Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Think I'm gonna play some PvP today for the hell of it. See how many golden gun triples I can cheese.

That thing is really broken, lol.
I'm pretty lost. I don't usually play online but I'm wanting to for this game. How do I do the PVP? I start up the beta and it just goes to the story mode or whatever. Do I need to play through that first?


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
They do though, actually

they may (and probably do) to some extent, but i've seen with my own eyes a player using a single shot rifle (dmr like) go from 4 shot kill to 3 with a new and better gun. if thats not better damage, i dunno what is. i suppose it could be lacking in other areas compared to the 4 shot rifle, but they certainly didnt seem noticeable and the player did SIGNIFICANTLY better with the new gun


I forgot are pulse rifles the ones that charge up or the ones that are basically semi-autos. Cause the semis feel completely pointless next to an auto in pvp and pve.
My dude

Looks awesome!


Hmmm...I just went ahead and played a PVP match, equipped with a Pulse Rifle. I understand now...people do def. have an argument regarding weaponry. I was getting eaten alive by Auto rifles lol.

Maybe they'll balance that out in full game. But, for now going back to Auto. Pulse are good PVE though.


Although it's been stated that everyone in the current pvp mode is on equal footing, I guess some still don't believe that. I'm level 8 and have been killed by level 5, all white weapons/gear.

Personally I'm not that good at FPS PVP in general, so I'll admit that some people are just flat out going to dominate/kill in PVP. I'll get better over time, but there are just some people out there that are very good/great in FPS PVP, no matter their current weapon/gear.

I'm still having fun even with my bad K/D, probably will be getting steam rolled during Iron Banner lol.

I'm exactly the same. loving the PVP but getting owned a lot. I'm guessing there's a lot of bungie veterans in the Crucible and it's just hard to compete with their experience level.

I've started to adjust my tactics and play more support. Covering players and assisting with captures is netting me a fair few points but not many kills. Although I'm happy with that.

Just try following a group and mopping up with them (without kill stealing if possible)
I did one yesterday where I had to kill a captain before he escaped. However, he seemed to be immortal, his health bar was impossible to drain even though he was only a level 4. I literally emptied 300 assault rifle bullets and 12 shotgun shells in him and nothing happened. At one point he just started booking it to the other side of the map, nearly impossible to keep up. And then he was gone and I got a "you fucked up bro" snarky comment from my Ghost.

Me and my fireteam were super confused. I guess it takes more than 3 to take that guy down?

Haha I did that event by myself. At the time I was level 4 and he was level 8. Keep in mind when I started there were 4 people but they all immediately bailed. And when I said I "did" it by myself I mean I epically failed.


My biggest complaint is that in the Strike Mission we have available, all the enemies spawn at the exact same spots every time. Atleast some variation would be greatly appreciated.
they may (and probably do) to some extent, but i've seen with my own eyes a player using a single shot rifle (dmr like) go from 4 shot kill to 3 with a new and better gun. if thats not better damage, i dunno what is. i suppose it could be lacking in other areas compared to the 4 shot rifle, but they certainly didnt seem noticeable and the player did SIGNIFICANTLY better with the new gun
Weapon Upgrades(Aka Get More Damage After Killing With This Weapon) carry over from PvE to PvP.


I'm pretty lost. I don't usually play online but I'm wanting to for this game. How do I do the PVP? I start up the beta and it just goes to the story mode or whatever. Do I need to play through that first?
You have to reach level 5. Once you have, you go back to the tower plaza and speak to the crucible dude.


I'm sure this question has been asked many times, but can I transfer my beta character to the full version? Also the completed stages?
I didn't find it in the op.


One thing I would really like are options to skip extra loading screens. Like being able to go from the tower to a mission and skipping being in orbit or going from the end of one mission straight into another one without the orbit in between.
One thing I would really like are options to skip extra loading screens. Like being able to go from the tower to a mission and skipping being in orbit or going from the end of one mission straight into another one without the orbit in between.
You think those are "extra"?
Orbit is needed because (AFAIK) it places you into the "area" servers on Earth/The Tower/Crucible
The Titan is better than I expected. I like it even better than the Hunter. The jetpack ability is more convenient than the double jump when you want to reach high places (it's more predictable) and the Hulk smash is a godsend for those 'OH SHIT!' moments.
I really want to play a Hunter, as it's the type of class I typically play, but I just can't agree about the supers. It's like the Titans and Warlocks have aces in their sleeves, and Hunters have a queen at best. First off, as you said, the invincibility on the Titan and Warlock supers is HUGE! If you're going to try to put the Hunter's super on their level, you need to either take it away or give it to the Hunter as well.

Secondly, not counting abilities earn, but straight out of the gate, the Titans and Warlocks can run into a room, or clear an area to cap a flag in PVP with their supers with ease. The Hunters, there is WAY more room for error. You have to be a crack shot, they can't have cover near by to wrap around, etc. The only advantage it has is range for the limited time you have it.

All opinions, and if you're digging it, great! I just can't see myself not rolling probably a Warlock at this point, maybe a Titan, when the full game is released until I see or hear something that bridges for me what is a pretty large gap between supers of the three.

I'm sorry are we playing the same game? I've been killed before I can pop PFF my spirit bomb quite a few times.
Come to think of it, that fight deep underground while Ghost tried to hack something was a lot more difficult than the final boss. At least you can maneuver easily with the boss. That underground thing was quite a nightmare.

There's a catwalk/ledge really close to the machine your ghost has to interact with in that room. Climb up there and you can get a view of the doorway most of the enemies use to enter. You can pick a lot of them off before they even become a threat, and the invisible melee dudes can't really get you if you are up there.

I forgot are pulse rifles the ones that charge up or the ones that are basically semi-autos. Cause the semis feel completely pointless next to an auto in pvp and pve.

Pulse rifles are the 3 shot burst rifles. Semi-auto is the scout rifle.

Scout rifle is actually viable in the Crucible, if you realize that you should play a mid/long game with it. If you are consistent with headshots, you can take guys down with a scout rifle pretty quickly. Being aware of where enemies are and their most likely routes will help you get them in your sights. And using a shotgun as your special will be good for close range.

A GAFfer I played with yesterday used nothing but the Scout rifle, and he consistently got a 1.5 or greater K/D ratio.


Anyone having issues with the companion app not loading your character? Everything else works fine except my character appears as a black silhouette.


Just killed a Titan as he was about to come down to smash with his super. He jumped, used his super but I hit him with a head-shot lol. Wish I was recording that, because it was pretty nice. Nobody is invincible during their supers, it just happens so fast you would think that.
I'm pretty sure everyone knows this by now but here goes...

If you have weapons or gear that need experience to level up you can just do the bounties and right before you turn them in just switch to whatever items need the experience points and it levels them up quickly...I've done this a few times now and it saves time trying to level them up from scratch
that gun that charges up in a second destroys in 1 shot is so overpowered in pvp, the only way to kill someone who is carrying that is your super because it charges up so quickly. pvp is broken as hell right now


They equalize the damage out.

Yep, it'll say "Level Advantages Disabled" in the description of the crucible event that you are joining. You'd still get the benefit from the greens (upgrades) they provide though. The cool thing about the event later today is that it has level advantages enabled, meaning all the gear statistics will factor in, so you'll want to be max level with some decent gear.
that gun that charges up in a second destroys in 1 shot is so overpowered in pvp, the only way to kill someone who is carrying that is your super because it charges up so quickly. pvp is broken as hell right now
You are probably thinking of the Hunter Super
Because no weapons, besides Snipers/Shotguns, 1 shot AT ALL
Edit: Hunter's Super 1-hit kills as well
I'm pretty sure everyone knows this by now but here goes...

If you have weapons or gear that need experience to level up you can just do the bounties and right before you turn them in just switch to whatever items need the experience points and it levels them up quickly...I've done this a few times now and it saves time trying to level them up from scratch



Had a good time with a friend messing around in Explore mode and running the level 6 Strike mission last night. I do wish joining and creating fireteams was a little more seamless than how it works currently; R3 targeting and the roster menu is an elegant way to initiate co-op but jumping out to the console dashboard to view and accept requests is not. Also don't like having to rely on headsets considering the Journey-like way players enter and leave your instance, wish there were a few more nonverbal ways to convey direction to a party. Make the Guardian point towards the sky if you're looking up in order to suggest returning to orbit, things like that.

Explore is an interesting one for sure, I can see how folks could find it boring and repetitive due to location reuse but the minute to minute action in Destiny is so enjoyable that I appreciate having a mode where I can mindlessly tool around a huge map with a podcast, stream, etc. in the background. Never feels like I have to grind out levels there or that repeatable beacon quests were required to progress yet the snappy gameplay loop compels me to do so all the same. Some more nuggets of lore sprinkled throughout would be appreciated though, the Grimoire stuff is so detached from the game itself that it doesn't feel like enough.

Not sure how much more I'll play over the weekend, don't want to burn out on Old Russia entirely before release. The dreamlike atmosphere, beautiful orchestral soundtrack and classy UI elevates Destiny's ambitious MMO framework, the gunplay is expressive and satisfying and the enemy encounters have that Bungie feel. It's a formula that works, and one that will probably scale quite nicely as more content gets added. Can see why the long term commitment was made.


that gun that charges up in a second destroys in 1 shot is so overpowered in pvp, the only way to kill someone who is carrying that is your super because it charges up so quickly. pvp is broken as hell right now
It should be considered a heavy weapon, imo. Its pretty funny/sad when you survive a hit from it and the guy instantly fires another shot to finish you.

You gotta hate weapons you just cant escape from.
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