I missed the actual legendary cost being posted. Is it just one commendation?
It is currently unknown I think.
I missed the actual legendary cost being posted. Is it just one commendation?
I doubt commendations will work differently than marks, ie attached to the character. I have a ton of bounties and engrams to turn in tomorrow to rank up the vanguard, factions, cryptarch, and crucible on multiple characters.So I was thinking... if you have three characters then you can get all of them close to the Vanguard level rep bump, and you can also hold a full set of completed Vanguard bounties, and then you could go over the rep bump tomorrow and look for a commendation. Doing that with three characters would get you three commendations.
Doing that also with Crucible at the same time would get you three Crucible commendations too early tomorrow morning.
If people are doing that, and if it works, then people can reach level 31 sometime tomorrow even... maybe you can put your commendations in the Vault, or maybe even if you can't then people running three characters of the same class can transfer their new armor in the vault... if that worked you could buy six pieces of level 31 armor tomorrow morning...
... is anyone doing that? (I just thought of it myself today so I am certainly not ready...)
I was looking to see if you'd responded but my searching skills are poor
I'm 100% running with you guys on Friday. I was wondering if the Blind condition was strict though, as in, would you guys mind if I ran it tomorrow. If so I'll just wait![]()
Shielded psions and unflinching Phalanxes too. With all new expansion glitches to boot!
I doubt commendations will work differently than marks, ie attached to the character. I have a ton of bounties and engrams to turn in tomorrow to rank up the vanguard, factions, cryptarch, and crucible on multiple characters.
Also the new Vanguard gear will not be able to reach 31 by itself. It will be two light short and will need a fully upgraded new or upgraded exotic to reach 31.
Currency, one commendation per item purchased from what I understand.Will I need a commendation per armor piece or is it like a required reputation rank to access the store?
Like does it work as a level or as a currency?
So I was thinking... if you have three characters then you can get all of them close to the Vanguard level rep bump, and you can also hold a full set of completed Vanguard bounties, and then you could go over the rep bump tomorrow and look for a commendation. Doing that with three characters would get you three commendations.
Doing that also with Crucible at the same time would get you three Crucible commendations too early tomorrow morning.
If people are doing that, and if it works, then people can reach level 31 sometime tomorrow even... maybe you can put your commendations in the Vault, or maybe even if you can't then people running three characters of the same class can transfer their new armor in the vault... if that worked you could buy six pieces of level 31 armor tomorrow morning...
... is anyone doing that? (I just thought of it myself today so I am certainly not ready...)
So I was thinking... if you have three characters then you can get all of them close to the Vanguard level rep bump, and you can also hold a full set of completed Vanguard bounties, and then you could go over the rep bump tomorrow and look for a commendation. Doing that with three characters would get you three commendations.
Doing that also with Crucible at the same time would get you three Crucible commendations too early tomorrow morning.
If people are doing that, and if it works, then people can reach level 31 sometime tomorrow even... maybe you can put your commendations in the Vault, or maybe even if you can't then people running three characters of the same class can transfer their new armor in the vault... if that worked you could buy six pieces of level 31 armor tomorrow morning...
... is anyone doing that? (I just thought of it myself today so I am certainly not ready...)
People posted in this thread that the preview event showed the new armor was 32 light and that you need an exotic to bump it up. I have no source other than what was posted here.Wut? Not what I heard: 33x4 = 132 light = level 31.
Ah, yeah, makes sense. From what I remember, the House of Wolves obeyed orders from Queen of the Reef but they betrayed her. I was actually thinking the Reef would make for a good raid setting, so that's cool.
I do, i'm taking my third character on the edge of crossing a new level with the vanguard tonight and i will be set for tomorrow =) I didin't do it with the crucible reputations as i have only one character who has relevant reputations and to little time to do all that grind ^^ all my bounties tonight will wait for tomorrow as well.
I've heard some streamers leveling their reputations with the vanguard, for exemple, and keeping the package in the mail up to tomorrow. Seems they think the commendations will be inside, after the patch comes through. For the sake of testing i've kept 2 cryptarchs packages in the mail, i will check tomorrow if they transform into someting at DLC level ... surpise surprise ...
People posted in this thread that the preview event showed the new armor was 32 light and that you need an exotic to bump it up. I have no source other than what was posted here.
So I was thinking... if you have three characters then you can get all of them close to the Vanguard level rep bump, and you can also hold a full set of completed Vanguard bounties, and then you could go over the rep bump tomorrow and look for a commendation. Doing that with three characters would get you three commendations.
Doing that also with Crucible at the same time would get you three Crucible commendations too early tomorrow morning.
If people are doing that, and if it works, then people can reach level 31 sometime tomorrow even... maybe you can put your commendations in the Vault, or maybe even if you can't then people running three characters of the same class can transfer their new armor in the vault... if that worked you could buy six pieces of level 31 armor tomorrow morning...
... is anyone doing that? (I just thought of it myself today so I am certainly not ready...)
Can the DLC be pre-loaded on PS4?
Yeah, if you're on PS4.
Yeah the reef is currently like a blank slate so Bungie can do basically anything I guess... that makes it more exciting IMO.
That could be risky. Last time there was a reset with the purple engrams they all turned into blues after the reset so...
All right, then they were wrong. Good to know.
From Level 21 to 30 each Light level was 11 Light apart but it seems like to get from 30 to 31 and beyond it now requires 12 Light for each level.
So four pieces of the new Vanguard gear @ 33 Light each gives 132 which hits 31 perfectly.
We're also assuming upgraded and new exotic gear along with new raid gear gives 36 Light each which equals 144 Light and is perfectly Level 32.
30 probably.Wait what level will the nightfall be tomorrow?
Shielded psions and unflinching Phalanxes too. With all new expansion glitches to boot!
30 probably.
From Level 21 to 30 each Light level was 11 Light apart but it seems like to get from 30 to 31 and beyond it now requires 12 Light for each level.
So four pieces of the new Vanguard gear @ 33 Light each gives 132 which hits 31 perfectly.
We're also assuming upgraded and new exotic gear along with new raid gear gives 36 Light each which equals 144 Light and is perfectly Level 32.
thanks, I thought about deleting it but didn't want to deal with PSN's slow ass downloads if if I wasn't sure it was going to work. I'm interested to see if it works for you.
My plan is to get all 4 armour items right at 4am for my Titan (he is my favourite and my main) to get him to 31 as soon as possible for the raid. My gut tells me 30 will be the new 29 for Crotas End.
30 probably.
Its like you were watching me all weekend Deku!
This is exactly my plan, all done, I just did that for Crucible on one of my characters because I suck and hate crucible.
I said this was my strategy days ago, you even scared me saying they would reset it all!
How will you have the necessary commendations?
Hopefully they can be shared....
If they can then I will have 3 since I have 3 characters that are less than 100 rep away from the next Vanguard level, and 1 of them is less than 100 rep away from the next Crucible level. So that is 4 commendations.
I also have each character with 10 completed 100 rep bounties sitting in their inventory.
It was a busy weekend...
Three more circle thingies and I'll have Hunter Mastery. Why does it feel like such a grind?
Oh yeah. I remember. I was just trying to fully explain the complete idea and check how many people were doing it.
I am still scared they will reset Vanguard rep and wipe my bounties. But they can't be THAT cruel right?!?! Right!?@!~
Nvm reading fail![]()
Three more circle thingies and I'll have Hunter Mastery. Why does it feel like such a grind?
No your reply made sense until I realised I was dissing Warlocks on a post complaining about Huntersedit: now I'm confused. Oh well
Hopefully the rewards are better too. 12 Strange Coins for 30 weekly? That would make sense because SC will become really important after the DLC hits.Yeah Nightfall never had an option of level so it will likely be changed to 30 permanently. Weekly will like shift to 26/28/30.
Three more circle thingies and I'll have Hunter Mastery. Why does it feel like such a grind?
Wow, nice job!
Do we know how many commendations are needed for a piece of gear? I'm assuming 1.
Anyone planning to do the raid soon? I am down (any difficulty).
I was looking to see if you'd responded but my searching skills are poor
I'm 100% running with you guys on Friday. I was wondering if the Blind condition was strict though, as in, would you guys mind if I ran it tomorrow. If so I'll just wait![]()
With every weapon becoming 7 coins more expensive (due to their final upgrade) and old Exotics needing 14 (upgrade path + final bubble) we need every coin we can get. I really hope level 30 strike gives us 12. Even then running it on 3 characters is practically mandatory now if you wanna keep up.Hopefully the rewards are better too. 12 Strange Coins for 30 weekly? That would make sense because SC will become really important after the DLC hits.
Will it be 1 commendation + the same amount of old Marks? If so, holy expensive armor Batman.Yes 1 per purchase.
With every weapon becoming 7 coins more expensive (due to their final upgrade) and old Exotics needing 14 (upgrade path + final bubble) we need every coin we can get. I really hope level 30 strike gives us 12. Even then running it on 3 characters is practically mandatory now if you wanna keep up.
Will it be 1 commendation + the same amount of old Marks? If so, holy expensive armor Batman.
Oops. I saw your post but forgot to reply, sorry.
Well, I wouldn't say it's "strict". But still, it's a bit disappointing, to be honest. If you do it on Tuesday first, I'm fine with that. But if you could find the patience to wait until Friday, that'd be really great.
I hope I don't sound like an asshole. It's just, you know, there aren't many opportunities to experience something like this. And with you in the know, how would that work anyway? Would you just stay silent? That would be annoying for you, having to endure us pondering and fumbling around without a clue.
I think our entire raid team is still ready to go in friday 7pm GMT. We have Mr-Stephen, GalacticToast and Zoltan69 too, so that makes 6.
Blind is offcourse preferred but we can't stop you from raiding, but you might consider giving someone else a shot who does want to go in completely blind.
Re: Vanguard commendations: I have one unopened vanguard package at the postmaster, since the contents are rolled on opening it I think it should be good. They haven't announced anything about it too, which they did with legendary engrams. It's not risky at all, since I'm only creating the chance for it to have a commendation. If it doesn't then nothing lost as I got the package before the patch anyway.
36 per week won't be enough I think. I already have like 100 + SC stocked up for a rainy day.With every weapon becoming 7 coins more expensive (due to their final upgrade) and old Exotics needing 14 (upgrade path + final bubble) we need every coin we can get. I really hope level 30 strike gives us 12. Even then running it on 3 characters is practically mandatory now if you wanna keep up.