Just sent a friend request
1. El_Bombastico
2. Messiek
3. Gunawi
4. Zocano
5. .....
6. .....
2 more for hard raid
To put it kindly. Seriously, fuck the hobs in VoG legit Oracles.
After 11 raids on my Warlock and not getting full raid gear, I've realised how lucky I was to reach 30 so quickly on my Titan.
So I'm making another Titan. Strangely enough I already have the raid gear to make him a level 30 too. Figure if the new raid is anything like the old one, it'll take multiple runs to get my main to level 32.
and now the story grinding to get to level 20 begins again
Arc Burn Summoning Pits was the stuff of nightmares with those Harry Potters spamming their shit and flying away.Yeah well I'm sure you guys are going to love Wizards.
Arc Burn Summoning Pits was the stuff of nightmares with those Harry Potters spamming their shit and flying away.
1. El_Bombastico
2. Messiek
3. Gunawi
4. Zocano
5. .....
6. .....
2 more for hard raid
1. El_Bombastico
2. Messiek
3. Gunawi
4. Zocano
5. .....
6. .....
2 more for hard raid
Going to be taking a look at all my weapons to begin loading out for Crota.
Will carry every VoG weapon except the Timepiece.
Primaries: Thorn, Hard Light, Bad Juju (maybe)
Secondaries: Final Rest II (Arc), Pocket Infinity, Patience and Time, Icebreaker
Heavies: Truth, Gjallarhorn, Jolder's Hammer
Same as GAF.
Waiting list: EmmaWatsonButt
I hate you SO MUCH right now.HEART OF THE PRAXIC FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!
It was the stuff of legend.
Actually it was quite shit and it angered me greatly.
For the Hawkmoon upgrade where it says "Two more bullets deal considerable damage", that means there's 3 bullets in total that do extra damage, right?
For the Hawkmoon upgrade where it says "Two more bullets deal considerable damage", that means there's 3 bullets in total that do extra damage, right?
Really shouldn't ever be left waiting...
There was only one way I could do it. Run to the back of the entrance hall, where the initial wizard was. Pull them now and then and shoot them from the end of the hallway (with arc machine gun). The good thing about the fight was that you would be pretty much home free after it.
Though I fucked up yesterday, just started Destiny again bc of patch and fucked up twice against Phogoth (once with a useless mine throw, another because I slept when the shrieker spawned.. accepted my loss and quit for the day).
This game hates me. Completed hard raid # 26, 27, and 28 today...Still no Fatebringer. I will get this. Even if the expansion makes it useless. I'm determined now.
I really hate the vex mythoclast in the crucible. I feel like I'm seeing it a lot more since the patch hit, and it's such an annoying gun.
Just did nightfall with lik. I got a third ice breaker. Praxic Fire just isn't gonna happen is it?
mmm you know you haven't played destiny in a while when you log onto a character and find a random hawkmoon in your inventory
Perfect. Seems like we're full, now!
Crota's End (Blind), - Team B - Friday 12th (7pm GMT or 8.30pm GMT) - PlayStation 4
Waiting list: EmmaWatsonButt
- ComputerMKII (ComputerMkII) - Level 30 Titan
- DarrylMR (Darryl_M_R) - Level 29 hunter (soon to be 30)
- 140.85 (androo2300) - Level 30 Hunter
- Rubenov (Rubenov25) - Level 30 Warlock
- Dhruv_hanom (Dhruv_Hanom) - Level 30 Titan
- Mindlog (Mindlog) - Level 30, any class
Which one of you would like to stream the raid?
Got an alt for NF? I have my Titan ready to help
I'll help as well. Got nothing better to do other than hear my friend complaining about some Pokemon not staying in the damn ball.Got an alt for NF? I have my Titan ready to help
I really hate the vex mythoclast in the crucible. I feel like I'm seeing it a lot more since the patch hit, and it's such an annoying gun.
Just did all three nightfalls and got my first exotic drop from the game! Helm of the Saint, YISSSS!!!!
Anyone up for nightfall?
I've got VoC,maxed Icebreaker, and solar rockets
PSN: Haybro_
Hop into my nightfall I'm at the boss
I do but I'm only playing nightfall once a week with my warlock because I just want praxic fire. Thanks for playing with me.
Great item, can't stand the broom top. Our raid leader has it and every time he speaks I have to interrupt with a stupid pun about sweeping of some sort.
You have room for another?
Hop into my nightfall I'm at the boss
Yep, gogogo PSN: Mazre_
Watch Xur sell it this weekend. Also, now I'll have to do that when other people in my fireteams are wearing it.
At boss for nightfall for anyone who wants to join, PSN: Mazre_
Anyone need an extra for hard raid? Lvl 30 warlock
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
Need another still?
PSN is greyblade. Lv 30 warlock
psn Dontbrickmebro