If onlyGreat tips, Zoba. Hand cannons accuracy while jumping is one of their strongest perks. Still wish we could reload them on the run though.
If onlyGreat tips, Zoba. Hand cannons accuracy while jumping is one of their strongest perks. Still wish we could reload them on the run though.
If anyone is looking to do a HM raid let me know. Lvl 30 Hunter looking for one.I have a HM Atheon cp if anyone wants it (no need to wipe iirc).
Hey guys, not been following the Destiny changes too much, quick question - is it a waste for me to buy an exotic engram now for 23 strange coins? Will I be able to get a better one next week?
There is no exotic engram for sale.
I have a HM Atheon cp if anyone wants it (no need to wipe iirc).
If anyone is looking to do a HM raid let me know. Lvl 30 Hunter looking for one.![]()
I meant with motes of light, but isn't Xur available at the weekend?
I meant with motes of light, but isn't Xur available at the weekend?
Sure thing. Psn is delamarch. I might be down for a run on my hunter (29).I want it if you dont mind.
I want it on my 30 hunter and 29 titan.
Sure thing. Psn is delamarch. I might be down for a run on my hunter (29).
Cool. Let me just finish my breakfast and i'll send you a FR.
Should we start a list?
I'm down for a raid
If anyone is looking to do a HM raid let me know. Lvl 30 Hunter looking for one.![]()
is it a good idea to stock up on shards now?
when i originally posted "a few hours" i didn't think it'd take all day. anyway, i finished a montage finally (against my computer's will to render).
lemme know what you guys think. i'm actually excited for the new crucible maps now.
Exotic engrams have been replaced with exotic shards in Xurs inventory for a while. They may come back but only sporadically according to Bungie.
We are flawless!!
Thanks to everyone in the group
and Kopyasu who was kind enough to help us out
btw Atheon did not glitch so I guess they really did fix it
And of course our guardian angel Firehawk1234
Thank you guys!
Oh damn, thanks.
So, what's the best way of getting exotics now? Just hoping through pure luck that they drop?
Nah, full run would be preferred. Haven't run anything this week yet due to work.Is Atheon only run okay with you?
Take your time.
Let's see:
Ikkarus 30 hunter
out 1 (psn delamarch) 29 hunter
It's for Atheon cp on hard.
If you don't have Plan C then buy it. It's really good for PvP.Level 25 hunter here. Should I buy the Plan C fusion rifle or save my strange coins for next week when Xur will potentially sell a helmet for hunters?
Nah, full run would be preferred. Haven't run anything this week yet due to work.
I'm back. Sorry for the long breakfast guys.
Lets update this:
Silvertonguebr - 30 hunter or 29 titan. Depends on how many 30's we hv.
Ikkarus - 30 hunter.
Macello - 29 warlock.
Out 1 - 29 hunter.
I could join you guys for a full Hard run, Level 30 Titan. Just drinking some coffee now.
Also I think CREMSteve is a Level 30 Titan as well, so if you want to bring your Hunter that'd be four 30's and two 29's which should be a smooth run.
PSN: X-Frame
I dont mnd a full run on hard.
I'm so used to using (full auto) shotguns and Vision of Confluence in PvP I can't imagine using anything else, let alone handcannons ._.
You guys are both welcome to join us... We are starting from oracle's in about half an hour. The first materials chest you miss can be done in 5 minutes and it'll save us a fair bit of time as we miss out the conflux section.
Psn is : thekunjer
You need 3 headshots for a clean TLW kill. I only do full-auto at extreme close range.The Last Word sounds perfect for you, recently learned you can hold the fire button down for auto fire, which would explain how I get outgunned TLW vs TLW, I'm inaccurate as shit when I hold down the button vs pressing it though.
Apologies I found another team just as I finished writing that post so feel free to replace me. Sorry for any hassle. :SI'm back. Sorry for the long breakfast guys.
Lets update this:
Silvertonguebr - 30 hunter or 29 titan. Depends on how many 30's we hv.
Ikkarus - 30 hunter.
Macello - 29 warlock.
Out 1 - 29 hunter.
If anyone needs help at Gatekeepers/Atheon msg me...I also have a templar hard checkpoint..need those Hawkmoon chances...
If anyone needs help at Gatekeepers/Atheon msg me...I also have a templar hard checkpoint..need those Hawkmoon chances...
All right. 30 titanNeed two 30's for hard raid at oracle's... Ready to go now
Psn: thekunjer
I have hard atheon cp.
Need one more for hard raid, we're picking up from the Gatekeeper CP. We'd prefer a 30 as our group is mostly 29s right now, but we can take an experienced 29.
Can you join our group? We have Gatekeeper checkpoint and need two more, preferably 30s