This game has hooked me bad for 16 total days. Thats 384 hours.
Dammit. Now I'll have to issue refunds. I'm losing money here. That money was going towards a plane ticket so that I can get my flowers and chocolate from fig!
Looks like I'll hold off on finishing Thorn, then.
You ate my chocolates didn't you?Don't worry, you weren't getting them anyway.
Is Thorn much use outside of The Crucible? If so, might not matter that much, other than for IB.
Glad to see Urk in here clarifying stuff. There might be hope just yet.
The least I hope for is maybe a free upgrade from Xur if you've maxed the old exotic. So all that time, glimmer, materials and (exotic) shards didn't go to waste.
Can you confirm you want to join?
Holy crud, according to
My Titan has 166 hours
Hunter has 92 hours
Warlock has 71 hours
329 hours/24 = 13+ days in game.
People interested in launch day raid.
Deej confirmed that getting a pre expansion exotic after December 9th will yield the upgraded version.
(i.e. if I do the Thorn bounty now but don't turn it in, and wait until after the 9th, it will be the upgraded version)
So by the looks of it our blind Crota friday raid group kinda fell apart? Who is still in?
Deej confirmed that getting a pre expansion exotic after December 9th will yield the upgraded version.
(i.e. if I do the Thorn bounty now but don't turn it in, and wait until after the 9th, it will be the upgraded version)
Well I mean some of that is your son, right...?
i'm trying to help
Ah! So that's why RNGesus hasn't blessed me with a Hawkmoon yet... because he does not want to let me stuck with a handicapped version of the gun. He's acting cruelly to me; but I always knew he secretly loves me. :'D
Holy crud, according to
My Titan has 166 hours
Hunter has 92 hours
Warlock has 71 hours
329 hours/24 = 13+ days in game.
Feels weird that Xur is the upgrade NPC, not Eris.
So by the looks of it our blind Crota friday raid group kinda fell apart? Who is still in?
Yep, should've been Eris or the gunsmith. The gunsmith assists with exotic bounties along the way, so why not give him a more prominent purpose than buying ammo packs and waiting for rare fusion rifle stock. I mean, I like the idea of Xur and what "it" does now, but once a week is basically stifling progress purposefully to extend the game's content IMO. I'm still in for the DLC and feel that the content we do get will be great, but some of these decisions leave me smh.
why yes, gimme just a minute or two to collect about 1.2 million XP, ~50.000 glimmer and ~50 exotic coins
Don't put any more XP into the exotics until Dec 9th if you want to upgrade them to DLC-level attack
Yes, fortunately. But I've taken it on myself to run his Hunter through the weeklies, Nightfalls and Raids.
I looked at fig's total on just one character (15 days??) and I thought, "Ok, not so bad."hugs to fig
Yeah that's fine. Once atheon is dead I will see what time it is and make a call if I can do second raid or not.
Does everyone or most have relic experience? As that could be the hardest part
Sorry that's a bit later than I was looking to run, was hoping to do a Hard Raid around now and finish this evening.
raindoc on GAF and PSN - 30 Warlock for GK+Atheon/29 Hunter for fresh run; maxed IB, G'horn, etc.
ArkkAngel007 (PSN Same), Lvl 29 Hunter (Maxed Hezen Vengeance, Ice Breaker, and Vanquisher VIII; might have maxed VoC by then).
Yes, fortunately. But I've taken it on myself to run his Hunter through the weeklies, Nightfalls and Raids.
I looked at fig's total on just one character (15 days??) and I thought, "Ok, not so bad."hugs to fig
Should check with GhalleonEB. I know he just hit raid viable.
I'm still in. If we get stuck it'll be on mechanics we don't know, not weapons. 300 vs 323 won't break our run. I hope you guys are still up for it!why yes, gimme just a minute or two to collect about 1.2 million XP, ~50.000 glimmer and ~50 strange coins
No idea who has experience in what. We'll have to sort that out when we get in the party chat tonight.
No worries, we have a few alts. I just wanted to make sure I didn't give away your seat if you wanted it.
Updated List:
Hard Mode Raid (starting at Gatekeepers, killing Atheon, then starting over) - PS4 - 8pm Eastern
1) Dave_6 (PSN DaveS78) - Level 29 Hunter
2) stb (PSN Berried_treasurE) - Level 29 Titan
3) Agent_Tiro (PSN Agent_Tiro) - Level 30 Hunter
4) Temidien (PSN Temidien) - Level 29 Titan
5) schwagger15 (PSN spyder_ur) - Level 29 Titan & Level 29 Warlock
6) Coconut (PSN KrugerrandMan)- Level29 Hunter
alt1) raindoc (PSN raindoc) - Level 30 Warlock & Level 29 Hunter
alt2) ArkkAngel007 (PSN ArkkAngel007) - Level 29 Hunter
I'd like a couple 30's in this, so the slot's yours if you want it.
Can you still take slot 6 if raindoc can't?
Agreed (for the most part). Thanks for posting, Urk.
Also, E92 has been leading the charge to have the Mythoclast nerfed again. It's causing people to pine for it despite the expac coming up, so you should look into this. I was against it, but thinking about it, I might be being swayed to his position....
W-were they good?
how dare you
So... apparently i had a match yesterday in the crucible where i got 7 double downs... that seems really high. can anyone else top that?
Where are you guys seeing this? The official Bungie sources, or DestinyTracker?
Neo, Qwell. You guys doing any hard raiding tonight? Anybody else doing any? I finally maxed out my Vision. Should be helpful during the raid.
Yup.So basically for those with exotics already you need two shards to fully max the upgraded the versions? One for getting it upgraded and another one for the last node? So technically that would be 14 strange coins.
They fell to the floor when she didn't jump before dying.You ate my chocolates didn't you?
So... apparently i had a match yesterday in the crucible where i got 7 double downs... that seems really high. can anyone else top that?