Flying Toaster
I tried to join a few minutes ago but can't see you on PSN for some reason.
I would make a snarky comment about PSN network being a giant piece of crap but Xbox Live had "Friend list" issues for a few hours last night.
I tried to join a few minutes ago but can't see you on PSN for some reason.
Anyone want in on a nighfall? Almost to the boss. Shem0275
I do but I'm only playing nightfall once a week with my warlock because I just want praxic fire. Thanks for playing with me.
I do but I'm only playing nightfall once a week with my warlock because I just want praxic fire. Thanks for playing with me.
I do but I'm only playing nightfall once a week with my warlock because I just want praxic fire. Thanks for playing with me.
I got Praxic from a Nightfall while running as a Titan.I do but I'm only playing nightfall once a week with my warlock because I just want praxic fire. Thanks for playing with me.
Wait what? You mean you are passing on two opportunities per week to get Praxic?
All of my good gear dropped while playing a different class than the gear that rolled. It's a quick easy NF man, grind it.
Team B is just as stacked as team A, nice! Should be interesting to see how far into the raid both teams get that evening. Dual-stream would be cool.
For double the luls for people that already finished it lol.
I definitely think new raid discussion should be spoilertagged for atleast the first week or two or so. Not everyone can run it straight on day one due to life's other responsibilities.![]()
If Team A agrees, we could try to coordinate in order to start at the same time!
Wait what? You mean you are passing on two opportunities per week to get Praxic?
All of my good gear dropped while playing a different class than the gear that rolled. It's a quick easy NF man, grind it.
You know exotics that can drop are not limited to your class right? I've seen Titans get Hunter exotics etc.
I got Praxic from a Nightfall while running as a Titan.
Add Messiek
We are about to start : )
First in , First served . lol
I've made a terrible mistake. lol I have other games to catch up on. I'm not playing it three times a week.
We have 5 now in party chat... need one more.Hey messiek, I didn't know if I missed the boat or not so I joined with another gaffer. Sorry!
Whole bunch of nothing. Who needs ass shards.
Anyone else wanting to try the new raid on Tuesday?
I'm ready the minute it drops. Will die a thousand times figuring it out, but that's cool. Taking all of next week off.
I accidentally took next week off, so I may be able to do it. It will all come down to the wife enrage timer.
I'm guessing that we'll have to do the story missions first, not just jump right into the raid.
I've made a terrible mistake. lol I have other games to catch up on. I'm not playing it three times a week.
Yep, gogogo PSN: Mazre_
I'm up for it. Got nothing to do next week.Anyone else wanting to try the new raid on Tuesday?
I'm ready the minute it drops. Will die a thousand times figuring it out, but that's cool. Taking all of next week off.
Does anyone know if there is a Strange Coin cap? Anybody here have over 200 Strange Coins?
I accidentally took next week off, so I may be able to do it. It will all come down to the wife enrage timer.
I'm guessing that we'll have to do the story missions first, not just jump right into the raid.
I'm up for it. Got nothing to do next week.
Anyone want to do a nightfall? Shem0275. PS4
This is almost exactly what I got. I got 9 shards, an arc legendary sniper, and Young Ahamkara's Spine (hunter exotic gauntlets)So from NF this week
Got Alpha Lupi for Hunter (already got it), purple Void sniper (which I don't need) and 7 ass shards.
Cool Nami! Let's see if Priv. is right (I'm sure he is) that we need to do story stuff prior to raid, but want to jump in there as soon as I can.
to everyone else who is still looking for one or both of these exotics, persevere my fellow guardians keep playing and your day will come eventually. ive put countless hours into this game with 3 lv30 chars doing the nightfalls weekly and hard raids every week. when you finally get that one weapon or armor you've been wanting since the beginning there is no better feeling in this game!
I want in on this unless it's some ungodly hour.
Does anyone know if there is a Strange Coin cap? Anybody here have over 200 Strange Coins?
200 seems to be the cap for most things, so it's probably somewhere round there.
Forgot about the new story and strikes. I probably gonna do those first before doing the raid just for any possible new weapon/gear drops.Cool Nami! Let's see if Priv. is right (I'm sure he is) that we need to do story stuff prior to raid, but want to jump in there as soon as I can.
Does anyone know if there is a Strange Coin cap? Anybody here have over 200 Strange Coins?
Still got room for a Lvl 30 Warlock?1 more for hard raid.
Psn: Router_Go_Vroom
Forgot about the new story and strikes. I probably gonna do those first before doing the raid just for any possible new weapon/gear drops.
Nope, I have 235+, no new stack created, they keep being added
I have 450+ Ascendant Energies, 300+ Ascendant Shards, 230+ Strange Coins, 110+ Motes of Light