I think I'm in love with the Queen of the Reef and Lakshmi-2. Their voices are so soothing. Adorable.
You can have the queen but back up off my Lakshmi...MINE.
I think I'm in love with the Queen of the Reef and Lakshmi-2. Their voices are so soothing. Adorable.
Are there any people still looking for members to do the new raid with on Thursday or Friday?
I'll probably ask again throughout the week since it's 2 in the morning right now.
If you have an exotic to go along with it, you'll be 30 for sure.Hey guys sadly I've been forever 29 for weeks but I have Iron Banner boots and gloves. Come Tuesday when I rank up my Vanguard and hopefully get a commendation, If I buy a chest or helm piece will that definitely bump me up to 30 or will I need to buy all 4 pieces?
I seriously hope it's not the second option cos I might seriously just give up all together if I have to grind that much again.
Hey guys sadly I've been forever 29 for weeks but I have Iron Banner boots and gloves. Come Tuesday when I rank up my Vanguard and hopefully get a commendation, If I buy a chest or helm piece will that definitely bump me up to 30 or will I need to buy all 4 pieces?
I seriously hope it's not the second option cos I might seriously just give up all together if I have to grind that much again.
Hey guys sadly I've been forever 29 for weeks but I have Iron Banner boots and gloves. Come Tuesday when I rank up my Vanguard and hopefully get a commendation, If I buy a chest or helm piece will that definitely bump me up to 30 or will I need to buy all 4 pieces?
I seriously hope it's not the second option cos I might seriously just give up all together if I have to grind that much again.
If you have an exotic to go along with it, you'll be 30 for sure.
Yes. Just that one piece maxed + exotic maxed out should bump you up to 30. Assuming the gear is light+30.
If you have 2 pieces at 30 light, one at 27 and another piece at 33 light (new gear) mathmatically you should hit level 30.
Final question, How high into 30 will I get if I have 3 pieces at 30 light and 1 at 33? I have no idea how to add this light stuff. Thanks
Level / Required Amount of Light
21 / 20
22 / 32
23 / 43
24 / 54
25 / 65
26 / 76
27 / 87
28 / 98
29 / 109
30 / 120
oh man, just saw the ign interview with destinys community manager about matchmaking.
he basically said, that he thinks forming groups is a big part of the destiny experience and matchmaking takes away from the social experience bla, bla, bla.
Why do developers - bioware did this too with star wars - refuse to learn from the lessons of the most succesfull mmo of all time, which has 10 million players after 10 years (WoW)?
Dear Bungie, if you pour so much of your hearts into creating the raids and especially if you make them an integral part of the story, why do you want to artificially keep players from experiencing such content? look at your numbers and im sure just a fraction of the players comleted the raid.
i cant understand how you can have such an anti casual stance in 2014. I love destiny and i would love to see the raid. I cant be bothered to basically set up a meeting with 6 other guys. I dont have 6 friends who play destiny and i have weird work times.
Post in the OT, sign up for hawkian's new players raid, I even formed a new player raid group in the past. Normally you can find a raid group fast depending on the day and time. Or even set up a time in advance for players to meet.oh man, just saw the ign interview with destinys community manager about matchmaking.
he basically said, that he thinks forming groups is a big part of the destiny experience and matchmaking takes away from the social experience bla, bla, bla.
Why do developers - bioware did this too with star wars - refuse to learn from the lessons of the most succesfull mmo of all time, which has 10 million players after 10 years (WoW)?
Dear Bungie, if you pour so much of your hearts into creating the raids and especially if you make them an integral part of the story, why do you want to artificially keep players from experiencing such content? look at your numbers and im sure just a fraction of the players comleted the raid.
i cant understand how you can have such an anti casual stance in 2014. I love destiny and i would love to see the raid. I cant be bothered to basically set up a meeting with 6 other guys. I dont have 6 friends who play destiny and i have weird work times.
I've had bad luck with Strike matchmaking, where at least half the time one person will not pitch in. Whether it's being afk or just being generally terrible at playing, Tiger strikes are low level enough that they can be 2 manned or even soloed. If they add a 28 playlist it'd really suck to run it with randoms because it'll be that much harder to finish unless you're lucky and get a competent full team.
For the raid? I like the idea of matchmaking in principle, but I don't see it working at all. Playing with people from GAF or even LFG sites makes us think we have a clue into the skill and play level of most randoms. I don't think that's the case. We're used to playing with the kind of gamer who seeks online platforms to share and meet other players - were not the average.
You don't need 6 pros for VoG but you still need to be fairly good. I don't see how random MM could pair you with another 5 players who are good enough and actually have the time to run the thing without some serious disappointment.
Enable Raid matchmaking only for players who have completed a Raid. BAM, problem solved
Hey, I'm all for options. Specially when they don't detract from anyone else's experience while helping those who want it. I'd still find groups on GAF and people who don't want to can do automatic matchmaking. In that regard I'd totally vouch for it being implemented it people want it - it'd be Pareto efficient.then give me easy mode raid with worse loot for lfg. Also, if my options are failing the raid with randoms or not seeing it at all, I take the first option.
Run the Tiger playlist. There's only a handful of strikes and we've already run each dozens of times. Doesn't stop randoms from being uncooperative or playing very weirdly. Sure there's vote kick which could be added, but then you'd need matchmaking for Raids that are halfway through and who wants to join randoms after half the loot has dropped? How do you factor for language where communication is so important?Enable Raid matchmaking only for players who have completed a Raid. BAM, problem solved
One Exotic and three non-Raid Legendaries can take you to 29 but you need to fully upgrade all of it except for I think 1 bubble on one of your Legendaries. It'll cost a lot of shards and mats.Currently level 28, and about 15% of the way to 29 with no raid gear to show for about 4 raid runs.
With 3 legendaries and an exotic I can hit 29, right? Right now I don't know whether to do this or not because obviously if I get some sweet sweet raid gear next week I'm going to have wasted a bunch of resources.
On the other hand I don't want to be left behind when the new raid hits.
It's weird to basically assign one day a week to Destiny to do the raid and weeklies, but I'm kind of OK with it at this point. Gives me plenty of time to play other games.
I think people are overestimating the raid. I have only done it with randoms on lfg and destiny forums, and its not like we plan or communicate that much. But we still manage to spread out and cover all the places just by using common sence. I consider myselfe pretty bad in the raid. I dont totaly understand eeverything. But we still get it done fairly easy most of the time.
The first time i did the raid, nobody really talked about what to do, so i just picked a guy, followed him and did what he did. We got all the way to gatekeeper before givig up. And even tho we didnt complete, i got raid gear and some MUCH needed shards, and a chanse to see how it was and learn abit how it worked.
So i dont see the harm in mm. Seems like the only people that are against it, are the people that wouldnt need to use it.
So i dont see the harm in mm. Seems like the only people that are against it, are the people that wouldnt need to use it.
People using forums and Destinylfg are NOT randoms you can find in matchmaking, trust me on this.
Good luck understanding portal, shields and Atheon to random MM guys without microphones.
I am not against anything, but I can completely understand the logic behind such decision.
Enable Raid matchmaking only for players who have completed a Raid. BAM, problem solved
I was looking to see if you'd responded but my searching skills are poorAnyone planning to do the raid soon? I am down (any difficulty).
Anyone planning to do the raid soon? I am down (any difficulty).
Is there a shortage of Strange Coin drops now?
I've not had any since Friday at the least where I spent all I had with Xur.
You don't get them from a first public event now that Bungies took out the reward package. I've had none from general drops either since.
It's going to be a fucking struggle to level up exotics if I'm only getting them from the Weekly event. Bungie like to giveth and taketh.
It does seem like we have been getting less. I've had two dropped between three characters since Friday. One was an engram that turned into a strange coin, one was a reward from the speaker and the final one was found in a chest on Venus.
I went from 12 motes of light to now having 42 In the span of one week. Motes are popping up left and right it seems.Added to the fact you can get a regular drop of Motes (which generally are useless) but not coins it seems.
Hurry Up Tuesday!
Added to the fact you can get a regular drop of Motes (which generally are useless) but not coins it seems.
I went from 12 motes of light to now having 42 In the span of one week. Motes are popping up left and right it seems.
I've never been able to get more than 1-2 motes a week, they're a tougher commodity to come by for me than Strange Coins. Shame too, Speaker's class items are always out of reach![]()
We are a "team" of two who most likely need a team of four for tomorrow. We want to play the raid as soon as it's open on PS4. 10 am CET. Nordic people would be best, but anyone in Europe will do. A bit sketchy this, but it's nice to see if anyone is interested.
We've run VoG lots of times and are patient with wipes.There will probably be a few.
I went from 12 motes of light to now having 42 In the span of one week. Motes are popping up left and right it seems.
I went from 12 motes of light to now having 42 In the span of one week. Motes are popping up left and right it seems.
There will be many. Prepare to die.
We've run VoG lots of times and are patient with wipes.There will probably be a few.
Yes, this is so trueThere will be many. Prepare to die.