Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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This is definitely going to be my game of the year. It's so fun zipping around from quest to quest on my trusty Sparrow and mowing down countless Fallen and Hive. I only wish that more actual people would interact with me.

Oh, and looking down and seeing your goddamn legs is nice.


BTW is it just my weapons or are shotguns absolutely terrible in this game? Feels like they hardly do any damage unless you are right next to the enemies and you'd rather just melee at that point.

When playing Devil's Lair on Legendary, special power shotguns are very useful, and more effective than melee because they pack more of a punch and have more spread. Just wait until you get the super high attack one's with elemental damage too. Think I had one that had additional fire damage or something like that, and it was quite effective in sticky situations when I was surrounded by high level knights etc (the one's wielding multiple blades that swarm you).

But yea, they definitely suck at anything but immediate close range (depending on the stats).


Okay, so I've put around 12 hours into the Beta today which is probably about the same amount of time I got to spend with the Alpha.

There's no easy way to say this, and it may very well be premature, but I'm leaving #TeamWarlock because I'm in love with the throwing knife. Holy shit it's satisfying. Though both classes are still a ton of fun, the Hunter is definitely my number one with a Golden Gun bullet.

I did also play the Titan for a bit, but it just wasn't for me.

Got my first rare weapon too :D Requires level 10 though :(

One thing I don't like is those random missions popping out on the middle of the map. Tells you something meaningless and then tells you to kill this guy, collect X things and things like that.

It gets boring after a while imo.
Okay, so I've put around 12 hours into the Beta today which is probably about the same amount of time I got to spend with the Alpha.

There's no easy way to say this, and it may very well be premature, but I'm leaving #TeamWarlock because I'm in love with the throwing knife. Holy shit it's satisfying. Though both classes are still a ton of fun, the Hunter is definitely my number one with a Golden Gun bullet.



One thing I noticed is that the game does NOT seem to reward you for exploring. Nothing worse than a "Go back" with a timer if you try to hunt for chests. Kinda reminds me of Borderlands. Also the recycled maps are kinda annoying, but I know it's a beta so I won't judge before playing the full game. So far it's been fun, had one collision bug earlier where I got stuck in the environment after crouching, had to reload. Maybe a unstuck feature would be interesting.


One thing I noticed is that the game does NOT seem to reward you for exploring. Nothing worse than a "Go back" with a timer if you try to hunt for chests. Kinda reminds me of Borderlands. Also the recycled maps are kinda annoying, but I know it's a beta so I won't judge before playing the full game. So far it's been fun, had one collision bug earlier where I got stuck in the environment after crouching, had to reload. Maybe a unstuck feature would be interesting.

That's not exploration, that's you going out of bounds. I'd imagine a bigger complaint would be the invincible enemies that stop you from freely going wherever you want,but it is a beta and not free access to the game. :p There are some semi-hidden caves and whatnot with loot but since it's all randomized and scaled to your level it's not all that great.


What's the absolute best way to get the best level 8 gear? Playing Strike on Normal or Hard? I get gear on both but the latter I think has a higher chance of getting Rare stuff than Normal. I just want to improve my character as best as possible haha.


Can someone explain to me how do you unlock upgrades? I understand the first 8 you unlock with level progression, but what about the others? There aren't any challenges or requirements to unlock them (highlighted at least) and I can't seem to figure it out. Thanks
Anyone else having problems with the controls for MP? I keep being forced to look down at my feet in the middle of a fire fight. Highly annoying. Never had this issue during the Alpha.


Don't like that golden gun super doesn't make you invincible like others. Initial charge in heat of battle gives you high chance of being picked off
It's a shame once you've chosen your armour colour when you create your character that you pretty much lose that once you find new stuff, or is there a way of painting new armour? Not found any cloacks yet, they will be cool!

Really love this, the co-op will keep this massively popular for me, I just want to see more now! I really hope Old Russia isn't the only location on Earth. There seems to be ALOT of content in this game that will take a while to figure out, such as collecting Light and so on.

Has a Trophy list been released yet? Interested to see what features on it. Hopefully no PvP trophies as I am not into that really (in any game).


anyone notice the incredible halo similarities in the game? Before I go into it, I love this game.....

Hive and Fallen = flood and the covenant
giant ships flying over and shooting purple lasers
enemy types (giant guy surrounded by grunt types)
shotgun look, feel and aim
the way the vehicles move, look

there are so many of them that I'm surprised the comparisons are not more in the previews.


It's truly is awesome.

Eventually the throwing knife can go on fire.

Well I'm convinced. Going back to the Warlock after playing a ton of Hunter just makes the Warlock feel... mushy. Probably a combination of the glide and static DoT grenade. Hunter is nice and snappy.


anyone notice the incredible halo similarities in the game? Before I go into it, I love this game.....

Hive and Fallen = flood and the covenant
giant ships flying over and shooting purple lasers
enemy types (giant guy surrounded by grunt types)
shotgun look, feel and aim
the way the vehicles move, look

there are so many of them that I'm surprised the comparisons are not more in the previews.

Yes it is very Halo. A little uninspired but the gameplay is so solid I'll take it


anyone notice the incredible halo similarities in the game? Before I go into it, I love this game.....

Hive and Fallen = flood and the covenant
giant ships flying over and shooting purple lasers
enemy types (giant guy surrounded by grunt types)
shotgun look, feel and aim
the way the vehicles move, look

there are so many of them that I'm surprised the comparisons are not more in the previews.

Definitely. It has a massive number of similarities to Halo.

Fallen - Covenenant
Hive - Flood
Cabal and Ogres - Brutes
Sparrow - Ghost
The enemy AI behaviour
The weapon property similarities
The aiming, movement speed and acceleration, fov etc
And then the stuff you mentioned too.


This is definitely going to be my game of the year. It's so fun zipping around from quest to quest on my trusty Sparrow and mowing down countless Fallen and Hive. I only wish that more actual people would interact with me.

Oh, and looking down and seeing your goddamn legs is nice.

Completely agree. I love exploring solo, although I do wish the public events were a little more frequent. The story missions would be much more fun with others though!

Add me!
PSN. keakster


Does the BETA no longer tell you exactly what the rate of fire is for Assault Rifles? Used to tell you the actual rate of fire as a number before in the Alpha no?

It was shown the same in Alpha as that image displays. The only numbers it gives you are Attack and Magazine.
anyone notice the incredible halo similarities in the game? Before I go into it, I love this game.....

Hive and Fallen = flood and the covenant
I can see this, but for me the Hive are a lot more fun to fight than the Flood. That is, they do something other than charge you.
Yes it is very Halo. A little uninspired but the gameplay is so solid I'll take it
How's it uninspired when Bungie made Halo?


I've played for a few hours now and I'm not sure I see what everyone likes so far. It's just a Borderlands clone with very predictable and repetitive missions from what I've played. All I've done is go to an area, get generic missions and just kill dudes until my percentage meter says 100% and essentially repeat that with the next mission. The game looks fine though and I like the controls, but this isn't what the game is gonna be like for all of it right? It feels very mechanical in its progression: "here go to this new area that's 1 level tougher (so are you btw) and find 10 more missions that are exactly the same as the last area" This is what the game boils down to for me right now.

But again, this is based on a few (boring) hours, does it get different at all or is it basically this? Because if it is I'm just gonna skip it.


Something weird happened. Yesterday I was playing Destiny, everything was fine and today I turned on my PS4 to play some more and the game is gone its not there. I have to download it again :(
I've played for a few hours now and I'm not sure I see what everyone likes so far. It's just a Borderlands clone with very predictable and repetitive missions from what I've played. All I've done is go to an area, get generic missions and just kill dudes until my percentage meter says 100% and essentially repeat that with the next mission. The game looks fine though and I like the controls, but this isn't what the game is gonna be like for all of it right? It feels very mechanical in its progression: "here go to this new area that's 1 level tougher (so are you btw) and find 10 more missions that are exactly the same as the last area" This is what the game boils down to for me right now.

But again, this is based on a few (boring) hours, does it get different at all or is it basically this? Because if it is I'm just gonna skip it.

From what it sounds like all you're doing is going into Explore and doing the fetch quests? They're definitely *not* the draw of this game. That being said I love to hop into Explore and mindlessly kill stuff and grind while I listen to a podcast or something.


I've played for a few hours now and I'm not sure I see what everyone likes so far. It's just a Borderlands clone with very predictable and repetitive missions from what I've played. All I've done is go to an area, get generic missions and just kill dudes until my percentage meter says 100% and essentially repeat that with the next mission. The game looks fine though and I like the controls, but this isn't what the game is gonna be like for all of it right? It feels very mechanical in its progression: "here go to this new area that's 1 level tougher (so are you btw) and find 10 more missions that are exactly the same as the last area" This is what the game boils down to for me right now.

But again, this is based on a few (boring) hours, does it get different at all or is it basically this? Because if it is I'm just gonna skip it.

I played the first couple hours of Borderlands and felt how you do about Destiny. I've never gone back to Borderlands since. Play what's included in the Beta, if you don't like it, skip it. I skipped out on the rest of Borderlands and never wanted to play Borderlands 2 and I'm doing just fine on the gaming side of things.


Definitely. It has a massive number of similarities to Halo.

Fallen - Covenenant
Hive - Flood
Cabal and Ogres - Brutes
Sparrow - Ghost
The enemy AI behaviour
The weapon property similarities
The aiming, movement speed and acceleration, fov etc
And then the stuff you mentioned too.

Forgot to say Ghost = cortana. Basically a male AI version.
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