BTW is it just my weapons or are shotguns absolutely terrible in this game? Feels like they hardly do any damage unless you are right next to the enemies and you'd rather just melee at that point.
BTW is it just my weapons or are shotguns absolutely terrible in this game? Feels like they hardly do any damage unless you are right next to the enemies and you'd rather just melee at that point.
I havent been bothered by vehicles too much myself, but the times i've gotten behind the wheel of the tank i've cause some heavy carnage to the point where i'm thinking to myself "this isnt very fair".PVP:
Unbalanced. Vehicles are too powerful
When is this pvp event they speak off? (UK time wise) cant seem to get it.
Shotgun is underpowered, it needs pointblanc even with choke modifier.
BTW is it just my weapons or are shotguns absolutely terrible in this game? Feels like they hardly do any damage unless you are right next to the enemies and you'd rather just melee at that point.
This game just doesn't do it for me.
The gun play and visuals are great.
But I just keep thinking to my self how much more fun I would have playing borderlands 2 instead
I think I've played enough to get together my impressions for the beta.
After doing the story missions and some sidequests, I couldn't shake this itching feeling that the game was borderlands lite. Less guns, less interesting enemies, same ADS and about the same movement speed. Hell, getting the Speeder for the first time felt like getting your runner for the first time in borderlands, without scooter there to make it funny.
As for the public events: Those feel like they were ripped straight out of defiance(the game). Defiance had Arc fall events on the gigantic open world map it had that anyone could see on the map and go to to participate in, just like these public events(on a much smaller map). The part that annoys me about this is the simple fact that Destiny uses this mechanic in a much less interesting manner. Arc falls had a series of complicated objectives, bosses etc. to motivate you, and the amount of people who would come in numbered anywhere from 4-40, so you got a lot of variety. In this, you've got either the big bad(for the beta that's the devil tank) that you have to take out that you can also find elsewhere in the world without the event if you wanted to, or the stereotypical "Kill a bunch of bad guys going after this point. Because, reasons."
Don't get me wrong I was visually impressed by these events when they came up, but the actual execution was lackluster.
I know it's just the beta and all, but it's completely unfleshed out. Your motivation for doing anything in this game is simply a floating robot telling you what to do. Oh, and humanity's nearly dead bla bla bla traveler is awesome, saved everyone bla bla bla. It really feels like they could have gone somewhere with the plot points they have in place, fleshed out the world and the precise history of it to make it interesting and give the player motivation, but they don't even give you a character you can vaguely sympathize with. Hell, they could have at least put a description of what each of the races are in the character creation screen so you know what the hell an exo and an awakened are.
In either case, suffice to say story in this game is really lacking.
Unbalanced. Vehicles are too powerful, powers break everything worse than armor abilities in reach. Autoaim is way to hand-holdly here, especially with the vehicles.
All this being said, I'm not cancelling my preorder and I expect to have a bit of fun with this waiting for more interesting multiplayer stuff to release.
BTW is it just my weapons or are shotguns absolutely terrible in this game? Feels like they hardly do any damage unless you are right next to the enemies and you'd rather just melee at that point.
Also... PvP.. i am getting slaughtered. Played one match and i had no idea what was going on haha. They really need to do a better job at teaming you and matching you against people around your same level and stats.
I am sure i'll get into it eventually.
But stats are normalized in PVP unless you play the Iron Banner event tonight where stats are counted.
Edit: sorry double post.
I'm confused at how the game will drop you into a mission with a handful of other players, but everyone can progress the mission solo vs as a team. Everyone the game matches me to play with just wants to run around by themselves.
You get different classes of enemies on higher difficulties.AI is a bit better on hard, just died for the first time trying to get the warp drive. Seems to more a combination of enemies taking more damage than any significant AI improvements though. They do chase/rush you more though, so that's nice.
Definite room for improvement, but it's not as bad as it was on normal.
Just ran across another cloak while in Explore
But I can't use it because it's Level 9. :/
Just ran across another cloak while in Explore
But I can't use it because it's Level 9. :/
When is this pvp event they speak off? (UK time wise) cant seem to get it.
Shotgun is underpowered, it needs pointblanc even with choke modifier.
You get different classes of enemies on higher difficulties.
Is this PVP only?Special Mars event for 2 hours from Alpha today :
Yeah....this just feels like am expanded version of the Alpha...Level 10 would have been a better cap for the Beta.
Of course I'll be away from my console for the event...
I really hope this isn't a one-time thing, kinda dumb...
More armor, I think.Does Titan actually have more health than, say, Warlock? In PVE it sounds like a bad idea to go pop that melee super if there is a huge stack of high level enemies.
Just ran across another cloak while in Explore
But I can't use it because it's Level 9. :/
Have found quite the opposite honestly. Hunters have a very significant advantage with the double jump, throwing knife and Golden Gun. The knife almost completely kills enemies and has a really good range. The double jump is quick, agile and you can change directions in mid air. You can also jump at any time before you land on the ground.
People tremendously underestimate the Golden Gun as well. For 10 seconds (longer if you use a certain upgrade with the knife), you are super charged. You can run into a building and clear two people out and then run out of it and snipe a guy across the map. Or you can take out 3 Pikes on your own. Or you can snipe an Interceptor across the map. Or you'll use it too early and run around frantically looking for someone to shoot (lol), and in a lot of cases you do find somebody.
The Titan has the benefit of being able to use his super quickly in CQB or on an approaching vehicle (and he's practically invincible while doing it). Outside of that, it's [currently] useless at range. Nova Bomb is devastating and almost impossible to dodge if you're in its radius, but it has a slow travel time and it's easy to miss from a distance. Both of these things are over in an instant, whereas Golden Gun makes you the BAMF on the map for 10 seconds at any range.
The scavenger skill also allows you to use the grenade and knife much more frequenetly, which further enhances a Hunter's arsenal. The Hunter's only drawback IMO is its lighter armor, but that can also be upgraded.
I'd say they're all well balanced. I think the invincibility on the Titan and Warlock supers should be removed though, and you should be able to survive them if you jump high enough.
What. How?! Jesus this took so long for me. The two guys I was with were freakin stupid and didn't know what cover or blind spots were. Not even sure if they knew about the weak spots too because I took down 3-4 legs on my own. Died multiple times and after awhile one guy left which sure didn't help the process.I love this game! This is me takin' down a Devil Walker by myself.
Titan is a beast up close
Completely agreed.I think I've played enough to get together my impressions for the beta.
After doing the story missions and some sidequests, I couldn't shake this itching feeling that the game was borderlands lite. Less guns, less interesting enemies, same ADS and about the same movement speed. Hell, getting the Speeder for the first time felt like getting your runner for the first time in borderlands, without scooter there to make it funny.
As for the public events: Those feel like they were ripped straight out of defiance(the game). Defiance had Arc fall events on the gigantic open world map it had that anyone could see on the map and go to to participate in, just like these public events(on a much smaller map). The part that annoys me about this is the simple fact that Destiny uses this mechanic in a much less interesting manner. Arc falls had a series of complicated objectives, bosses etc. to motivate you, and the amount of people who would come in numbered anywhere from 4-40, so you got a lot of variety. In this, you've got either the big bad(for the beta that's the devil tank) that you have to take out that you can also find elsewhere in the world without the event if you wanted to, or the stereotypical "Kill a bunch of bad guys going after this point. Because, reasons."
Don't get me wrong I was visually impressed by these events when they came up, but the actual execution was lackluster.
I know it's just the beta and all, but it's completely unfleshed out. Your motivation for doing anything in this game is simply a floating robot telling you what to do. Oh, and humanity's nearly dead bla bla bla traveler is awesome, saved everyone bla bla bla. It really feels like they could have gone somewhere with the plot points they have in place, fleshed out the world and the precise history of it to make it interesting and give the player motivation, but they don't even give you a character you can vaguely sympathize with. Hell, they could have at least put a description of what each of the races are in the character creation screen so you know what the hell an exo and an awakened are.
In either case, suffice to say story in this game is really lacking.
Unbalanced. Vehicles are too powerful, powers break everything worse than armor abilities in reach. Autoaim is way to hand-holdly here, especially with the vehicles.
All this being said, I'm not cancelling my preorder and I expect to have a bit of fun with this waiting for more interesting multiplayer stuff to release.
So many Exos in game quite surprised
BTW is it just my weapons or are shotguns absolutely terrible in this game? Feels like they hardly do any damage unless you are right next to the enemies and you'd rather just melee at that point.
True. Still, loving the Beta so far.I think I've played enough to get together my impressions for the beta.
After doing the story missions and some sidequests, I couldn't shake this itching feeling that the game was borderlands lite. Less guns, less interesting enemies, same ADS and about the same movement speed. Hell, getting the Speeder for the first time felt like getting your runner for the first time in borderlands, without scooter there to make it funny.
As for the public events: Those feel like they were ripped straight out of defiance(the game). Defiance had Arc fall events on the gigantic open world map it had that anyone could see on the map and go to to participate in, just like these public events(on a much smaller map). The part that annoys me about this is the simple fact that Destiny uses this mechanic in a much less interesting manner. Arc falls had a series of complicated objectives, bosses etc. to motivate you, and the amount of people who would come in numbered anywhere from 4-40, so you got a lot of variety. In this, you've got either the big bad(for the beta that's the devil tank) that you have to take out that you can also find elsewhere in the world without the event if you wanted to, or the stereotypical "Kill a bunch of bad guys going after this point. Because, reasons."
Don't get me wrong I was visually impressed by these events when they came up, but the actual execution was lackluster.
I know it's just the beta and all, but it's completely unfleshed out. Your motivation for doing anything in this game is simply a floating robot telling you what to do. Oh, and humanity's nearly dead bla bla bla traveler is awesome, saved everyone bla bla bla. It really feels like they could have gone somewhere with the plot points they have in place, fleshed out the world and the precise history of it to make it interesting and give the player motivation, but they don't even give you a character you can vaguely sympathize with. Hell, they could have at least put a description of what each of the races are in the character creation screen so you know what the hell an exo and an awakened are.
In either case, suffice to say story in this game is really lacking.
Unbalanced. Vehicles are too powerful, powers break everything worse than armor abilities in reach. Autoaim is way to hand-holdly here, especially with the vehicles.
All this being said, I'm not cancelling my preorder and I expect to have a bit of fun with this waiting for more interesting multiplayer stuff to release.