastating and almost impossible to dodge if you're in its radius, but it has a slow travel time and it's easy to miss from a distance. Both of these things are over in an instant, whereas Golden Gun makes you the BAMF on the map for 10 seconds at any range.
The scavenger skill also allows you to use the grenade and knife much more frequenetly, which further enhances a Hunter's arsenal. The Hunter's only drawback IMO is its lighter armor, but that can also be upgraded.
I'd say they're all well balanced. I think the invincibility on the Titan and Warlock supers should be removed though, and you should be able to survive them if you jump high enough.
Good points, I'll try better with the hunter. Just that every game I join, there are at mostly warlocks in the other team and we hunters keep on getting destroyed, even though our team ends up winning the game.