You don't want matchmaking; you want a group listing board/lfg tool. This isn't about what platform you're on (though obviously PS4 is the most popular) but the concept that you needed to put a group together specifically for a purpose that all participants understand upon joining.
You must be aware that the idea that matchmaking would have helped you establish a flawless run effectively sounds a little ridiculous. Would there be a specific queue for flawless raids? Would you tell every random matchmade member you were doing a flawless run as soon as they joined, letting them leave and get replaced over and over until you found people willing to try?
I keep hearing "if you don't like matchmaking or want to use it, it doesn't affect you, why would you not want the option?" like it's a silver bullet that makes matchmaking a good idea. But even though I'd never take advantage of matchmaking personally I still care enough to not want it added for the raid, because it would be bad for the game.
You need a method by which to post in-game, "Looking for 3, Flawless Attempts, Be experienced" or what have you, and have everyone on your platform be able to see that message and decide to join, or not. This will dramatically improve the rate of successful pick-up groups as well as reduce the likelihood of "frustrating silent random pug syndrome" scenarios.