How do you know there are no new trophies?
BTW, I wonder if you can get the Flawless trophy in the CE raid?
The raid trophies don't specify which raid so assuming yes
How do you know there are no new trophies?
BTW, I wonder if you can get the Flawless trophy in the CE raid?
That was the case with my daughter as well. Her hunter had it, but not her titan (second character). She drops it into the vault to ship it between characters.
You don't want matchmaking; you want a group listing board/lfg tool. This isn't about what platform you're on (though obviously PS4 is the most popular) but the concept that you needed to put a group together specifically for a purpose that all participants understand upon joining.This was from way earlier in the day so forgive me:
No, not on this forum there isn't. Just yesterday I was trying to get a group together for flawless raider. DestinyGAF was completely useless. I posted laying out what we are doing and how many we needed. I updated that post a bit after. I even reposted for a new page. Nothing. Not even acknoleged here, while at the same time 2 PS4 raids filled to completion.
Don't use the excuse that you can rely of GAF or any community for that matter as a means to dismiss the prospect of raid matchmaking when you are only seeing it from the perpective of the most populated and active (preferred) platform. This community on GAF is a PS4 community with a few Xbox one lurkers and occasional posters. If I want to quickly fill out my raid group, I'll take a couple randoms picked by a decent matchmaking system in a heartbeat if it means I don't have to screw around for an hour or more trying to find the exact same thing on forums and lfg sites.
If you don't want to use matchmaking, cool, don't do it. It doesn't affect you. Bungie is afraid players will have a bad experience with randoms while we are already having bad experiences with randoms (that are harder to find), or no experience at all. Play the way we intend you to play, sure.
Go to special orders in they tower. You van buy them for your alts for 50 glimmerThat was the case with my daughter as well. Her hunter had it, but not her titan (second character). She drops it into the vault to ship it between characters.
Yeah, I def don't wake up at 4am to do 3xhard raids, weeklies or nightfalls...I am already awake since I am a night person, so it fits in with my sleeping habits. Plus awake now cause.. Nerdy things..I agree with you even as a PS4 player. The folks still posting in Destiny-GAF threads are the hardest of hardcore who wake up Tuesday morning and run 3 Raids and 3 Nightfalls. I feel like unless I run weeklies on Tuesday, the pool of people I'm able to get help from goes down dramatically. That's really no one's problem but my own, I'm not upset about it, but I definitely do think this game needs matchmaking in the weekly and dailies at least.
So do people believe Xur is coming tomorrow?
I hope no one believes that. Pretty sure deej said that isn't happening.
Is there a reason why I can't buy the expansion on Xbox? Says something about bundle only.
I join a Tiger Strike, the two others are sitting still/running around killing the starting mobs instead of advancing the strike/hiding in a corner once we get to the first encounter to stay alive but not contributing.What's frustrating silent pug syndrome, hawkian?
What's frustrating silent pug syndrome, hawkian?
Lol I thought it was "angry at the blueberry yet holding your tongue"You need a method by which to"frustrating silent random pug syndrome" scenarios.
I join a Tiger Strike, the two others are sitting still/running around killing the starting mobs instead of advancing the strike/hiding in a corner once we get to the first encounter to stay alive but not contributing.
Because it's possible to do so, during these situations I just solo the strike and move on with my day. But that's not an option for Raids. And by the way, in the Nightfall this could result in a situation where you're dead but the PUG isn't coming to rescue you so you're not progressing or wiping and you just have to go to orbit...
edit: I know some people in here have said they just go to Orbit and start the playlist again when they run into this situation and I can totally understand that reaction.
edit again: oh, pug stands for "pick up group," people use "pug" colloquially to refer the members of such a group.
Pizza is almost here. Crota is almost here. Hype levels intensifying.... hnngngghhhhh....
4 am EST, just under 3 hours from now.
Yeah I'm going to bring a ton of stuff, basically anything that might conceivably be valuable. Probably won't need any void element but who knows!
Did you check the very first character you made? My hunter had it not the other two.
oh, I just made it upGot ya, that's happened to me quite a bit. Never heard that phrse before.
And I agree, match making on the games hardest content would raise more problems then it would fix
Yeah, I def don't wake up at 4am to do 3xhard raids, weeklies or nightfalls...I am already awake since I am a night person, so it fits in with my sleeping habits. Plus awake now cause.. Nerdy things..
Alright, looks like we now have a full group for 1am pst CE raid:
1. GhostFaceDon
2. Reserved
3. the_log_ride
4. the_log_ride friend
5. Siphorus
6. Siphorus friend
I'm hoping everyone is able to make it, but no pressure, stuff can happen. I'll be sending out invites as soon as DLC goes live, or maybe a few minutes after for preparation etc.
God damn pissed I have to work at 9:30.2 hours to kill...
should i grind on my warlock, or...
she can buy extras from the special orders vendor
Alright, looks like we now have a full group for 1am pst CE raid:
1. GhostFaceDon
2. Reserved
3. the_log_ride
4. the_log_ride friend
5. Siphorus
6. Siphorus friend
alt. 1- xplicitone
I'm hoping everyone is able to make it, but no pressure, stuff can happen. I'll be sending out invites as soon as DLC goes live, or maybe a few minutes after for preparation etc.
If I wake up from my nap, i'll be down! Count me in as Backup #1
Yes! I can't play the game at all and it says I have to wait till midnight. I don't understand why this happened.Are you locked out of the regular game?
God damn pissed I have to work at 9:30.
No way I can play this so late.
Hype levels at monsterous, super hype is active.
Are the servers ok now? looks like I'm staying up and I wouldn't mind putting some work into my titan's current armor so he can buy new vendor boots and hit 30 like today yo.
2 hours to kill...
should i grind on my warlock, or...
Dissapiinted I didn't raise my Titan's crucible rank to within level up range, but hopefully a piece of raid armour drops to nullify that.
For a bit I guess.can you play before you go to work?
Damn, just finished playing public events for over an hour and received no rewards from the postmaster. Hope the rewards bug is fixed when DB is released.
so is the raid also open in 2h?
any eu gaf group doing it?
no work today for me, so i i have time.
down for some crucible if I can bring my titan whom I still suck with a bit.
Hype levels are through the roof. I think I need to fap to calm down a little.
Any word on achievements/trophies?