Sorry, my wife came downstairs and seduced me. Videogames got shut down real quick.I sent invites through my PS3. Got two people on my FL that way.
Somebody help Stryker out before he falls asleep.I dunno, he might good for an all nighter.
Sorry, my wife came downstairs and seduced me. Videogames got shut down real quick.I sent invites through my PS3. Got two people on my FL that way.
Somebody help Stryker out before he falls asleep.I dunno, he might good for an all nighter.
From my understanding, keep in mind I quickly read things, the current raid weapons wont be upgraded. The primary weapons will still be useful due to their elemental properties till the new primary raid weapons become available...sometimes in January..Has anything been said about what happens to the VOG raid weapons? Any chance to further upgrade our current legendary raid weapons to also keep up with the new content? I haven't heard. I saw other people asking if the Vex Mythoclast was to be included as one of the exotics that will get to advance further, but I imagine that none of us know at this point.
Looking on on my characters
Hunter needs 151xp to level up a rank
Titan needs 611xp to level up a rank
Warlock needs 642 xp to level up a rank
How much does a weekly 28 give you? I haven't done them yet (but I have done the Nightfalls). Would be ideal to be as close to leveling up a Rank as possible on Tuesday.
Guess I'll have to trade those motes of light for exotic engrams this weekend
Just logged into Destiny out of pure reflex.
Shut it down immediately to play TLoUR.
Feels weird.
Just logged into Destiny out of pure reflex.
Shut it down immediately to play TLoUR.
Feels weird.
if you want your "old" exotics to do more than tickle crota, you have to spend an exotic shard to trade your gjallarhorn in for a new one with extra damage, and then level it up again.
"Youll need three things. First, you need to own the original version of that exotic item, and turn it in to exchange for the upgraded version. It doesnt matter if this old version of the item is brand new or fully upgraded. To complete the upgrade, youll also need to turn in an exotic shard. This recently introduced new material is available for purchase for seven strange coins from Xur, or by breaking down another existing exotic item in your inventory. Finally, each exotic upgrade costs a hefty dose of cash around 7000 glimmer as of my playthrough of the expansion in mid-November. After turning all three of these things into Xur, hell hand you a brand new version of your item with a higher defense or attack value cap.
Its important to note that this process resets the upgrades on your exotic item, but youll now have a new higher damage or defense cap to work towards so youll need to decide if youd rather keep your fully upgraded old version of a weapon or armor piece, or start over. With that said, the process of upgrading exotic items is now faster, and does not require ascendant materials. Instead, the last slot requires one additional exotic shard, as revealed in Mondays patch."
I just woke up.
Is the Dark Below shitstorm still going on? Any good news?
Bungie really should have allowed you to keep your unique upgrade perks for each upgraded weapon and have Xur bump your weapons attack value to 302 or something and then made it harder to get from 302 attack to 331 attack. People would have complained so much less. Hard to understand why they couldn't think of that.
From my understanding, keep in mind I quickly read things, the current raid weapons wont be upgraded. The primary weapons will still be useful due to their elemental properties till the new primary raid weapons become available...sometimes in January..
Technically it gives you 400 or 499 with the nightfall bonus.lvl 28 -> 500 rep-xp
Technically it gives you 400 or 499 with the nightfall bonus.
I'm freaking conflicted.
OT12|Déja Vu All Over Again
I like logging in at night. I love running around in this game world with the likes of Deaf, Comms Harlan and Anubis and laughing it up till someone spits soda out of their nose.
I really enjoy running raids. As Hudson pointed out I'm always in them. Hawkian's group and our Wednesday Fun Run guys are as awesome as they come.
I'm here this morning sick again, home from work. I could play all day. Having no voice would make that tough, but doable.
Still thinking about what Bungie is doing though. They nerf, they patch exploits, they tell us we aren't playing "as intended." First they place no value on the way we play. What their player base told them helped make strategy (predictable teleports) they flushed down the drain and broke further. Single teleports, Praetorians regaining health.
Now they are not valuing the time I've played. I looked last night. I have well over 100 hours in this game. Well. Over. Some of that was amazing fun with friends. Much of it was mindless bounty completion to level weapons and gear.
Which is what they want me to do again? Again? Really?
I'm staring at Diablo 3, at Advanced Warfare. I haven't opened them! I haven't finished Mordor.
Bungie why the bleep are you doing stupid stuff to your player base over and freaking over again?
Whoever said an OT should be titled Stockholm Syndrome nailed it.
I love the social part more than I love the game at this point.![]()
Fatebringer is such a great weapon and glad you got it! Just in time for it to slowly become worthlessThat makes sense. I assume the old legendaries will still be useful in everything as usual but less so in the dlc, which is to be expected. Got to keep those carrots dangling to keep us chasing the newest and the best! I finally got fatebringer last night (the last raid weapon I wanted), so I'm still going to level it up. I'm not leveling any more exotics until all these changes take effect though.
Yeah the social aspect of the game is what kept me playing for as long as I didI'm freaking conflicted.
OT12|Déja Vu All Over Again
I like logging in at night. I love running around in this game world with the likes of Deaf, Comms Harlan and Anubis and laughing it up till someone spits soda out of their nose.
I really enjoy running raids. As Hudson pointed out I'm always in them. Hawkian's group and our Wednesday Fun Run guys are as awesome as they come.
I'm here this morning sick again, home from work. I could play all day. Having no voice would make that tough, but doable.
Still thinking about what Bungie is doing though. They nerf, they patch exploits, they tell us we aren't playing "as intended." First they place no value on the way we play. What their player base told them helped make strategy (predictable teleports) they flushed down the drain and broke further. Single teleports, Praetorians regaining health.
Now they are not valuing the time I've played. I looked last night. I have well over 100 hours in this game. Well. Over. Some of that was amazing fun with friends. Much of it was mindless bounty completion to level weapons and gear.
Which is what they want me to do again? Again? Really?
I'm staring at Diablo 3, at Advanced Warfare. I haven't opened them! I haven't finished Mordor.
Bungie why the bleep are you doing stupid stuff to your player base over and freaking over again?
Whoever said an OT should be titled Stockholm Syndrome nailed it.
I love the social part more than I love the game at this point.![]()
speaking of reddit (not mine):
The gear treadmill and why "clearly you've never played an MMO" is a misguided response to those upset by recent news
So I've been trying to put my finger on exactly what is so irritating about this patch to me -- someone who played WoW for 8 years, quite actively (well over a year of /played time), someone who should have (ostensibly) been prepared for this kind of gear reset.
Here's the thing: Destiny isn't WoW. As much as I might wish it were a lot more like WoW, it's being managed by a company with no experience in MMOs (or MMO-lite games, which is more accurate for Destiny) or loot-based games, and it's showing. There are a billion things that have been learned over the course of 15ish years of MMOs and 10 years of WoW that have been utterly ignored by Bungie in their development of Destiny, like RNG mitigation, social tools, and encounter design, but those really aren't the issue here.
The issue is that Bungie has an absolute metric buttload to learn about communication.
People keep comparing Destiny to games like WoW, saying that anyone who is surprised or shocked or frustrated with the latest news of exotic resets has clearly never played another MMO. Otherwise, obviously that person would understand the nature of the gear treadmill and that this was bound to happen. And sure, maybe it was.
But the difference between WoW (or nearly any other well-managed MMO) and Destiny is quite simply that Blizzard wouldn't make a change like this without:
a) forewarning the community in ample enough time to get feedback before implementation was a week away
b) ensuring the community didn't throw away invested time in something that was only going to last a week, or
c) releasing the information from the horse's mouth before it got out through a third-party like Game Informer.
News like this is pretty massive. In a game like WoW, this type of change would be saved for a major expansion -- one that comes years after the release of the previous, not three months afterward. Beyond that, the nature of the exotic change is quite a bit different from the nature of a gear reset in a traditional MMO. A gear reset in WoW typically changes very little of the basic playstyle of your character. You might lose a set bonus that makes one of your spells work slightly differently, or you might end up short of a haste breakpoint that slightly alters your optimal spell rotation. But generally speaking, a resto druid is going to play like a resto druid, regardless of what gear you're wearing or what weapon you're wielding. But in Destiny, guns dictate your playstyle far more than your subclass, or even your main class. The way you play with Thorn, for example, is utterly different from the way you play with Invective. Exotics, in particular, typically alter your playstyle in pretty noticeable ways. So when Bungie says, "oh btdubs, if you still want to use those guns you're going to have to turn them in for New Gun+ and then level them again," you're not experiencing the same feeling as going from 85 to 90 when Mists of Pandaria comes out. Bungie has just limited the options you have for different playstyles in the future -- and that is only considering the having-to-choose-which-exotics-to-relevel bit. That's not including the swath of Vanguard and Crucible and raid legendaries that will be falling to the wayside, into obsolescence, once you're doing hard mode content or Iron Banner next time around.
Will there be another gun similar to Vision of Confluence? Sure, but it won't be the same gun. Is Crota's End going to drop a legendary that feels like my 3-tube, Flared Magwell, Clown Cartridge Admonisher III? Maybe so, but I doubt I'll be lucky enough to end up with those same perks (RNGesus plz). The point is, Bungie dropped the ball, not just with this change, but with making sure the community knew what was going on ahead of time. Worse still, they released an update that would cause players to dismantle extra exotics and spend glimmer and materials and time upgrading current weapons, knowing full well that they were about to release an update that would render all of that effort null and void.
Other threads have popped up offering perfectly good solutions to this feeling of being shafted - just adding more bubbles to previous exotics, or making sure that only players with fully-upgraded exotics could exchange them for the new tier version. But Bungie didn't do those things, and there's really not enough time for them to make changes like that in the week before The Dark Below releases. Will it get fixed post-release? Maybe, but the damage has already been done. People have already invested Exotic Shards into guns and will now have to invest two more Exotic Shards into the new versions, when they could have just waited a week and saved a shard, and time, and glimmer.
The lesson here is that we can't trust Bungie. It hurts me to say that, but as of right now, I feel like playing this game at all is gambling that Bungie doesn't have a plan to wipe away my time investment in a week. And that's not something that's going to change after the expansion is released -- it's something that's going to last as long as we play this game.
But that's just it, isn't it? As long as we play this game. I fear, for a lot of people, that time has just run out.
TLW: Bungie needs to learn to communicate and stop making bass-ackward design decisions without taking care to inform the community (or worse, deliberately not inform them) first."
I think I decided to not upgrade any of my already maxed exotics at least for a month.
Except even that isn't your choice. Under their current system, if Xur doesn't have the armor or weapon upgrades you want that week, well fuck you. And if you forget to check him the week he does, well fuck you.
I'll be stunned if their current implementation lasts, it's just amazingly hateful.
Except even that isn't your choice. Under their current system, if Xur doesn't have the armor or weapon upgrades you want that week, well fuck you. And if you forget to check him the week he does, well fuck you.
I'll be stunned if their current implementation lasts, it's just amazingly hateful.
I'll be stunned if their current implementation lasts, it's just amazingly hateful.
What's Diablo 3 like on PS4? Is all this bullshit fixed now since the game is a few years old?![]()
What the hell is this levelling up vanguard and crucible to get new shit... Good grief, going to have to grind that to? Crucible took ages to get to level 3 ffs.
Pretty much, the attack and defense rating isn't an immediate concern because that can level up through normal use, most of my fun with say the thorn is the poison rounds, or the Gjallahorns wolf pack both are at the tail end of their skill tree where they are just okay weapons until then.
Hell i'm now in a situation where I DON'T want Hawkmoon to drop for me now until next Tuesday, the fucked upness of that.
Destiny |OTX| Loot. Grind. Reset.
Today's schedule:
Beat Weekly heroic twice for coins
Exit Destiny
Play Dragon Age (or finally start Far Cry 4)
I'll hold off on trading in any exotics for a month or so.
Agreed, although from a development point of view I can't see it being changed very quickly.
I can't believe on Monday we got that update for our Exotics that was really welcome and well received, yet it was the biggest shit sandwich of all time. They knew what the other nasty change was that they were going to announce, yet they introduced this first and allowed people to waste precious Exotic shards on upgrading weapons that - within a week - need another shard to get reset.
It's cunty.
What's Diablo 3 like on PS4? Is all this bullshit fixed now since the game is a few years old?![]()
Destiny |OT12| Loot. Grind. Reset.
Dragon Age arrived last night.
Enjoy, this game has a story and it's pretty decent!
I really enjoy running raids. As Hudson pointed out I'm always in them. Hawkian's group and our Wednesday Fun Run guys are as awesome as they come.
The opposite. Always do the Nightfall first, though I've seen tons of other people do it the other way around.I've done the Nightfall already, so you get less for the 28 Weekly as a result?
I need to make sure all my previous choices are correct before I start. It's been years so I don't remember a lot of the side stuff in previous games. Probably gonna skim through a LP this weekend and try to remember my choices lol.
Today is the update and I expect story time with nothing substantial. Would be nice if they admitted fault and say that the system will change to not be against players that have invested time.
It's a huge negative for me that Bungie doesn't respect our time at all. Can't name any other developer that is so blatant with that.
Um what the fuck is this? I can't believe people can defend such a decision.You're lucky they let you upgrade them at all.
You're lucky they let you upgrade them at all.
Thanks for the shout outs! Don't go leavin on me