lol, gotta grind that vanguard gear to replace my trash VoG gear asap

Should we have any raid talk be spoiler tagged until maybe that Sunday to give most people a chance to experience it first before we talk openly?
I likely won't be running it until the weekend too and I think most people are in a similar situation.
Should we create a dedicated thread for the Crota's End raid?
Are any of you buying exotic shards this week? Or just waiting?
Waiting. It's not like the last slot upgrade gives a lot ot damage anyway.Are any of you buying exotic shards this week? Or just waiting?
Should we create a dedicated thread for the Crota's End raid?
Great idea! I think we should do both -- spoiler tag here for a week and also have a dedicated CE thread created for more open conversations about it.
Is there any information on new exotic armors? As in possible perks?
I want to know if it's worth upgrading existing exotics or waiting for a new drop? Knucklehead Radar is such a useful helmet, I'm leaning towards getting it up to 32.
I'll be doing the raid as soon, but I'll definitely be using spoiler tags. Everyone should get the chance to go in blind.
Arma is the way to go for titans.
Saint is great for defenders but you have to get players/AI to enter your bubble which I don't count on often in higher end content (and I rarely ever play pvp).
Inmost is probably the best pvp helm for titans.
Have never played with the inmost.
Arma's 2 grenades are all I ever roll with.
Count me in shem0275
From the information that we have now "The fate of fools" is not available, it should be accessible through the trials of osiris (event as iron banner or the queen) that will happen maybe early next year i'd guess (Iron banner being up on the 16th of december).
I'm stupid, I bought the helm of in-most light for my Titan who has been waiting for helmet since I bought the game in October.
Yeah I'm stupid, wasted my coins on a helmet that is still max light 30 when the DLC will probably sell them at 31 but my Titan has been starving for a helmet
lol, gotta grind that vanguard gear to replace my trash VoG gear asap
Arma is the way to go for titans.
Saint is great for defenders but you have to get players/AI to enter your bubble which I don't count on often in higher end content (and I rarely ever play pvp).
Inmost is probably the best pvp helm for titans.
Have never played with the inmost.
Arma's 2 grenades are all I ever roll with.
Great idea! I think we should do both -- spoiler tag here for a week and also have a dedicated CE thread created for more open conversations about it.
Your avatar just worked for that situation. Blind raid, wanting to not see spoilers,, gotta grind that vanguard gear to replace my trash VoG gear asap
What do you play mostly? I don't get close enough to enemies in PvE for it to be super useful (though it is great when you are in close quarters) and I just don't play PvP... so that extra grenade is really useful to me... in all situations.Saint 95% of the time. Arma in very specific situations.
Saint is just soooooooooo good.
Yeah that shit looks amazing.Isn't Glasshouse coming out with this update? It's going to be the new best exotic for Titan in my eyes (for PvE which is what I care about) and what I'll be aiming for. Sorry Saint, I guess I never got to know thee:
Obsidian Mind - "Insatiable" Nova Bomb kills reduce the cooldown of your next Nova Bomb.
Eternal Warrior - "Resolute" Provides Unstoppable for Fist of Havoc.
ExoTac Angel Hunter - "Angel Hunter" Significantly increases your weapons accuracy for a short time after jumping.
Purifier Robes - "Burn Brighter" Enemies killed by Ignite effects explode.
Nothing Manacles - "The Cold Equation" Kills with Void Light abilities grant a shield.
ACD/0 Feedback Fence - "Wrath Conductors" Taking damage from a melee attack deals damage in an area around you.
Ikaheka's Hooks - "Touch of Venom" Hitting an enemy with a melee attack while invisible deals additional damage over time.
Unremarkable Bones - "Not Bound By Law" Upgrades Double Jump with an additional jump.
Peregrine Greaves - "Peregrine Strike" Shoulder Charge deals bonus damage when activated in the air.
Isn't Glasshouse coming out with this update? It's going to be the new best exotic for Titan in my eyes (for PvE which is what I care about) and what I'll be aiming for. Sorry Saint, I guess I never got to know thee:
No, there's definitely more. Like the ATS/8 ARACHNID for Hunters.Is this all the exotic armour in the DLC? Which are for what class?
Isn't Glasshouse coming out with this update? It's going to be the new best exotic for Titan in my eyes (for PvE which is what I care about) and what I'll be aiming for. Sorry Saint, I guess I never got to know thee:
Auto Rifle
Necrochasm - "Cursebringer" Precision kills with this weapon frequently trigger a Cursed Thrall explosion.
Sniper Rifle
No Land Beyond - "The Master" Increased precision damage. Kills briefly increase damage against next target.
Rocket Launcher
Dragon's Breath - "Pyromancer" Rounds fired from this weapon leave a Solar Flare upon detonation.
ATS/8 ARACHNID - "Arachnid Sensorium" Your Golden Gun zooms in for accuracy when aimed.
The Glasshouse - "Bathed In Light" Blessing of Light and Weapons of Light last longer.
The Ram (formerly The Stag) - "The Ram Arises" Activating Radiance from death disorients nearby enemies.
Starfire Protocol - "Starfire Protocol" Gain an extra Fusion Grenade.
Claws of Ahamkara - "The Whispers" Gain an additional charge for Scorch and Energy Drain.
Ruin Wings - "Seeds of Ruin" Heavy ammo drops more often, and contains more ammo in each drop.
Don't Touch Me - "Defensive Reflex" Taking damage from a melee attack makes you briefly invisible.
Mk. 44 Stand Asides - "Be Somewhere Else" Increases the duration Shoulder Charge remains active.
Radiant Dance Machines - "The Dance" You move more quickly while aiming your weapon.
2:49PM ET - BRAND NEW EXOTICS! Ones we haven't seen anywhere else.
Scout Rifle
347 Vesta Dynasty - "Goliath" and "David" talents; stat boosts (Armor/Agility) from Precision/Non-Precision kills
The 4th Horseman - "Thunderer" (and several on-kill effects) - A single trigger pull fires all four barrels.
Lord of Wolves - "Devil's Touch" Stacking rapid hits has the chance to set your target on fire.
Obsidian Mind - "Insatiable" Nova Bomb kills reduce the cooldown of your next Nova Bomb.
Eternal Warrior - "Resolute" Provides Unstoppable for Fist of Havoc.
ExoTac Angel Hunter - "Angel Hunter" Significantly increases your weapons accuracy for a short time after jumping.
Purifier Robes - "Burn Brighter" Enemies killed by Ignite effects explode.
Nothing Manacles - "The Cold Equation" Kills with Void Light abilities grant a shield.
ACD/0 Feedback Fence - "Wrath Conductors" Taking damage from a melee attack deals damage in an area around you.
Ikaheka's Hooks - "Touch of Venom" Hitting an enemy with a melee attack while invisible deals additional damage over time.
Unremarkable Bones - "Not Bound By Law" Upgrades Double Jump with an additional jump.
Peregrine Greaves - "Peregrine Strike" Shoulder Charge deals bonus damage when activated in the air.
Should we have any raid talk be spoiler tagged until maybe that Sunday to give most people a chance to experience it first before we talk openly?
I likely won't be running it until the weekend too and I think most people are in a similar situation.
Has it been confirmed that Raid Helmets come only from hard version of Crota's End?
Just like VoG did?
Does it make sence to level your exotic helmet firstbto counter the drought of specific gear.
For Defenders, yeah I'd probably use that over Armamentarium and Helm of Saint-14. Double Flashbangs is still really, really good in PvE though.
I'm not even buying the DLC, but I think spoiler tagging is really dumb. You're not spoiling anything. You're going to fight 3 waves of something. The relic will be a sword. A giant knight and I'm going to guess a giant ogre will be the boss and miniboss. Was anyone spoiled on the VoG? It's no doubt much easier to just ignore the raid posts than spoiler tag something most people will have spoiled when they drop in with someone who's run it before. My first time through the vault, our fireteam leader had to explain each section to us. So we wouldn't waste time. Spoiler tagging essential game mechanics seems like people just want to see how far they can push the spoilertag envelope. It's like spoiler tagging a weather report. PEACE.
Arma is the way to go for titans.
Saint is great for defenders but you have to get players/AI to enter your bubble which I don't count on often in higher end content (and I rarely ever play pvp).
Inmost is probably the best pvp helm for titans.
Have never played with the inmost.
Arma's 2 grenades are all I ever roll with.
Well, yeah, ain't nobody using Strikers in the high end content! You won't be titan smashing Aetheon or Crota but you'll sure as hell be laying down some Weapons of Light!
I still haven't even had a chance to try Striker yet, almost done maxing Defender. I think I'm halfway on the current bubble and then just one bubble left after that.
I'm not even buying the DLC, but I think spoiler tagging is really dumb. You're not spoiling anything. You're going to fight 3 waves of something. The relic will be a sword. A giant knight and I'm going to guess a giant ogre will be the boss and miniboss. Was anyone spoiled on the VoG? It's no doubt much easier to just ignore the raid posts than spoiler tag something most people will have spoiled when they drop in with someone who's run it before. My first time through the vault, our fireteam leader had to explain each section to us. So we wouldn't waste time. Spoiler tagging essential game mechanics seems like people just want to see how far they can push the spoilertag envelope. It's like spoiler tagging a weather report. PEACE.
For more information about the datamined exotics:
I can't wait to see your impressions Fig. I mean you are already going to excel at getting into hellsmouth, I hear you have to "fall" into the instance.
The exotics in the DLC are a bit underwhelming to be honest.
I just want the primary sniper.
I'm not even buying the DLC, but I think spoiler tagging is really dumb. You're not spoiling anything. You're going to fight 3 waves of something. The relic will be a sword. A giant knight and I'm going to guess a giant ogre will be the boss and miniboss. Was anyone spoiled on the VoG? It's no doubt much easier to just ignore the raid posts than spoiler tag something most people will have spoiled when they drop in with someone who's run it before. My first time through the vault, our fireteam leader had to explain each section to us. So we wouldn't waste time. Spoiler tagging essential game mechanics seems like people just want to see how far they can push the spoilertag envelope. It's like spoiler tagging a weather report. PEACE.
And also level up your exotic weapons... Again :/. Ugh.Yup. I guarantee the new raid will be difficult enough to force you to want to get the vendors armour to get to 31.
They've made Xur way too important.