The Mango Sentinel
Thanks. That worked. Though I'm certainly not doing this bounty now. I already don't care much for fusion rifles.yours...not mine.
IIRC it's three kills without reloading in a single life.
Thanks. That worked. Though I'm certainly not doing this bounty now. I already don't care much for fusion rifles.yours...not mine.
IIRC it's three kills without reloading in a single life.
I'm totally up for it if you guys still have room!
PSN is Zocano
Lv 30 Titan or Warlock depending on your mood.
Everyone must choose an equipment to reset, little forumer. Even if it is the wrong one.Tomorrow will be amazing... not completely amazing, but it shows disappointment.
That bounty sucks. Even when I tear shit up with Plan C I almost never get those medals because they require that you don't reload. I can't help but reload!Thanks. That worked. Though I'm certainly not doing this bounty now. I already don't care much for fusion rifles.
So they upped dailies to 30 and didn't change the rewards? So 28 rewards at 30?
Looks like we have our answer if Nightfall and Weeklies are going to give better rewards at higher levels. No...
For once I'm not moaning about picking up a duplicate Exotic Bounty. Invective is simple, so I'll shard the old one and replace it with the higher Attack version.
9000 XP one can be finished hella fast with Daily Heroic 28, now 30
W/e you earn + 7500 XP, just don't die, which most don't cause we've played these missions at least 30+ times each
Fusion Bounty if you have Vex or Pocket Infinity is better to do on the Steppes in the Earth Loot Door, that Ware house that has 4 Vandals and 3 Dregs that come up the stairs, same area where we do Mission #2 and have to scan the map of Old Russia, that warehouse, they spawn hella fast there, no servitor chewing up ammo, and get 3 Overcharge count every 15 seconds, 3-5 with delay from randoms/passer-bys
Each bubble can only be upgraded by Xur when he stocks them and only one bubble per hoping for some more best-in-slot godlike gg playstation exclusive weapons
It would be funny, but the raid (bugs aside) seems like one of the few areas with a little :effort: put behind it.It would be so damn funny if the new raid was just a slightly altered version of VoG with hive elements pasted and molded in. I would be angry but just bust out in laughter as I mentally broke down.
The new Bad Juju reminds me of the old PvP Thorn when many people underestimated the weapon.i'm doing the same with bad juju... lol, who am i kidding, i may as well shard both of them useless crap.
Zocano, slightly unrelated.... but would you want to join up for a few quick nightfalls tomorrow right after reset? I have a 2nd person already, would be nice to have a 3rd on boardWe did it pretty damn fast last Tuesday hehe.
Bungie wants you to grind... grind... grind!!!
i'm doing the same with bad juju... lol, who am i kidding, i may as well shard both of them useless crap.
Yah, I'll do it.
I need to be off to bed early-ish but we can knock them out (or at least one) before I really need to sleep.
what if comet has a playstation exclusive raid
Since the exotics tuning I've found Invective to be an amazing shotgun. Might not be the top tier choice for PvP (haven't really tried) but for PvE it's the bomb.
Going to hang onto my fully levelled one until my new one I get tomorrow is fully upgraded.
what if comet has a playstation exclusive raid
It makes no logical sense, also 20/26/30 is just weird.
The only thing better than Destiny right now is the ridiculousness of DestinyGAF. Every time I think I am obsessed coming in here is a breath of fresh air after realizing how much worse people have the Destiny addiction than me.
Loooool>Everyday Math regrets missing The Last Word from Xur
>Says famous "last words" before blowing herself up with a gjallarhorn
>Gets The Last Word from Atheon
I'm totally up for it if you guys still have room!
PSN is Zocano
Lv 30 Titan or Warlock depending on your mood.
Nap time. See ya in 12 hours
So what's your choice for ultimate weapon load out for the blind raid?
Probably just bring everything![]()
Someone just told me the daily level 30 does NOT give XP anymore...?! Only the level 20....wut
If they already did the daily before or have been logged in since the daily turned over, it won't give you rewards..
The XP only shows up in the description for the level 20, but I'm pretty sure it was like that before and you get XP anyway. But maybe you don't...Someone just told me the daily level 30 does NOT give XP anymore...?! Only the level 20....wut
How about found verdict and Fatebringer on the same loot drop - Templar. That was a nice surprise!Corrective Measure, Found Verdict, and Praedyth's Revenge all from one raid. Wut.
Too bad they have no upgrade path.![]()
Since the exotics tuning I've found Invective to be an amazing shotgun. Might not be the top tier choice for PvP (haven't really tried) but for PvE it's the bomb.
Going to hang onto my fully levelled one until my new one I get tomorrow is fully upgraded.
The new Bad Juju reminds me of the old PvP Thorn when many people underestimated the weapon.
So what's your choice for ultimate weapon load out for the blind raid?
Probably just bring everything![]()
How about found verdict and Fatebringer on the same loot drop - Templar. That was a nice surprise!
So what's your choice for ultimate weapon load out for the blind raid?
Probably just bring everything![]()
Have any of you guys noticed the empty rep container filling at the end of strikes, like the vanguard one is there but above that is one without a picture and it gives +1 per strike. Weird.
Have any of you guys noticed the empty rep container filling at the end of strikes, like the vanguard one is there but above that is one without a picture and it gives +1 per strike. Weird.
Bringing -So what's your choice for ultimate weapon load out for the blind raid?
Probably just bring everything![]()
watch. void shields everywhere lol.Bring Max 300 weapons. Bring Arc Damage and Solar Damage Weapons. Bring your favorite weapons. Probably not going to make use of Void damage anywhere.
yep, happened to me while doing the weekly heroic for the bad juju bounty (it's worth 2 strikes for the bounty)
Are you doing the Bad Juju exotic bounty?