Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
that gun that charges up in a second destroys in 1 shot is so overpowered in pvp, the only way to kill someone who is carrying that is your super because it charges up so quickly. pvp is broken as hell right now

cant the same be said for any of the supers? the warlock and titan ones are one button wins, the golden gun seems to take the most skill to use (admittedly not much though). highest risk, highest reward (a semi-consistent 3 kills per use but with aiming versus a typically 1-2 kill per use super)

EDIT: i see he is not referring to the golden gun.


So let's list all of the things people say are broken in the last few pages:

Auto rifles
Fusion rifles

Anything else?

Edit :
Spawning with special ammo

Seems to me it is a decent paper rock scissors gameplay where there is usually a counter to the thing that seems op. Also, we have no idea how later skills will effect things. Once everyone is level 20, what seems broken at level 8 may work fine.


Is there any tips to PVP or vids or something. I get destroyed but don't know what todo to improve. I usually suck in online MP these days.

Move cover to cover, always watch your radar and spam golden gun when you go to an enemy controlled objective


Some things I've noticed:

- You should not start with or respawn with special ammo. Spawning with a shotgun/sniper is broken.
- The fusion rifle's range is crazy for it being a one shot weapon. It's basically a faster laser from Halo with way more ammo.
- The Moon level in PvP shouldn't have tanks.
- Simultaneous deaths are awful. I hate this design and it seems like every developer nowadays is adopting it.
- Grenades are too good right now. One grenade alone should not kill someone outright.
- I cannot believe that Bungie, the makers of Halo, did not put in a similar control scheme. I can't have melee on circle or crouch on the stick? Ridiculous. Baffling.


I'm really dead set on Hunter. Love the double jump and golden gun combo, all I need now is to grab some more uncommon gear for the event later.

Loving the 51 Atk rifle I got today. :)


Man im sorry but the controller response was wayy better in the alpha.

I feel like I'm fighting the sticks now. They need to fix that.


I'm so hyped for iron banner. The bungie update made it sound like we can earn some new/better gear there. But it's only 2 hours? Is that enough time to win some new gear? I should probably run hard strike in an attempt to get some better gear for the pvp fights today.
when you open the ghost it should be

Sparrow = square
orbit = triangle
Tower = r1+r2

or something I hate going to orbit just to go back to the tower.


lol I caused the Hallowed Knight to fall over the cliff so I can go into that cave enclosure he was guarding. There's a dead ghost in there.

Edit: And a loot chest on top of the broken ceiling.
Here's a map of Old Russia:


My sense of direction isn't great so I can't really tell where everything is other than I know the bottom right is outside the wall.

Some nice vistas and views:

And my total domination in The Crucible. Doubt I'll ever get to those dizzy heights again ha



lol i guess i was just very unlucky then because the same guy kept killing me over and over again with fusion rifle, i was convinced it was 1 shot because it would kill me instantly

The thing is theres hardly that much spread between the "pellets", even at long range they pretty much all land in the cross-hair.

Case in point:

Guy is practically sniping with it. Also the rate of fire & ammo are insane.


I finally found a high damage/high impact uncommon scout rifle.

Oh my god. I never liked these semi-auto rifles but this thing is just dominating.
It comes with a zoomed in ADS which is fantastic and it kills anything in one or two hits. It's like a sniper rifle with a 15 round magazine.

I'm a believer. Scout rifles for life.


when you open the ghost it should be

Sparrow = square
orbit = triangle
Tower = r1+r2

or something I hate going to orbit just to go back to the tower.

Don't think we should have to go to orbit for anything. Opening ghost should bring up hologram of ship and you should set a course from there.


This game is like crack, very addictive.

But I'm finding myself getting very dizzy after playing it for a few hours, that's never happened to me with a game before. Anyone else experiencing this?


This game is like crack, very addictive.

Hell yea, I feel the same way. I played all day yesterday. I think that Bungie is really great at making you feel involved inside a world yet feeling unique. I think that's Borderland's problem.

Btw guys, should I buy a ship lol... There's a badass one for 2700.


Don't think we should have to go to orbit for anything. Opening ghost should bring up hologram of ship and you should set a course from there.

Going to Orbit would be less tedious if the loading times were shorter. Especially the time it takes to load the Tower.
Is there any tips to PVP or vids or something. I get destroyed but don't know what todo to improve. I usually suck in online MP these days.

Learn your weapon ranges.

Scout Rifle/ shotgun seems to be a really good combination.

Always find alternative routes to the objective where you can surprise players, Venus has quite a few nooks and crannies to ambush players. On the moon, use the second floors to the your advantage, having height is your advantage.

Always pay attention to your radar. if you suspect a player is coming into an area, or you are going into an area where there are enemies, crouch. Crouching takes you off the radar.

Use grenades to block off exits and entrances.


So would I be wrong to assume the longevity of Destiny will be in the competitive multiplayer department and not so much the PVE "raiding" or "strike" hopping?

Do we have any indication or idea what end game will be like yet?

I've played a good 8 hours or so of Destiny so far and there is a lot here I like but I'm not a PvP player in the least and my interest in day 1 Destiny is starting to wane.
So would I be wrong to assume the longevity of Destiny will be in the competitive multiplayer department and not so much the PVE "raiding" or "strike" hopping?

Do we have any indication or idea what end game will be like yet?

I've played a good 8 hours or so of Destiny so far and there is a lot here I like but I'm not a PvP player in the least and my interest in day 1 Destiny is starting to wane.

That is what I think. The core game is pretty boring and those "side missions" in free roam are a joke. Since the SP missions aren't very long - it will most likely get old quick.


I really wish Bungie would make use of the touchpad and optionally allow the Ghost's voice to be transmitted through the DS4...

Something like what I've put together below would be a huge help in terms of making me use the sparrow more as well as use different weapons and such. Clicking in R3 as a secondary mapping for using the Super is also something I'd consider using if available.

Finally hope you can skip cut-scenes in the final game, really annoying having to sit through the same story scenes when you re-do missions on harder difficulties or do them with new characters.
Hell yea, I feel the same way. I played all day yesterday. I think that Bungie is really great at making you feel involved inside a world yet feeling unique. I think that's Borderland's problem.

Btw guys, should I buy a ship lol... There's a badass one for 2700.

The ships do look cool, but it may be best to save your money. I hear upgrading your weapons and armors will end up being costly (if you continually upgrade everything you have).


Who else enjoying the PvP more than the PvE in Destiny?

Me, but only because the limited content of the beta. I think the two will balance out more, in my eyes anyway, when there is more challenging and varied PVE things to do.

Oh, and Destiny needs to step its loot game up. It's not to the point where I think I could get addicted to it. I want Diablo levels of variety and amount, with loot raining down from Septik Prime's ass once he finally goes down. It's just not satisfying in it's current state (to me) though I'm willing to chock it up to the beta.


Went straight into PVP after finishing the initial story quest with Hunter. Level 2 and it was fun lol. The only weapons I had were the initial rifle the Ghost finds for you and a Sniper that I got from the Gunsmith. No double jump or golden gun, only level 1 grenade and original armor.
Going into pvp for the first time with hand cannon and fusion rifle was one of the worst multiplayer experiences I've had. 0.29 kdr. I'm dead before I can get two shots off or charge the rifle.
Me, but only because the limited content of the beta. I think the two will balance out more, in my eyes anyway, when there is more challenging and varied PVE things to do.

Oh, and Destiny needs to step its loot game up. It's not to the point where I think I could get addicted to it. I want Diablo levels of variety and amount, with loot raining down from Septik Prime's ass once he finally goes down. It's just not satisfying in it's current state (to me) though I'm willing to chock it up to the beta.

Make sure you're on tonight, let's squad up and take Mars.

I'll give you an invite when I'm on, I might miss the event start by 30 mins though.
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