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Destiny |OT11| It goes up to 11!

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Some of their UI is still so poorly designed. Like, why does the Crucible screen itself show an x/100 for Crucible Marks, but your inventory has zero indication that 200 is the max. Having x/200 would be such a simple and smart thing to add. They're usually so good about this kind of stuff that it blows my mind that they haven't noticed it.

Also, are there details anywhere on the "two new crucible playlists?"

And what the heck is "The Director". They state it in the PVP changes like it's a thing I should be familiar with. Is that just the name of the Crucible select screen? Am I supposed to know that?
Well, you'd need to make sure it's thread-safe...

We need to let bugs in somehow :p

Xur should also stay for the entire Sunday.

Omgosh, YES! I was upset he wasn't the first week-2 he came. You have weekend events such as Salvage (which should be perm especially since it's an achievement, but that's a whole other problem) or the vehicle mode, why doesn't he last as long as them?

Also, stop with the stupid bounties for those events during periods when don't take place!
I guess we can all pretend Game Informer pulled this information out of thin air. Another one of those "glitches" right? The game is designed as a treadmill to keep you playing. Full stop.

That Game Informer article was in collaboration with Bungie, I'm surprised more people didn't know about this. Why do people think they had timed-release articles leading up to the DLC? That information wasn't going to be wrong, it was as official as the now-official blog post.
Sigh, not sure I'm a fan of this grind.

I have GTA Online (though I'm grinding there also, level 85 and 6m. . trying to prepare for them to drop new homes), MCC for matchmaking with friends, CoD for mindless shooting, AC Unity for adventure game, and Dragon Age which I am saving to enjoy for my winter semester break. .come on Deej make me want to play Destiny.


And on top of all that they introduce exotics shards and people Im sure already used them on exotics only to find out maybe they should have waited a week to find out they will need more shards to upgrade the same weapons

That's the biggest offender. Unless it refunds that exotic shard, this is just kicking the player in the balls.

I'm really not sure why they didn't just do the same thing Guild Wars 2 did. In that game when the new level of gear came out (Ascended), the Legendary weapons scalled up to match that. That's how it should have been. Exotics should automatically upgrade in stats anytime something new comes out. This ensures that your exotic never falls behind.

This system of making it random if Xur has your weapon/armor to upgrade on the weekend, mixed with resetting your progress is just horrible.


Starting December 9th, Xûr will offer players the opportunity to upgrade Exotics to the higher Attack and Defense values

The 9th is a Tuesday. Don't they mean the 12th? Or is Xur now there all the time?

Players at Light level 30 can lead a Fireteam immediately upon release

Level 29's am fucked?


Pretty much. VoC and Fatebringer are my two favorite weapons.

My Vanquisher VIII...

Yeah I think I'm done with this game. Doubt I'll be picking up the DLC. Seems like the same old shit anyway. Same exact enemies and missions, just higher numbers.


need to make my weekly activities post but I should probably give it another page.

I'm saying, going from a maxed old exotic to a newly exchanged, unupgraded exotic, is apparently a 2 attack increase. but losing the perks means it's almost definitely still a damage reduction for many exotics.

I mean yeah but who is gonna exchange their upgraded weapon and then just leave it un-upgraded afterwards? Of course you're gonna grind it out again and bring it up to max damage AGAIN...we all will, we're trapped!

Also Hawkmoon would be sad if I didn't upgrade it and I can't make it sad because it makes me so happy.
Good thing Bungie was so quick to patch out that, "surge of good will and happiness from their players" bug that they created with Monday's patch. Would have been terrible to see that hang around for too long.
They need to get their fucking UI up to par with all these changes.

Having to go to the damn vendors to check your rank progress is stupid.
I can't believe raid weapons aren't going to drop in normal mode. Atleast that means there's a higher chance of coming out with armor pieces, but still..


Mrs. Harvey
Hell is going to break loose. They better make sure it doesn't. Stop screwing over people who are investing their precious time into the game because the amount of people dropping the game could rise real quick.

Any hard raids going on tonight?


I can't believe raid weapons aren't going to drop in normal mode. Atleast that means there's a higher chance of coming out with armor pieces, but still..

Primary raid weapons are Heroic exclusive, not all raid weapons.

Similar to Fatebringer, Mytho, Timepiece being Heroic exclusive.


Good thing Bungie was so quick to patch out that, "surge of good will and happiness from their players" bug that they created with Monday's patch. Would have been terrible to see that hang around for too long.

Fucking this man. They get some positive news/vibes going only to fuck it up within two days by announcing an even bigger fucking grind, riddled with RNG (no wait, no rng, whatever the fuck Bungie pleases) hooks.


That Game Informer article was in collaboration with Bungie, I'm surprised more people didn't know about this. Why do people think they had timed-release articles leading up to the DLC? That information wasn't going to be wrong, it was as official as the now-official blog post.

I was a little late with the comment. I took it as the truth, and figured that the incoming update on the news would just be backpeddling on what was planned. Turned out the only thing wrong was how people reacted to it...lol.


They need to get their fucking UI up to par with all these changes.

Having to go to the damn vendors to check your rank progress is stupid.

I usually have to keep bungie.net up on my computer all the time so I don't have to waste 5 minutes of my time going to the tower


Hell is going to break loose. They better make sure it doesn't. Stop screwing over people who are investing their precious time into the game because the amount of people dropping the game could rise real quick.

Any hard raids going on tonight?

LOL, you made me laugh with the last sentence.

But yea, I'm close to done with this game now. Spent so much time with it already.


It's a massive grind, it's a slow ass process to level up a faction at a time. Plus there's a 200 marks cap

Are we at least going to get commendations for ranks we've already earned? If not, that's pretty stingy and shitty.

Curious about these questions myself. If not, the best plan would be to max out marks, and get as many factions ready to level up immediately (maybe save completed bounties) as possible and then do that on Tuesday, right? Seems so convoluted.

As a forever-29, this honestly annoys me more than the Exotic stuff. I want to get to 30 to do the raid (I'm assuming I can buy level-30 or higher gear from the vendors).


I got my Hunter to 50-away from a rank-up and equipped a faction cloak the other day. I was hoping to save my progress to get a relevant, level 32 legendary drop from the package, but now I know I really bought myself a commendation.

Another progress gate.

Another progress gate, guys.

Seriously. Another one.
I usually have to keep bungie.net up on my computer all the time so I don't have to waste 5 minutes of my time going to the tower

It's just stupid. So much info from Bungie.net and the app that SHOULD be in the game. I would have thought by now they would have added it.

I usually keep my iPad by my side. But it is really short sighted on their part to make vanguard rep so much more important and not implement the tracking in the UI.

Also, will commendations only be given by vanguard and not factions?


With the new patch, I thought to myself "Wow, Bungie is starting to realize impeding progress is stupid game design" and looky here. Gg


Some of their UI is still so poorly designed. Like, why does the Crucible screen itself show an x/100 for Crucible Marks, but your inventory has zero indication that 200 is the max. Having x/200 would be such a simple and smart thing to add. They're usually so good about this kind of stuff that it blows my mind that they haven't noticed it.

Also, are there details anywhere on the "two new crucible playlists?"

And what the heck is "The Director". They state it in the PVP changes like it's a thing I should be familiar with. Is that just the name of the Crucible select screen? Am I supposed to know that?

The Director is just a fancy name for the "set a destination" UI in orbit. Kinda silly tbh.

As far as the new crucible playlists go, I know there was a hardcore playlist which was datamined a few weeks ago (it's called Inferno) where you don't have radar. Whether or not that's included in the new DLC remains to be seen though.


Just.. wow. SO.

To get a full set of the new Vanguard/Crucible legendary armor, I need to grind out 4 new separate levels of rep to get a care package and the commendation inside. Actually no.. let's think about this differently.

1 exotic weapon, 1 exotic armor for light/maximum attack - let's ignore the fact that I'll probably be re-leveling a weapon.

So I need 2 more legendary weapons at a higher attack stat - and 3 pieces of legendary armor at the appropriate light/defense level - so at least 5 separate rep levels that I have to grind out with the vanguard/crucible for their tokens.


The Director is just a fancy name for the "set a destination" UI in orbit. Kinda silly tbh.

As far as the new crucible playlists go, I know there was a hardcore playlist which was datamined a few weeks ago (it's called Inferno) where you don't have radar.
Shotguns running even more wild.


This commendation system is the dumbest thing I've heard. Thanks for all the artificial barriers to progression bungie. Getting from 22-25 on a new character is going to take forever. Seems like they should add more content if they want people to play for longer, not make the existing systems more convoluted and grind. It only took them 48 hours to kill all the good will from the great patch this week
But you will...

Ironically the Tumbler is probably the best thing they've added so far since it's something that's actually fun rather than something that's just going to result in me grinding more. Just something purely for fun, which is pretty damn rare in this game so far.

Not necessarily. If i was going to I would have already. I was telling my friends last night about how I was pleased with the recent changes and would be getting it but I will have to reconsider. I love playing this game but I don't appreciate some of the grinding they keep adding. I understand it's the type of game where grinding is needed but they should understand they have a serious issue and that is lack of content.


I have the audacity to want a refund for an expansion pack I've never played, and was dumb enough to buy on good faith yesterday after the mostly agreeable update. Boy I feel silly.
Slow down and re-read what I said. I was saying if it was for the full game, that might be dirty depending on time played.

For an unplayed expac? Go for it and I hope y'get it.

Commendation being redeemed must mean you can only buy one new legendary weapon/armor until you rank up again. ugh

In other words, get all your reps to ALMOST leveling and stop this week if you want to keep going forward.

....if it even matters for non Vanguard / Crucible? I dunno. It feels like they went "FUCK, these guys / gals are leveling their reps fast! What do we do?"

So level 12 or whatever rep means jack shit. It's so non-intuitive it's crazy.

So, tell me. Bungie has NO clue about anything, right? They're building their game as things go along, right?

Yes. We've known this since release, though, we just forgot about it.

My biggest issue are these commendations. One more stupid fucking currency that is unnecessary.

There is absolutely no reason to upgrade anything until Tuesday or to redeem any bounties or engrams.
Well, redeem bounties to get close to dinging. Otherwise, correct.

Are we at least going to get commendations for ranks we've already earned? If not, that's pretty stingy and shitty.
There'd be no reason to use commendations if they gave you ones for levels already earned. If they were going to do that, they could just do Current Level - 3 and use that to determine if you were eligible.

The "problem" is some of us are over rank 10 in multiple rep vendors already, so it wouldn't slow us down.

Level 29's am fucked?
They probably mean a level 30 has to start it, but a 29 can be on their fireteam.

....but if the end mobs are level 31 or 32, it'd be dumb for the 29 to go anyways.
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