I think more light is required in the beginning to raise levels though.... they could reduce the amount of light required to raise a level. So for instance 30 is 120 light, then 31 could be 130 light and 32 could be 140 light. DrCrispy has 137 light and he is level 31 on DestinyDB and all his gear is maxed. .
Looks like exotic engrams may appear in Xur's inventory.
Thins that are bothering me today.
- Sore Throat
- Xur Selling Plan C AGAIN
- Exotic Upgrades
- Still no hawkmoon
- Still no gjallarhorn
/end rant
You should stop playing.
I agree, a break is in order for your sanity. Grey Cardinal, take care of your health. It's just a game.
It took 20 light from Lv 20 to 21 then 12 more to Lv22 and then 11 light every level since. Crispy's maxed DLC exotic has 36 light would should confirm that 144 is required for Lv32 (and also fits with him being 31 at 137 light).
As others have said, its certainly most likely that the TDB vendor gear will be similar to the Vanguard/Crucible vendors and get us to 31 but require 3 raid+exotic or 4 raid. Hadn't heard that the new IB gear would be to 31 which makes sense I guess for the start of the expansion.
Why is anyone upset about the 2nd Plan C? There were pages upon pages of angry posts detailing how poorly Bungie is handling the Exotic upgrade system that's coming in a few days. Why in the WORLD would anyone in their right mind buy a fresh Exotic right before the DLC?
True, it still speaks to a larger issue with Bungie needlessly repeating what Xur is selling (at least have the wares on rotate like the Nightfalls, ffs), but this is clearlly a unique instance where the repetition finally makes sense to the players.
I'm more concerned with the seemingly now-pointless Motes of Light. What function do they serve now, apart from buying stuff from one vendor? Are they going to be part of the new upgrade tree with Exotics?
I'm stupid, I bought the helm of in-most light for my Titan who has been waiting for helmet since I bought the game in October.
Yeah I'm stupid, wasted my coins on a helmet that is still max light 30 when the DLC will probably sell them at 31 but my Titan has been starving for a helmet
Guess I'll get a Titan Helm, some Heavy Syntheses, and then blow the rest on shards. Meh.
That helm has better stats than the original verson that Xur sold. So at least for a little while, you can take comfort in that![]()
Sure thing! You are aware of the 8 hour time difference I presume? As long as you have the day off should be good.
So it's:
- Jinjo
- Mr-Stephen
- Zoltan69
- GalacticToast
- Ocean
- Ambitious
I'm gonna assume the final two are still in.Don't leave us hanging!
How many new Exotics did data mining reveal? Weapons I mean.
It took 20 light from Lv 20 to 21 then 12 more to Lv22 and then 11 light every level since. Crispy's maxed DLC exotic has 36 light would should confirm that 144 is required for Lv32 (and also fits with him being 31 at 137 light).
As others have said, its certainly most likely that the TDB vendor gear will be similar to the Vanguard/Crucible vendors and get us to 31 but require 3 raid+exotic or 4 raid. Hadn't heard that the new IB gear would be to 31 which makes sense I guess for the start of the expansion.
Oh wait... where do you see that DrCrispy's helmet in DestinyDB has 36 light? I just checked and I can't find this information. .
The Xur-related glimmer farming next weekend is going to be absurd. He supposedly will have 12 available exists to upgrade, and nobody will want to leave anything decent on the table given Xur's antics. I still want to get a team together to mow down normal GKeepers checkpoint and see how efficient it can become.
Seems like motes don't really have too much of a role to play any more.
Something that might be cool would be to have them play a role in temporarily enhancing weapons. Light, after all, is considered the be the power source at the center of the game.
Perhaps in a raid using a mote on a weapon could have a doubling damage effect for a fixed time, or something along those lines. Perhaps add a perk to it of some benefit, like spawning orbs.
Dunno, just tossing ideas around. Maybe Bungie has greater plans for them, but right now this thing we get for each XP level seems not very useful.
The Xur-related glimmer farming next weekend is going to be absurd. He supposedly will have 12 available exists to upgrade, and nobody will want to leave anything decent on the table given Xur's antics. I still want to get a team together to mow down normal GKeepers checkpoint and see how efficient it can become.
The Xur-related glimmer farming next weekend is going to be absurd. He supposedly will have 12 available exists to upgrade, and nobody will want to leave anything decent on the table given Xur's antics. I still want to get a team together to mow down normal GKeepers checkpoint and see how efficient it can become.
Click on his helmet and the pop up window says 68 Int+Dis and 36 light.
Edit: but something is still funky since it says all his gear goes to 36 light, so who knows. Probably shouldn't totally trust his player profile.
Seems like motes don't really have too much of a role to play any more.
Something that might be cool would be to have them play a role in temporarily enhancing weapons. Light, after all, is considered the be the power source at the center of the game.
Perhaps in a raid using a mote on a weapon could have a doubling damage effect for a fixed time, or something along those lines. Perhaps add a perk to it of some benefit, like spawning orbs.
Dunno, just tossing ideas around. Maybe Bungie has greater plans for them, but right now this thing we get for each XP level seems not very useful.
Looks like exotic engrams may appear in Xur's inventory.
Deej said engrams will appear in Xur's inventory sporadically still (just a bit ago on Twitter).
Edit: but something is still funky since it says all his gear goes to 36 light, so who knows. Probably shouldn't totally trust his player profile.
How many new Exotics did data mining reveal? Weapons I mean.
Why do we need to ASK them? They should be telling us this shit right away. Fuck
That link 404's.
Even if true though I've always thought this was a fairly limited use for motes and they should have more utility than they do. Having Xur *possibly* show up with an exotic engram that *might* represent an armor slot you want an exotic for *and you win the roll* to get the one *that is hopefully for your class*... well, that's a pretty narrow and infrequent case use for things that represent an award for an XP level gain.
Why in the WORLD would anyone in their right mind buy a fresh Exotic right before the DLC?
There'a only a few exotics I will upgrade:
Hawkmoon (if offered), since this week dropped a new one for me. Will shard the old maxed one to pay for the exotic shards.
My Gjallababies, have two unupgraded ones. Will keep my old fully upgraded one I think.
Maybe Thorn & Icebreaker, but they are no priority.
Saint-14 & Achlyophage Symbiote. The exotics I always use for high-end content.
Maybe eventually I will upgrade my Inmost Light & Sunbreakers, but that'll be months from now. For my Warlock I'm just gonna hope for either one of the new exotics or finally have that Praxic Fire or Ahamkara Skull drop.
I do want them Ruin Wings for my Titan though.
How about you guys?
Many of us have a Scrooge McDuck pile of coins. If he was selling Phallichorn or Hawkmoon I would buy either with no regrets, and immediately trade them in for their beefed up counterparts next week. I'm sure many others would also.
My friend is 3/4 on the vex, I'm 0/14.....come the fuck on, Bungie.
Instead, here's some floral prose about Deej's misuse of a genuine article.
It resolves here?
How many exotic weapons? 5 doesn't seem like much. Although, in a way our old exotics will still be relevant.5!
There's no reason to buy exotic shards, right? If you want to upgrade something next week, you'd do it at Xur, so you could buy it then. I guess just for the last bubble. I'll hold on to my coin stockpile for another week.
wach him selling Voidfang Vestiments next week and it being cheaper to buy a new one than to buy the upgrade + buy two shards (because if you updrage, you will have to buy two exotic shards, the latter for the final upgrade
There'a only a few exotics I will upgrade:
Hawkmoon (if offered), since this week dropped a new one for me. Will shard the old maxed one to pay for the exotic shards.
My Gjallababies, have two unupgraded ones. Will keep my old fully upgraded one I think.
Maybe Thorn & Icebreaker, but they are no priority.
Saint-14 & Achlyophage Symbiote. The exotics I always use for high-end content.
Maybe eventually I will upgrade my Inmost Light & Sunbreakers, but that'll be months from now. For my Warlock I'm just gonna hope for either one of the new exotics or finally have that Praxic Fire or Ahamkara Skull drop.
I do want them Ruin Wings for my Titan though.
How about you guys?
Well, when are you able to play? Platform? Hard or normal raid? I'm sure a bunch of people are raiding this weekend.Not sure where to go with Destiny now. I really want to do the Raid a few more times but I just can't find groups looking players at the time when I'm able to play.