Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
fuck, i've shot a titan in the air with the golden gun and it didn't do shit :(

Lag or you missed.

Titan smash pretty much sucks, since you aren't invulnerable and you usually end up dying before the blast goes off.
I disagree. My Titan is quite pretty.


bra size?
I think it's really unfortunate that everybody seems to hate the Moon map, because that's the one that plays most like Halo to me. The rest feel like the run and gun BS that CoD is, where just about everybody is using either a shotgun or a machine gun, and nothing else is viable. I'm hoping for more large, open maps like the Moon map in the full game.


Well that's enough Iron Bannering for me. I played on the new maps a total of once, each. The rest? The fucking moon.


Well, I'll be away from the PS4 next week so I guess this was the last I played Destiny until the 9th.

So far it has really exceed my expectations. Production values are off the charts, everything looks like it was done with extreme care and that makes every part of the experience more enjoyable.

I've not the biggest fan of the mission design so far (enemy waves) but since the enemies are enjoyable to fight it becomes less troublesome that it could be. I would still prefer more variety of objectives. I'm hoping the final version gives us that, if not this will probably be my major complain going forward. Still, the universe they have created is great and I had tons of fun with all the missions.

Multiplayer has been really enjoyable as well. Every map has something different about it and has it's own specific challenges. Be it movement or just the type of encounters that happen in it. I'm a big fan of Domination type games and, even if they don't mess with the formula, it's an enjoyable take on it. I feel like I'm going to sink in tons of hours in it, just seems like a fun way to kill time.

So, overall, can't wait for September. Game is going to be great and I really miss having a go to shooter since the selection on the PS4 hasn't been that good.
Crucible is horribly unbalanced in general and not particularly fun on the maps provided. This thing has got to go back in the oven. Expect the game to ship with very limited PvP while they work out the kinks.

And yes, I get lots of disconnects in Crucible as well. Very annoying. Especially when I get a warning about "quitting" next match.
Rusted Lands, where are thou

Nah, it's great. Almost as good as venus.

I concur, Venus, Mars, Rusted Lands, and then moon...

Had some decent games in the Iron Banner event, no good gear though, for me or anyone that I saw. Would've been jelly to see a purple ship drop.

I definitely need a fireteam for this type of PVP though. Gets intense!


Just started up the beta for ps3, and I find out their is a bionicle looking race. GOTY! I had no idea since I have not looked up anything about this game at all.


I think it's really unfortunate that everybody seems to hate the Moon map, because that's the one that plays most like Halo to me. The rest feel like the run and gun BS that CoD is, where just about everybody is using either a shotgun or a machine gun, and nothing else is viable. I'm hoping for more large, open maps like the Moon map in the full game.

Sure it's design is similar to Halo, but it shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence when everybody can spawn with a two hit Sniper rifle.
I don't know why but Pvp just clicked for me. And it's gone from a mode that I thought sucked to FUN. And it was in the event mode. What's odd is I still just have level 51 white primary weapons and a 142 defense. So you'd think I'd do worse. I don't get it


Playing PVP made me realize one of the beauties of PVE, you don't have to deal with player lag at all.

Crucible is horribly unbalanced in general and not particularly fun on the maps provided. This thing has got to go back in the oven. Expect the game to ship with very limited PvP while they work out the kinks.

And yes, I get lots of disconnects in Crucible as well. Very annoying. Especially when I get a warning about "quitting" next match.

I say there are no kinks to be worked out. The whole thing needs to be scrapped.
Played Iron Banner for 30 minutes then stopped after winning and no reward because of random assignment. Seems the rewards are either terrible or so good that you'll never be able to use it during beta. What's the point? PvP... is a colossal waste.

Moon is clearly the best map though... I don't like the PvP really, but I can't agree with everyone else.


lmao two bounties in one match

Edit, I like how one of the worse guys on the team got the legendary pistol yet I finish first on both teams and got squat.


Unconfirmed Member
Is The Devil's Lair (level 8 version) the best thing to repeat once you hit cap in the beta?

For now at least.

Bungie did mention they would unlock/release stuff throughout the beta period, so maybe they'll add a new mission somewhere.


Damn I got arihant type 4 a blue chest drop level10, looks spiffy, Bungie you know what to do, keep progress for main game, everyone and their mother playing the "beta" anyway.
Loot drops all around have totally sucked all this beta for me. I don't know if I'm the only one, but these seem far worse and less frequent than the alpha.
Don't try to use remote play, those sticks are so inferior. I am sure I pisses my team mates off. My kd was. 5 lol and I got a purple level 20 hand canon.


The lack of team voice chat is really bringing MP down for me. I suck but now I can't even follow my teams orders because it's silent.

Should at least let you voice chat with your Clan/sub-clan.


That Devil's Lair strike is no joke when it's 3 randoms. I did get lucky and get some Heavy ammo during our 4th try at the 3 waves, but still couldn't make it through.


The PVP would be better if a few things were changed:
-Slightly slow down the game, time to kill, movement speed (but don't take away ability to strafe).
-Everyone has the same starting equipment with no extra effects (and no more Iron Banner-lime things). This could be class-based (ie Hunters have Handcannons and Snipers, Titans have Auto Rifles and something, and so on) or there could be weapon pick-ups on the map. The inventory system makes weapon switching a pain in the ass though.
-Adjust vehicle and power balances for PVP.

But as it is, it is a clusterfuck.
It's just my opinion, but it seems like an event should do a better job distributing loot and not be quite so a random.

If you gave the best drops to only the best players the rich would get richer...

At least this way, someone that completely sucks can hold out hope they can get a drop that might help them catch up.

I should know, i suck.
I swear to god this announcer. It just gets on my nerves everytime. It actually FEELS WORSE WHEN I'M LOSING.


yep. Such a jarring difference from Jeff Steitzer.

All we can really hope for is the option to disable it someday.
Sure it's design is similar to Halo, but it shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence when everybody can spawn with a two hit Sniper rifle.
I don't understand then. Does everybody hate the Moon map because of the ability to spawn with whatever weapons you want? I assumed everybody hated it because of the vehicles. I don't see the problem with two hit kill sniper rifles when just about every other weapon is an instant kill as well.
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