After going through the dlc details I was ready to flip out until I thought about it more. I'm no longer too upset about having to reupgrade my exotics and I guess that's only because I have 2 and 3 of everything. I'll just keep all my maxed out exotics while leveling up the copies that I choose to upgrade.
If I didn't tho I'd prob be pissed off at the idea of doing all that work over again.
So since everyone gets the level 30 nightfall and weekly I guess that confirms by deduction that DLC owners don't get to have the DLC strike in the nightfall and weekly rotation.
You can do it immediately upon release. But apparently only light level 30 can lead a fireteam. No idea if that means if only level 30s can do the normal raid or the leader must be 30 to start similar to Iron Banner.
In the GI article it mentioned that internal employees play on live servers and are playing the same game we are, experiencing the same frustrations we are. This was supposed to be comforting, I guess, as it implied that they were well aware of the issues players have. This is a fundamentally flawed method of getting feedback, though.
Take yesterdays news, for example. Telling us we have to completely start over leveling our exotics after trading them in. Plenty of players, like myself, dumped time and resources into grinding out the last levels of some of my favorite exotics this week, only to find out I probably shouldn't have spent those exotic shards and glimmer considering I was going to start over. Obviously I wouldn't have done this, had I known.
This is something I wouldn't imagine Bungie employees "playing the same game" would have done. More than likely, they are aware of the long term plan and incoming changes. This is, of course, assuming Bungie's internal communication is at least better than their communication with us.
I love this game, I do. But communication. Communication is so vastly important. So integral to the success of a long term, evolving game. Bungie, historically, enjoys being quiet, shady, cryptic, etc. That just isn't going to work anymore. It can't. You cannot leave your playerbase in the dark with a game like this, it just won't work. We need more than a week to prepare for large content changes. Changes which have been apparently coming for a long time.
GI played their preview last month and we are learning about a compelling reason to not invest time on certain things this week. I'm not a conspiracy theorist and I generally give Bungie the benefit of the doubt, but it seems pretty transparent that these design decisions have been made to create time sinks for existing content to make up for a general lack of new content. Old places to invest our time to keep us busy into the next expansion, and gates to keep us from conquering their current content too quickly. Hard mode raid not available until January? Hmmm...why might that be?
All of that just comes down to communication. Though it is transparent that the design decisions have been made to artificially extend the life of the content, the continued lack of communication about some of these changes is probably the single biggest frustration. Our game keeps changing very suddenly. Their strategy thusfar has been "ready, fire, aim".
We have so much joy and relief when they fix something they broke or make good on something we didn't like, and couldn't reasonably be expected to like. That's twisted. Don't ask for our feedback on changes when it is very clearly too late to reconsider. And don't try to comfort us by welcoming feedback when we know it is too late, and don't try to comfort us by telling us you will adjust your strategy at a point where the issue is no longer pertinent.
Long rambling...I know. I guess my central point is, who is it who thinks these design decisions are going to be welcomed? They've demonstrated they are:
A) Clueless, and really have no idea what they are doing with this game and how to keep players happy (for more than two days)
B) Very aware of how the choices they make will be received and don't believe that is more important than artificially extending the life of their game.
We, as informed players, understand why they are making these choices (longevity of content). But Bungie is going to further alienate their players if they keep making these decisions at the expense of player enjoyment. This strategy will not continue to produce results. At some point, we will break.
The real problem is that however frustrated I am - however upset I am with their strategy on a fundamental level - I am addicted to their game. They know this, and continue to take advantage of it.
Does anyone find themself lacking any real motivation to play?
I don't see any point in doing any bounties, leveling up any factions etc, until next week.
I think what I'll do is do ten 5000xp bounties and let them sit there, whilst at the same time running Tiger Strikes 'till I hit the cap. I'll probably push my Vanguard rank as close to the next level as possible too.
Does anyone find themself lacking any real motivation to play?
I don't see any point in doing any bounties, leveling up any factions etc, until next week.
I think what I'll do is do ten 5000xp bounties and let them sit there, whilst at the same time running Tiger Strikes 'till I hit the cap. I'll probably push my Vanguard rank as close to the next level as possible too.
Does anyone find themself lacking any real motivation to play?
I don't see any point in doing any bounties, leveling up any factions etc, until next week.
I think what I'll do is do ten 5000xp bounties and let them sit there, whilst at the same time running Tiger Strikes 'till I hit the cap. I'll probably push my Vanguard rank as close to the next level as possible too.
Yup, just waiting for Tuesday at this point. There's not much for me to do anyway but the few things I was still leveling up seem pointless now. I could raid and try to get the last few exotics I don't have but whatever.
I look forward to checking out the new stuff in the expansion but with the patch notes today I am probably taking a break until next Tuesday. No point in putting any more time into exotics that I will just have to level again and no point in running VOG again tonight for gear that won't scale for the new content.
Destiny is a fun game but Bungie sure does make some lame decisions sometimes.
Me! I believe you're rNilla on PSN but if you wish you can add me: coyquettish on PSN. i still need to find 32 more ghosts (barf) but that should be done by this weekend.
Me! I believe you're rNilla on PSN but if you wish you can add me: coyquettish on PSN. i still need to find 32 more ghosts (barf) but that should be done by this weekend.
I love how they still haven't introduced a higher level strike playlist, but they're altering the strikes without matchmaking. GG, Bungie. Not many people even play the lower level strikes, I'm sure.
Me! I believe you're rNilla on PSN but if you wish you can add me: coyquettish on PSN. i still need to find 32 more ghosts (barf) but that should be done by this weekend.