From reddit:
You just need to complete the three patrol bounties/quests Eris gives you in the tower. That is all. These bounties are purple, like her other quest bounties.
To complete the patrol bounties, just load up Cosmodrome. The three areas are: Refinery (Sepiks Prime Strike hacking room), Terrestrial Complex (where you hold off enemies while activating Rasputin), and Lunar Complex (where you first fight the hive).
Refinery, look for the hive seeder right outside, Terrestrial Complex is near the fence looking out to Russia (where the arrays are), and Lunar Complex is in the corner of the very first room where the hive launch themselves at you.
From the sounds of it, return to the areas on cosmodrome fucking dumb
Edit: upon reading more, it appears you are supposed to get more bounties when you beat the last mission. I did not.
Edit again: turns out everyone is supposed to get kill 25 wizards/Knights, upon doing that patrol bounties unlock, I didn't get the wizard/Knights bounty, you've got to be kidding me.