Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Finals Week is really screwing me up.
All right then - just don't give me a hard time
Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Finals Week is really screwing me up.
This is stupid, I want to use the shiny new exotics, but then I remember that if I am to upgrade them all the progress I got on them will be for nothing. My exotics are all gonna have to be on hold until I upgrade them, or Bungie changes their mind about the progression reset. This seriously blows.
Oh, believe you me, there were far less interesting paths on the table!
I've read a lot of great suggestions from the community in the past hours. Many of them are, in fact, paths we explored. Sometimes there are technical dead ends, and often there are other "oh shit" issues to consider that only become apparent as we spin up a build and play it ourselves.
But, I tend to shy away from digging too deeply into the "hey, making games is really hard" path with players, because honestly why should you care about the challenges? Makes for a cool story, maybe, but ultimately doesn't change how you experience Destiny.
Based on the new pic of Xur floating around, I'm pretty curious to know what's going to be happening with Motes of Light. No more Exotic Engrams?DeeJ will cover this in more depth, and he'll have a few more things to talk about, too.
The scariest thing is that Xur, the bastard who has sold Voidvang vestments 6/12 times and Sunbreakers 4/12 times is going to decide what I get to upgrade.
Xur is a fantastic addition to the game when he's used as an alternative to RNG. But as a requirement? GTFO.
That's what's so crappy about DeeJ saying it's "elective". Xur decides when you can. If you decide you want to keep your maxed, perked Exotic one more week and skip Xur. He may *never* offer it again. Just like Gjallarhorn. Week 2 and then never again.
Hey Urk thanks for stopping by:
The Good changes:
New Exotic balancing brought by the last update
Fixing the X1 party lag issue
Allowing materials to be purchased
More frequent public events
Last Iron Banner was awesome
More ways to get materials
Not needing shards/energy for exotics (Minus exotic shard)
More bounty spaces
The new sparrow
The bad changes:
Old legendary's becoming outdated (i.e. AE, Fatebringer, etc)
New exotic attack buff process (Having to re-level weapons)
Crucible/Vanguard Commendations
Using Xur as the method of upgrading old exotics
What changes I think should be considered:
More vault space that can be purchased with either strange coins/motes of light
Larger weekly cap for vanguard/crucible marks
Larger amount of marks that can be held (aka more than 200 at a time)
Have Xur stay Sunday as well
Just my opinion!
DeeJ will address with his aforementioned bullshit. Get in the mood!
I can't promise we'll get to every individual's personal feedback, but I can pretty much guarantee that nearly every perspective is being represented by a player advocate, a piece of data, or an anecdotal experience inside Bungie. We've made a commitment to gather behavior data from the player base and scour forums and communities for insight. We have multiple meetings daily and weekly specifically focused on reviewing and prioritizing requested features. I believe we're now up to 12 patches/updates in three months time. We're investing time and real money to make the game better. Keep letting us know what you love, and where you think we can do better.
I hadn't heard the request for more vault space before, tho, so that's a bit of a surprise (not really).
Urk, I dont know if Deej will touch on this topic but do you know if PS exclusive exotics like Hawkmoon will be upgradeable for TDB content?
first thing on the first page, friendo.Hey DestinyGaf! Its been awhile, almost a full 60 days since I last touched Destiny. Havent installed an update since the one before the revamped Iron Banner Event. This might have already been asked but didnt see it anywhere, but is there a place I can go to find out exactly what changes I need the figure out. Just a list of something with the canges and what that actually means to a player lol.
In other words, if anyone is still playing that might remember me ill be on in a few hours tonight after the updates install.
Edit: wait i think the guy above me answered my question before I posted
Just sent you a request.Hard raid anyone? Shem0275 PS4
Does someone have a color shield break down?
What color are the shields?
Oh, believe you me, there were far less interesting paths on the table!
I've read a lot of great suggestions from the community in the past hours. Many of them are, in fact, paths we explored. Sometimes there are technical dead ends, and often there are other "oh shit" issues to consider that only become apparent as we spin up a build and play it ourselves.
But, I tend to shy away from digging too deeply into the "hey, making games is really hard" path with players, because honestly why should you care about the challenges? Makes for a cool story, maybe, but ultimately doesn't change how you experience Destiny.
Does someone have a color shield break down?
Arc Blue
Solar Orange
Void? Purple
What color are the shields?
Does someone have a color shield break down?
What color are the shields?
DeeJ will address with his aforementioned bullshit. Get in the mood!
Trying to think about what I would buy from Xur tomorrow. Given the changes, I think the only Exotic that I don't have that I would definitely buy is Ice Breaker. It's really the only gun I'm craving and don't have. Would probably pick up the Red Death actually.
It's confirmed he is not going to sell either the PS exclusives or the bounty exotics, right?
Should we be in a romantic feeling loved mood, or is the just give in and take what is coming type of mood?
Does someone have a color shield break down?
Arc - blue
Solar - orange
Void? - purple
What color are the shields?
Yeah that's fine. Once atheon is dead I will see what time it is and make a call if I can do second raid or not.
Does everyone or most have relic experience? As that could be the hardest part
What is love?
Just sent you a request.
edit: lol thought you had a full squad ? We can try and get more people. Need two more for hard raid guys.
Sweet! At work for 5 more hours but if planning gets started, feel free to PM me or on PSN.You'd be the sixth. We'd just need an alt (or two.)
arc is blue
solar is yellow
void is purple
What is love?
I appreciate the feedback. The fact that you're taking time to respond on a forum is giving me confidence you guys will do the right thing. I know Bungie is a huge organization now compared to the old days and in huge organizations the movement of information and change is sometimes slowed down. Either way, we are all looking forward to positive changes.
I should be able to start playing by around 8:30 am that day (because I have to pretend like I'm going to work or my wife will want to take off to spend time with me... yuck.) I am assuming as long as one of unlocks whatever prerequisites there are, we'll be able to join them on it.
Its hard for me to distinguish blue from purple.
no more?Baby don't hurt me, no more
edit: beaten like the empire
Agreed (for the most part). Thanks for posting, Urk.
Also, E92 has been leading the charge to have the Mythoclast nerfed again. It's causing people to pine for it despite the expac coming up, so you should look into this. I was against it, but thinking about it, I might be being swayed to his position....
Get in the mood!
So after thinking things through a bit I calmed down. I want to apologize for some harsh comments I made towards you guys at Bungie. That was in the heat of the moment.
Like I know myself too well that once the DLC hits I will be back in this game day and night and do it like a professional porn star. Get down on my knees and swallow that load.
People interested in launch day raid.
There you go ^-^
I'm in. Level 30 Hunter. PSN = Ikkarus.Ha sorry should have made that clear.
Hard Raid
1. Shem0275
2. Gen_hof
Hmm. I should set up a Fireteam for the new missions and strikes on Tuesday.
I'm in. Level 30 Hunter. PSN = Ikkarus.
Yep, all EST.8:30am is fine for me (EST right?). If I'm up early I can start some of the Eric missions if we need them for raid.