You get a Mote for every 80k XP. I get more as RNG drops than through the "level up" after 20.
So I was thinking... if you have three characters then you can get all of them close to the Vanguard level rep bump, and you can also hold a full set of completed Vanguard bounties, and then you could go over the rep bump tomorrow and look for a commendation. Doing that with three characters would get you three commendations.
Doing that also with Crucible at the same time would get you three Crucible commendations too early tomorrow morning.
If people are doing that, and if it works, then people can reach level 31 sometime tomorrow even... maybe you can put your commendations in the Vault, or maybe even if you can't then people running three characters of the same class can transfer their new armor in the vault... if that worked you could buy six pieces of level 31 armor tomorrow morning...
... is anyone doing that? (I just thought of it myself today so I am certainly not ready...)
When is the new content going live? I've got a couple exotic bounties I'm sitting on and I don't want to pull the trigger until then.
Make it optional though. It's not a big deal for people who want to play in private groups.I was conflicted about whether the raid should have matchmaking prior to playing it. I'm no longer conflicted: it would be an absolute clusterfuck. No one would have a good experience; exYle outlined it well.
When is the new content going live? I've got a couple exotic bounties I'm sitting on and I don't want to pull the trigger until then.
Reset at 4am EST tonight
How many timezones are in everyday use in the US?
I mean, among "normal" people, not Zulu army time or whatnot?
Do you learn the offsets is school or something?
I was conflicted about whether the raid should have matchmaking prior to playing it. I'm no longer conflicted: it would be an absolute clusterfuck. No one would have a good experience; exYle outlined it well.
Gunslinger or Bladedancer?
Had one drop, so this is our final line-up for the Xbone Raid tomorrow. Reserve spots still available, but I believe everyone has confirmed being available for this day/time:
Xbone Crota's End (Blind) Crew
GAF Name (GT)
1. Homeboyd (Homeboyd903) - 30 | Titan
2. E92 (Trance Addix) - 30 | Hunter
3. giggletoe (Toejam2501) - 30 | Warlock
4. Misterthirsty (Misterthirsty) - 30 | Titan
5. ghazi (ghazzarro) - 30 | Warlock
6. iceman829 (iceman829) - 30 Hunter
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Time: 9:30 PM Eastern
Queue to join this group on if you haven't already:
Yeah that worked out well. 2 of each class, all 30's. Should be fun! Luke don't fail me now!Dat class balance - so hyped to get this going tomorrow.
I found my first legendary fusion rifle last night, before now I have never used a fusion above a blue and prefered to use snipers and shotguns but a good fusion rifle is really nice for dealing damage against yellow health mobs, stacking the fusion damage with weapons of light is also really nice, it's amazing.
What balance? They're not all defender Titans.Dat class balance - so hyped to get this going tomorrow.
Bladedancer. I suck at it so I should have picked the other one :/
I agree 100% but I still think it should just have a warning.
"This content is intended for skilled groups that work together and communicate well. Failure to do so will result in frustration, Bungie recommends finding guardians you are comfortable with and forging an alliance to press forward" are you sure you want to continue with matchmaking.
Let people lose there heads and fail or succeed. What's the big deal?
peoeple didn't even know chests existed back thenBest option for this is to divide people in 3 groups 1st group looks for chests 2nd group looks for the firts part of puzzle and 3rd group of hunters go invisible and explore.
Had one drop, so this is our final line-up for the Xbone Raid tomorrow. Reserve spots still available, but I believe everyone has confirmed being available for this day/time:
Xbone Crota's End (Blind) Crew
GAF Name (GT)
1. Homeboyd (Homeboyd903) - 30 | Titan
2. E92 (Trance Addix) - 30 | Hunter
3. giggletoe (Toejam2501) - 30 | Warlock
4. Misterthirsty (Misterthirsty) - 30 | Titan
5. ghazi (ghazzarro) - 30 | Warlock
6. iceman829 (iceman829) - 30 Hunter
Date: Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Time: 9:30 PM Eastern
Queue to join this group on if you haven't already:
where's mah raid group
How can you suck at bladedancer? Unless you're trying to use it for PvE.
where's mah raid group
PvE's fine but I get killed from a distance in PvP.
you will be a burden for the last two bosses.Also I'd like to run VoG for the first time - can I do it at 26?
PvE's fine but I get killed from a distance in PvP.
Reposting for Excitement!!!
PS4: Cosmos_Man
1.Byron Bluth - PSN: Cosmos_Man - Level 30 Titan, Warlock and Hunter
2. ComputerMkII - PSN: ComputerMkII - Level 30 Titan
3. Auto_aim1 - PSN: Kartik21 - Level 30 Titan, Warlock and Hunter
4. R0ckman - PSN: arekkusu77 - Level 30 Hunter
5. Dhruv_hanom - PSN: Dhruv_Hanom - Level 30 Titan
6. hydruxo - PSN: hydruxxo - Level 30 Hunter
1. toastyToast
2. a_javierp
3. Owlowiscious - Pikapuff
hydruxxo I am down for another one after this one! Gotta get all 3 classes I have through it!
Not looking forward to getting nothing but shards and energy
Anyone want to run Nightfalls after the raid?
In a recent "Raid Preview" and in the Trailer there's a scene that looks like a teleport, the same as when we enter The Black Garden, and 6 players in the cosmodrome.
What do you guys think?
you will be a burden for the last two bosses.
What balance? They're not all defender Titans.![]()
Lemme get a reserve spot.
GT: NJ Shlice
Level 30 Titan or Warlock. whatever we need.
hydruxxo I am down for another one after this one! Gotta get all 3 classes I have through it!
I'm so ready. Thinking about streaming our run too.
What about defenders... with Gjallahorn???Shhh no need for defenders only Gjallahorn
We will find out tomrrow. Could just be a promo shot. Could be that part of the raid is on the cosmodrome after a blind teleport.
You shouldn't be using it if the person you're trying to kill is far away.
Spec for max agility and use blink. Also use hungering blade to get health regen upon kill. Now slash your foes and enjoy easy mode super.
4 am, you guys are nuts haha. Learn as much as possible for us for Wednesday!.
I'm so ready. Thinking about streaming our run too.
Thanks for the advice. I can't use Hungering Blade though, because it's the last ability I can unlock and I'm pretty much only playing Hunter so I can get its trophy...
Thanks for the advice. I can't use Hungering Blade though, because it's the last ability I can unlock and I'm pretty much only playing Hunter so I can get its trophy...
Hunter is a strange class... I played it for the same reason and then started to really like it during a random strike.. Something just clicked. Warlocks for life though.
Play more Skirmish for the smaller maps.
It makes sense to do the nightfall first tomorrow, right? Give you a roll at an upgraded exotic or legendary, and makes the bounties I've been saving worth more.