nice OT hawk
wonder what i should do this week on destiny. maybe i'll throw some points at my warlock alt for the next raid.
nice OT hawk
wonder what i should do this week on destiny. maybe i'll throw some points at my warlock alt for the next raid.
Was in your shoes monday night, dropped for me in the raid, was told it was good.then gjallahorn dropped from the hard raid's class item chest yesterday ohohohoh!!!
For the platforming bit: Am I the only one who Supers across? Both my Titan and Hunter consistently are able to fly across either dancing or Supermaning across. The jumps down are easy by just timing the Triple (switch to GunSlinger)/Boost jump.
My usual method is immediately after the Templar fight to switch subclassesfrom Gunslinger/Defender to Bladedancer/Striker, go grab the chests and pass the gorgons. by the time we get to the platforms the super is ready to go. I blast across and wait while folks keep jumping. I'm not sure of a sunbro way across besides the legitimate ways already posted but with all the talk of flawless wipes occuring here I figured I'd mention it.
I just finished Bayonetta 2 (epic game, mind). Finished CoD and AC Unity SP as well, but I've got like shitload of games I need to finish. I keep playing Destiny all the time though so that isn't helping. Plus, I got so many games in November.
nice OT hawk
wonder what i should do this week on destiny. maybe i'll throw some points at my warlock alt for the next raid.
Exemplary rocket launcher and frees up your exotic slot. Two thumbs up.
DAT Stockpiling continues, so many energy and shards now, GODDAMN!
Cool, thanks.
The weekly FunRun VoG Normal running today at 9PM EST.
Need one more. Wouldn't mind an alt or two, either.
We are all going to join a clan together to get the trophy for completing the raid with your clan. Be willing to do this...
1) scarletham
2) hoodbury
3) mupod
4) X-Frame
5) appletz
Once I got two purp engrams from a Weekly Heroic and one turned into Praxic and the other Helm Saint-14.
That dlc that comes out in less than two weeks hehe The grind never ends!Yeah I am with you. Have not beaten any games I started in the summer or even start any games I bought after destiny. Once I hit finish lvling up my titan and warlock to 30, just on the last bubble, I will prob take it easy till the new dlc.
Jesus, that makes me want to say fuck it and quit playing. I've got numerous weapons I can't fully upgrade for lacking energy and the same for a few pieces or armor cause I never have any shards. WTF. *Walks away and kicks a chair*
First part of this video from the flawless raid tips:
Spiral Jumps
Clearly you never play the Raid. That's 80-90 percent of what you get every run. Raid buddy, Raid!
Aww, no ColonelOCorn this week?
Oh my god. This is the most cringe-worthy thing I've ever heard. Is this a joke, Bungie?
(Taken from a tweet) "RT @GuardiansofD: Here's this weeks Audio Grimoire Card. Ghost Fragment - Thorn"
The only problem with taking all the platforms is that there are fake platforms that put you at a dead end if you jump on them. You really need to practice/memorize which ones you need to jump on... whereas, I don't see how you can fail jumping down from the second/third platform. All of the jumps allow for soft landings all the time!
Anyone have interest in a hard mode raid on Xbox one? We would probably aim for a 1030 to 11 pm EST start.
Right now we got two Lvl 30s maybe three with maxed weapons.
We can go from the start but also would take a Templar cp if anyone had one.
Gt: misterthirsty
Red Death is broken.
I'm in love.
2 shot bursts consistently.
Fuck off Hawkmoon, eat shit and die you stupid hand cannon.
The BR King is back.
Anyone have interest in a hard mode raid on Xbox one? We would probably aim for a 1030 to 11 pm EST start.
Right now we got two Lvl 30s maybe three with maxed weapons.
We can go from the start but also would take a Templar cp if anyone had one.
Gt: misterthirsty
Will the Thupdate be today? I need to hear about my mythoclast asap
Us 3. Skirmish. Tonight...?
I'm always down for some PvP... with a team that is lol
You + Zoba = I'll be raining assists
Count me in. 30 on hunter or warlock. 29 on titan. Maxed weapons, should be able to max my vision before the raid.
Gt: Panama chief
Unfortunately I've only completed one normal raid and had two previous 'attempts'. Working ~11 hours a day limits my time and it seems hard to find folks to just play the weekly or nightfall with. My two alternates are only levels 7 and 2 as well.
Added you, will shoot over a msg on live if it falls through or when we get started.
Bungie, if you're going to be pricks and add yet another method of "slowing progress" to the nightfall, at least add matchmaking. This is horrible. FML...
Yeah sucks I have a lot of RL things to do now. Prob should have started eariler but mehThat dlc that comes out in less than two weeks hehe The grind never ends!
Clearly you never play the Raid. That's 80-90 percent of what you get every run. Raid buddy, Raid!
Ended up with Raid Helm on Warlock which gives me a full set. I am leaning towards using the Praxic Fire as my exotic slot, but also have Sunbreakers that I like. Any thoughts?
It wasn't how I imagined his voice either. but it works better without voices anyway imo, it's not an exchange that really lends itself to a radio play. It's best reading it as the security transcript it's meant to be, where you have to work out who the parties in play are.Think they're just sharing some fan-made content... but that content really sucks. If I had the patience and time (teehee) to do it, I could do way better than this. I see Dredgen Yor as having a more terse, abrupt way of speaking than what this guy did. As for the other guys harassing him... fuck, they're just terrible.
Uhhh everything I quoted here I guess!Think I may do some recordings of Grimoire Cards tonight and tomorrow. Any suggestions/favorites?
The only problem with taking all the platforms is that there are fake platforms that put you at a dead end if you jump on them. You really need to practice/memorize which ones you need to jump on... whereas, I don't see how you can fail jumping down from the second/third platform. All of the jumps allow for soft landings all the time!
As someone who wiped 3 flawless attempts on jumps, learn the spiral, love the spiral. watch my vid. it really is the easiest most stress free method. And trust me when i say this. if you do your method and fail, you'll feel like shit for letting down 5 people. then the next hardest part is dealing with the ledge while your adrenaline is pumping. And as the doc said. its the stress that kills you, but once you get to gatekeepers your should be home free. I just did a normal raid last night where we got all of the chests without wiping made it to atheon and had to deal with glitches. 2 people getting teleported twice, and then 3 normal TVs. and there was only one other person with me that had encountered these bugs before, yet we still got through it just fine. Sad thing is, Gatekeepers and Atheon are the easiest/quickest parts outside of opening the vaultIt's not a problem when you know the spiral: you don't jump on the dead end platforms. Of course it's easy to jump from the 2nd/3rd platform, but that's not the point. The jumps don't kill people, the stress does.
I'm not directing this at you or anyone specifically, just general advice from someone who's run flawless as much as anybody on the planet. I constantly hear people talk about the method they use and how they never die when doing normal raids... and then I constantly see flawless runs wipe on the jumps. I know everyone can make the jumps every time on regular raids, but its just not relevant unless its done on a live flawless run. Even if you've done it on flawless runs, there's no reason to leave anything to chance.
As soon as a run wipes on the jumps, it undermines team morale because now we have to do that looooong, booooooring conflux/oracle/templar part again. Then people start getting extra chatty to help pass the time, but the concentration starts waning also. Any run that reaches GKeepers should be cashed in, the glitches are a total non-issue now. Getting past the jumps every run is so critical for so many reasons.
Indeed, good times!Nice that looks easy enough. Thanks for the vid. Also good times in the crucible last night lots of good wins.
Bungie really needs to fix the nightfall strikes. This week my three runs total: 18 strange coins and 10 shards.......... what the fuck.
The wizard?
Me and a friend had him almost dead when he teleported to the last checkpoint.
Red Death is broken.
I'm in love.
2 shot bursts consistently.
Fuck off Hawkmoon, eat shit and die you stupid hand cannon.
The BR King is back.
Bungie really needs to fix the nightfall strikes. This week my three runs total: 18 strange coins and 10 shards.......... what the fuck.
Just ask in the thread. There are many people in here willing to help out with NF and Weeklies. What time do you normally play at? Also, there's another thread specifically for finding people to do the NF and Raid with though I suspect this thread is still more useful due to the volume that passes through it.
I spent every one of my first 17 coins on that magnificent weapon, and it's worth all of them thrice over. My first exotic, and it remains one of my top 3 favorite items in the game.
Fingers crossed he brings it Friday. Much as I want to complete my own collection, The People Deserve Gjallarhorn.
I will laaaaaaaugh my head off if a pulse rifle becomes the new FotM in the Crucible.