Oh, for sure the player is by far the most important factor. But I'm also pretty sure Destiny Tracker leaderboards are filled with predominantly Hunters in the Top 50.
Good player beats bad player any day, but good Hunter beats good other class more often than not.
Not necessarily, class skew impacts that heavily - in all my time playing Crucible I can count on my hands the number of times I was hit by a Supressor grenade. The vast majority of Titans I encountered (who were a minority of all classes) were running around throwing panic fists. There's no way in hell I would have gone on a 43 kill streak without my bubble of glory.
If people don't play Defenders in pvp, they aren't going to end up on top of the leaderboards, whatever their strengths.
We know hunters were over-represented compared to Warlocks and Titans, those numbers may be even more skewed at higher levels of pvp play.
I spent time with all three classes and all six specs in pvp, so I know what Hunters are capable of from both sides of the barrel, but I still preferred playing Defender and never felt disadvantaged in any mode outside
mayyyybe a close Rumble match against a skilled Hunter. In that case their Supers could help them harvest more meat faster than I could.
'Better at killing scrubs faster' isn't the same thing as 'superior pvp class'.
Destiny also has a pretty high skill cap, new players get
wrecked by vets even harder in this than they do in CoD, and both Hunter specs have supers that enable sprees more easily than Void Bomb or Fist.
All of which is a long way of saying I never got tired of getting triple+ kills from people walking into a Saint-14 dome, that shit is hilarious.