After doing the raid with all of the classes, i think i prefer titan the most. I seem to do more damage and take less damage. plus titan and hunter are great for getting past the op ledge in case you get bumped, you can actually usually make it back up onto it. my only problem with hunter is i've had the jump glitch and on my first jump, it gives me my second... Warlock makes for soft safe landings but cant do clutch saves with its jump.
Not a glitch. It used to be a problem for me until it was explained. It's when you are running off of a platform and push just a bit too far and your first jump is really a mid air jump, so you essentially used up the #2 part of a double or triple jump. I think the way the Hunter jump works really promotes a last second launch since you need that to get quality distance like the other classes.
Edited: quoted the wrong post.