So how is this gonna work? Do I need to download anything?
Zoba pls.
Too OP pls nerf.
Well, we just tried a few hours of Hard Raid. Got to Atheon but folks had to duck out since it is getting late. Not sure if I will try it again until I'm a higher level. I had fun and everyone kept it together, but it doesn't feel like an especially productive use of time. I suppose more experienced folks get through it easier, but it is definitely deserving of the Hard name.
down for some crucible if I can bring my titan whom I still suck with a bit.
So we couldn't finish it :/ we had some east coasters and I know it gets draining. We made pretty good progress though. I got nothing of value 12 shards and 12 energy, still fun though.
They tried. Posted earlier that the beginning of the next game they tried to cage the beast.
I've never done VOG![]()
Debating buying this expansion. Haven't played much Destiny since it released. I have it on PS4
Will I get some sort if level boost from playing it? I swear I've read on here that new players get some sort of incentive
I've never done VOG![]()
I've never done VOG![]()
down for some crucible if I can bring my titan whom I still suck with a bit.
are you on ps4? there's a weekly run on thursdays
edit: in orbit
I've never done VOG![]()
Yes i'm on PS4 and "stuck" on lvl 28 forever now
Tbh I stopped playing ~1,5 months ago due lack of content.
Maybe I'll give it a try this week.
If anyones interested feel free to add me for stuff: deoee0
still interested? we can start a group soon.
i can also stream some gameplay on new maps later on for those stuck at work/without DLC
not a boost exactly but short answer here is actually yes. it's always easier to "catch up" if you look at it as starting from 20 when the vendor gear is boosted, regardless of your starting level. it'll be about as tough for you to hit 30 as it was for vets to hit 28... 30 being fine for the new raid normal mode and VoG Hard.Debating buying this expansion. Haven't played much Destiny since it released. I have it on PS4
Will I get some sort if level boost from playing it? I swear I've read on here that new players get some sort of incentive
Something about this rubs me the wrong way.
I feel sorry for you because the second iron banner rockedYes, I know...
It's dumb but I want to change that now
I was kind of turned off by those events like the Queen and Iron Banner which were plain grinding for not that great items![]()
I feel sorry for you because the second iron banner rocked![]()
I don't need no shotgun, that's for sure.
Let me get this straight. New shop gear goes to 31 but raid will have 32 gear?
I did not believe it would change drastically after the first one
So I guess that was a mistake there.
But hey, it will come back ^^
It appears that way. Probably 3 raid and 1 exotic or full raid to get 32. It is not yet known what the Normal CE raid loot table is. Presumably it doesn't drop a helm like VoG, but it could potentially be another piece.
Crota's End Blind Raid (Tuesday at 4am EST) (PS4)
1. Me (Level 30 Hunter) (Lazykarl24)
2. westtrade (Level 30 Titan)
3. DJ Lushious (Level 30 Titan) (DJ_Lushious)
4. Wired All Wrong (Level 30 Hunter) (MrJellyBean)
5. 140.85 (Level 30 Hunter) (androo2300)
6. xVaalbarAx (Level 30 Warlock) (xVaalbarAx)
1. Owlowiscious (Level 30 Titan/Warlock) (PikaPuff)
I'm just wondering if it's even worth getting the shop gear and put shards, etc, into them if we're going to get raid gear that willl get us to 32. Unless of course the raid gear to 32 is exclusive only for hard raid which apparently isn't out until next year.
I have bounties, engrams, ranking packages, etc, all ready to go. T minus 40 minutes.
If you are level 30 right now probably not no. Focus on re leveling the exotic piece and then go for raid gear. I won't go for the new vendor gear.
miss you zoba :3
Does anyone know if they're reseting the crucible and vanguard levels?
I'm about 100 points off levelling up the crucible guy again but have bounties waiting to hand in to see me level up. Should I level up now or wait?
Need 3 guys for the Krotas end raid in one hour.
1. Fantasticmrtrout lvl30
2. Rajala lvl 30
3. Primewolf lvl30
That happened to me yesterday. I had to delete the game and reinstall it.Yes! I can't play the game at all and it says I have to wait till midnight. I don't understand why this happened.
Might have two spots open, so Owl, I'll probably send you an invite just in case. If there's anyone else who's ready to face Crota in 40 mins, post your PSN and I'll send you an invite
I can join
PSN is toasty_T
if its ps4, I can join. psn Arassuil. 30 hunter
Just woke up. I'll be on in a few minutes.Might have two spots open, so Owl, I'll probably send you an invite just in case. If there's anyone else who's ready to face Crota in 40 mins, post your PSN and I'll send you an invite
We may need you toasty! But if they have an open spot you should take it.
is it known yet? can you do the raid at 29 or is it strict 30?