A bit late but what is Xur currently selling in the tower? Also his location?
Right of the hangar entrance.
A bit late but what is Xur currently selling in the tower? Also his location?
A bit late but what is Xur currently selling in the tower? Also his location?
I'd like to join you if you will start soon. Psn: lunlunqq. Lvl 30 Titan or warlock.Looking for hard raid l30 lock.
Psn v1br4t1ons
Hard raid
Starting as soon we are full.
Psn v1br4t1ons.
Need 4 more
I am close to a new crucible level on all my three characters which means no crucible for me till reset![]()
The age of AR is over. I sharded my Suros today.
Hard raid
Starting as soon we are full.
Psn v1br4t1ons.
Need 4 more
I'd like to join you if you will start soon. Psn: lunlunqq. Lvl 30 Titan or warlock.
Invite Forrest_Crump
30 hunter
Sending you friend request, level 30 Warlock
Psn dawnoflife
I'm in. Level 30 Warlock. PSN: X-Frame
A bit late but what is Xur currently selling in the tower? Also his location?
woooo level 30!!!
fucking finally...
At boss now.I am doing level 28 weekly now if anyone wants to join. PSN is Darknyss.
Need 1 more experienced for Atheon RIGHT NOW...add Greenymac and join chat
Has there been a change in the exotic vanilla give out? Playing crucible this weekend, I've gotten Truth twice and my friend got P&T.
I'm bored....anyone looking to try Flawless?
I'm bored....anyone looking to try Flawless?
I would be down for a flawless run. I am trying to catch up on nightfalls and weeklies but can join whenever you're ready. PSN is Darknyss.I can help run it if there are another 4 that want to do it but you still need a 6th. Priority as always to those who still need it.
Need 1 more experienced for Atheon RIGHT NOW...add Greenymac and join chat
Right of the hangar entrance.
Right at the opening to the hanger on the right. He has hunter gauntlets, warlock helm and titan helmet as well as plan c. Oh and exotic shards. Best of all are the heavy synths. Got myself 200 of them
Have you done bad juju? Slog city. Ugh. For a lackluster gunthis thorn bounty will take forever.
200 heavy synths!? What for?
God damn this thorn bounty will take forever. What the hell Bungie.
So.... I decided to jump back into destiny after not playing for a month since the expansion is out on tuesday, and since I bought the digital deluxe edition I'd be getting it.
Man, I think I am stuck at level 28 forever.
I ran the raid 7 times before I stopped playing, and only got one piece of raid gear, being the gloves.
Been contemplating trying a hard raid, but am I not going to make it at just 28?
Don't bother. You'll have a hard time at 28 and any loot drops you get before tuesday will be replaced anyway once expansion is live since they are adding superior gear.
But I won't be able to do the new raid if I am not 30. Is there any other way to hit it?
Been behind on destiny.
...i got my 3rd Fatebringer from my raid today and my 2nd MIDA Multi-tool... still no hawkmoon...Just got my 5th Hawkmoon from a Crucible match. Sorry everybody. If it makes you feel better, I was first place on the server...
But I won't be able to do the new raid if I am not 30. Is there any other way to hit it?
Been behind on destiny.
...i got my 3rd Fatebringer from my raid today and my 2nd MIDA Multi-tool... still no hawkmoon...
When the expansion hits any legendary that drops or any legendary gear you buy from vendors can take you up to level 31. They will have increased light levels. you'll need the new raid gear or Iron Banner to take you to level 32 though.
God damn this thorn bounty will take forever. What the hell Bungie.
I thought it was for Atheon? Not the templar
If universal remote is the only one you need then you're lucky cuz you're not missing out on anything.Anybody for skirmish?
Yeah, the loot is so silly. I would trade this HMoon for a Universal Remote in a second, just because of Poke-fever.
If universal remote is the only one you need then you're lucky cuz you're not missing out on anything.
I'm missing H-Moon, and Hardlight, and timepiece.
Also Bad JuJu is amazing in PVP. i think i like it more than red death. not having to reload after a kill is very nice.
Will the new vendor in the DLC sell armor that will take players up to level 30 or 31?
200 heavy synths!? What for?
any x1 30's exist on here? trying to finish raid, have gatekeeper checkpoint. i have two 29's right now (alt characters, max weapons) and one 30. Really looking for three 30's to easily finish this.
I'm game. PS4? PM psn name.
He's XB1 as he says in his first sentence