Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Anyone else having connection issues with the beta? I get dropped four or five times each night, while I never had an issue with the alpha or with other games. It tells me I don't have an internet connection sometimes, others it just loses connection to the server.


when is my burrito
First time playing last night. I had fun. It's like Halo in a good way but I'm turned off by the mission structure so far.

It seems to drop you in an arena with a few monster spawns and then a boss. Seems to play out similarly to Mass Effect 3's multiplayer.


Anyone else having connection issues with the beta? I get dropped four or five times each night, while I never had an issue with the alpha or with other games. It tells me I don't have an internet connection sometimes, others it just loses connection to the server.

None whatsoever.


Just got Iron Banner Rank 1, and it gives you some cool emblems/class specific visual items. Makes me pumped for the final game, but I really wish they had tuned loot drops better in the beta.

Hoping it improves in the final game.
I'd say it's more like Call of Duty because it has ADS, small and relatively cramped maps, loadouts, supers that act similarly to killstreaks, and the fact that at any point in the game, you have no idea what your enemies or teammates are packing.

Yeah but there is quite a few games that have a lot of that stuff. I just hate when people say "this game is like CoD but with [insert features that don't resemble CoD at all]" type statements to describe games. Destiny is destiny.

but again, it has similarities to both games, and some unique stuff of it's own


Yeah no. PvP isn't my favourite so far. I would've bought a PS4 for this game if it wasn't on PS3 too. Phew, 400€ saved. For now.


Titan with the Iron Banner "Titan Mark" and Emblem. Cool I suppose.



Completely agree. I got almost a 6 KDR using the tank. I was pretty much unstoppable. Hijacking should be in.

I agree that hijacking should make a comeback, even if Bungie decided to ignore it for now. Their reasoning was that it's not needed because of superior player mobility, but it's a moot point since you can't aim for shit while in the air. XD Vehicles won't be much of a factor in organized pvp, but that tank is deadly when it's random vs random lol.
Yeah but there is quite a few games that have a lot of that stuff. I just hate when people say "this game is like CoD but with [insert features that don't resemble CoD at all]" type statements to describe games. Destiny is destiny.

but again, it has similarities to both games, and some unique stuff of it's own
I play the new CoD every year, this feels like a fantasy scifi CoD that isn't very good to me


Gotta head out for a few hours. Can't grind this event like I wanted, but at least I did get the Iron Banner emblem (Legendary item). Make sure you guys post pics of your loot for us who'll miss all or part of it.
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