Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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How high are your guys' Grimoire scores? It seems you can just stack it forever if you grind enough, the kill quests always add 5-10 points.

Not too high.


Also, have you noticed that the colors and textures of the app compared to in game don't match? This coat looks brown with oranges in game, and here it looks dull.


Of course I'll be away from my console for the event...

I really hope this isn't a one-time thing, kinda dumb...

It sounds like they're going to do something similar or even the same thing next Saturday, but who knows.

It'd be cool if we could keep playing the two new maps in the beta after the event :(. I don't even count Moon as a map, it's just not that fun. Not even because of the vehicles, but because of the map design. The open outer circle with the clusterfuck inner circle of buildings and capture points is just bad, and that's what leads to the vehicles being seemingly overpowered; spawning in the outer circle where snipers and vehicles can pick you off while you sprint for the center. Then in the center it gets too crazy because everything is too narrow and everywhere feels like a choke point.
What. How?! Jesus this took so long for me. The two guys I was with were freakin stupid and didn't know what cover or blind spots were. Not even sure if they knew about the weak spots too because I took down 3-4 legs on my own. Died multiple times and after awhile one guy left which sure didn't help the process.

Completely agreed.

There is Devil Walker, that without timer, just standing and waiting for kill.


Fucking modem overheats constantly. Very annoying, especially since the game's servers are not the most stable things in the first place.

BTW, what the hell do the Warlock-specific armors do? I can't see any meaningful visual difference (the ones i have don't give any effects so far).
Me Chillin' near the heater after a long day.


Anyway. here are my thoughts.

So far I really like the game and it does have a lot of solid mechanics though I wish they'd more variety is weapons, enemies and environments because repeating some of the environments made it less exciting to play, I know it's a beta and all but if the rest of the game is like that then it won't be as fun as we hoped. And I'd like them to improve the "Explore the Cosmodrome" mission because it's repetitive and boring as hell and it's nothing but girding for reputation which you can do easily by playing the multiplayer instead. I'd like to see even more types of enemies, weapons and environments and I hope Bungie delivers on all the goods. Multiplayer is really good fun if you capped to 8 though I think vehicles are way overpowered. Still, the mode pretty darn fun and I enjoyed far more than the PvE segments of this game.

One thing they need to address though is public events, the boss of this public events is a mob with an overly long health bar with a very simple strategy, shoot the legs to get more damage until he falls to expose his weak spot until he gets up, hence and repeat until the enemy is down. This is dull and uninteresting and I would loved it if they made the fight a bit more dynamic like making us use our class abilities in a creative way to take the walkers down.

I won't comment much on the story since it's a beta but needless to say that it feels shallow, they never explain who are the fallen and what do they want with earth and if even all of them are like that and how did humanity lose the war.


Gold Member
So what's the deal with the day/night cycle? I'm fairly sure the Tower has one, but does Old Russia have one too? There are some quite random changes in time of day while playing.


I've seen alot of valid and constructive criticism of the game posted and I hope Bungie has people looking over those. As I posted before I wish the FOV was on a slider and ammo/loot drops were more visible (have a vertical white/green/purple line or something emanate from the drop).

Also, I guess I'm glad I've never played Halo, so I'm seeing Bungie's creation as new and fresh. I've played a couple hours of Borderlands (never played number 2) and I can see the comparisons as far as loot/weapon drops. Although, I personally disliked the art/environment designs of Borderlands and upgrade system and didn't continue on, plus it was boring to me.

Handy Fake

So what's the deal with the day/night cycle? I'm fairly sure the Tower has one, but does Old Russia have one too? There are some quite random changes in time of day while playing.

Aye, has a lovely cycle. Are you sure you're not mistaking the "events" for the abrupt changes?
Have found quite the opposite honestly. Hunters have a very significant advantage with the double jump, throwing knife and Golden Gun. The knife almost completely kills enemies and has a really good range. The double jump is quick, agile and you can change directions in mid air. You can also jump at any time before you land on the ground.

People tremendously underestimate the Golden Gun as well. For 10 seconds (longer if you use a certain upgrade with the knife), you are super charged. You can run into a building and clear two people out and then run out of it and snipe a guy across the map. Or you can take out 3 Pikes on your own. Or you can snipe an Interceptor across the map. Or you'll use it too early and run around frantically looking for someone to shoot (lol), and in a lot of cases you do find somebody.

The Titan has the benefit of being able to use his super quickly in CQB or on an approaching vehicle (and he's practically invincible while doing it). Outside of that, it's [currently] useless at range. Nova Bomb is devastating and almost impossible to dodge if you're in its radius, but it has a slow travel time and it's easy to miss from a distance. Both of these things are over in an instant, whereas Golden Gun makes you the BAMF on the map for 10 seconds at any range.

The scavenger skill also allows you to use the grenade and knife much more frequenetly, which further enhances a Hunter's arsenal. The Hunter's only drawback IMO is its lighter armor, but that can also be upgraded.

I'd say they're all well balanced. I think the invincibility on the Titan and Warlock supers should be removed though, and you should be able to survive them if you jump high enough.

I really want to play a Hunter, as it's the type of class I typically play, but I just can't agree about the supers. It's like the Titans and Warlocks have aces in their sleeves, and Hunters have a queen at best. First off, as you said, the invincibility on the Titan and Warlock supers is HUGE! If you're going to try to put the Hunter's super on their level, you need to either take it away or give it to the Hunter as well.

Secondly, not counting abilities earn, but straight out of the gate, the Titans and Warlocks can run into a room, or clear an area to cap a flag in PVP with their supers with ease. The Hunters, there is WAY more room for error. You have to be a crack shot, they can't have cover near by to wrap around, etc. The only advantage it has is range for the limited time you have it.

All opinions, and if you're digging it, great! I just can't see myself not rolling probably a Warlock at this point, maybe a Titan, when the full game is released until I see or hear something that bridges for me what is a pretty large gap between supers of the three.
What. How?! Jesus this took so long for me. The two guys I was with were freakin stupid and didn't know what cover or blind spots were. Not even sure if they knew about the weak spots too because I took down 3-4 legs on my own. Died multiple times and after awhile one guy left which sure didn't help the process.

He's just showing the last 1% of the life and showing off with the super charged titan skill. Look at the life of the tank before he jumps in. You can barely see any life left in the bar. It looks awesome though nice finisher
I really want to play a Hunter, as it's the type of class I typically play, but I just can't agree about the supers. It's like the Titans and Warlocks have aces in their sleeves, and Hunters have a queen at best. First off, as you said, the invincibility on the Titan and Warlock supers is HUGE! If you're going to try to put the Hunter's super on their level, you need to either take it away or give it to the Hunter as well.

Secondly, not counting abilities earn, but straight out of the gate, the Titans and Warlocks can run into a room, or clear an area to cap a flag in PVP with their supers with ease. The Hunters, there is WAY more room for error. You have to be a crack shot, they can't have cover near by to wrap around, etc. The only advantage it has is range for the limited time you have it.
The supers for the Titan and Warlock that players have experimented with, unlike the Hunter, are aggressive, but if you notice the other super for the second subclass for both Titans and Warlocks are more supportive and defensive (bubble shield and buff ability, respectively). Take a look at the Bladedancer subclass for the Hunter: its super allows it to clear out a room just like the supers of the Titan and Warlock players have experienced.


540, your 610 is the most i've seen yet :)
I haven't been keeping track, but I've found somewhere between 15-20 Ghosts. I'm also starting to push 1000 on some of the kill quests. That's where a majority of it comes from, I think. I'm hoping to see more variety later on, like discovery stuff, that adds to grimoire. Just kills and Ghosts is kinda boring, to be honest.
I haven't been keeping track, but I've found somewhere between 15-20 Ghosts. I'm also starting to push 1000 on some of the kill quests. That's where a majority of it comes from, I think. I'm hoping to see more variety later on, like discovery stuff, that adds to grimoire. Just kills and Ghosts is kinda boring, to be honest.

You should start keeping track of the Ghosts that you find! There's a list somewhere and I've found a couple that aren't on it.
Damn, the knights are beasts.

Flanking, taking cover, charging. Incredible stuff.

Hell yeah. I find that the AI is overall intelligent for this game, but I do agree with one criticism leveled at it: unlike in Halo, the enemies are really aware of each other as groups. In Halo, you could take out an Elite and the Grunts would scramble; there's nothing like that here from what I've seen/remember.


Titan and Warlock invincible with there supers? Where did you get that idea? I died so many uncountable times during supers, both with Titan and Warlock. If you like PvP (at least with the Level 8 Cap) Hunter is the go to class, as stated above from others.

I really really want to like Destiny, but the Multiplayer is zero fun for me. Not because i'm bad, i win most matches and always get a kd ~1.2 to 1.8, it just isn't fun.
I don't like - or lets even say i hate - the controls. It feels so unbelievable sluggish, like there is an 50 ms Input Lag or something. Add to that stick accelartion and im out.
Netcode doesn't seem to hold up against the many people that are playing either, but that should be reasoned out until full release. I got afk guys right in front of me, hammer a whole clip into them, nothing happens. i wait, 5 seconds later, they just die. Nice.

But that's just my opinion. preorder stands, i'll get enough fun from "Singleplayer".


Having played all three classes now I'm set on Titan. I just love how powerful they feel. All of their abilities are really satisfying. Even the flashbang grenade is sweet to use because it opens up a window for you to attack straight on.

Hunter was also really awesome. Golden gun is very fun to use and the high agility makes for some nice skillful movement.

The Warlock was pretty fun but I can't say I get the mass appeal. I thought the Super was rather lacking and it didn't feel good to launch in 3rd person. The grenade was really awesome though and the robes look nice.


I've seen people mention other beta maps for the crucible, but I've only ever played on the Shores of Time map, how do you unlock the rest?


What. How?! Jesus this took so long for me. The two guys I was with were freakin stupid and didn't know what cover or blind spots were. Not even sure if they knew about the weak spots too because I took down 3-4 legs on my own. Died multiple times and after awhile one guy left which sure didn't help the process.

Completely agreed.

That's the big problem too. People bitch about the Devil Walker taking forever to kill but if you have a team that realizes that you can attack the legs and the side mounted turret then it goes down damn fast. More so when they keep the trash down. In fact I find the easiest set up this. You have 2 go left. They focus on trash and taking off turret and those legs. Other guy goes right. He goes to town on the legs. You do that and the walker just melts it's health off like it's a stick of butter in a locked car in the sun.


Hell yeah. I find that the AI is overall intelligent for this game, but I do agree with one criticism leveled at it: unlike in Halo, the enemies are really aware of each other as groups. In Halo, you could take out an Elite and the Grunts would scramble; there's nothing like that here from what I've seen/remember.

One really nice touch I found with the AI is when I through my pulse grenade down (the one that keeps doing a shock aoe) enemies will just move around it like you didn't do shit. If you put it somewhere they can't move around, they will back up so they aren't standing in it. Kinda basic I know, but I would just expect them to sit there and take the damage because that's how it happens in other games. I think some people mistake flawed AI for enemy design, these guys are meant to be aggressive and canon fodder for lower level fun, if everything was taking cover all the time shit would get frustrating real fast. But yeah, I do think there should be more distinguished AI between different kinds of enemies like you said. The only ones that stick out and act wildly different are the cloaked guys who run straight to you to melee and don't give a fuck.

Alright I need to sleep...probably for only 6-7 hours so I can play the event. Hopefully we can group up and enter it together just regular crucible matches?


Aside from Mal and Zoe in the Tower, there's a character named Xander (Bounty Hounter), and an area on the Moon called "Hellmouth". So much Joss, Bungie.


I haven't been keeping track, but I've found somewhere between 15-20 Ghosts. I'm also starting to push 1000 on some of the kill quests. That's where a majority of it comes from, I think. I'm hoping to see more variety later on, like discovery stuff, that adds to grimoire. Just kills and Ghosts is kinda boring, to be honest.

I only found 5-10 ghosts, searched too mich in the alpha :) bounties (crucible without dying sucks), strikes and killing a lot.
I've seen people mention other beta maps for the crucible, but I've only ever played on the Shores of Time map, how do you unlock the rest?

The other one in the beta so far is on the moon. There will be 2 more later today (for a limited 2 hours), the other map from the alpha and a new Mars map no one has played yet.


Just hit the 3000 Cosmodrome kills Grimoire and still not a single green Auto many Snipers and Rocket Launchers though.


Just hit the 3000 Cosmodrome kills Grimoire and still not a single green Auto many Snipers and Rocket Launchers though.

Just buy Assault Rifles from the vendor in the tower, or take your chance with Primary Weapon Grimore purchases at the tower instead.
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