- Got a Legendary package from the Cryptarch
- It's all Blues
- Decrypt
- Legendary Helm
- It's for a Warlock
- I'm playing a Hunter
Rollercoaster RNG train ride.
- Got a Legendary package from the Cryptarch
- It's all Blues
- Decrypt
- Legendary Helm
- It's for a Warlock
- I'm playing a Hunter
I might actually play crucible for this.One of the new Grimoire cards was for a new Crucible mode called Inferno...
Text from the card:
One of the new Grimoire cards was for a new Crucible mode called Inferno...
Text from the card:
Anybody find out if VoG is now dropping weapons with updated attack values?
I can't let my Fatebringer go! Firefly works so good on Thralls
I might actually play crucible for this.
Looks like a no bs "hardcore" mode
I'd be down to run a quick normal raid in a bit to find out.
Sorry for asking again and sorry for not reading more, but I didn't receive a response and can't risk the possibility of raid spoilers. Does anyone know if drops from vault of glass (fatebringer etc) now start at the new attack level? What about armor drops from vog? Also, is there any way to ascend pre-dlc legendary gear at all or is it now all obsolete?
Hows it going BTW? Hmm go on, are you guys getting enough DPS in?Need a other for the new raid.
We're atPsn: astropoffCrota, we seem to have a good strat. Just need I execute it.
New clash playlist with just TDB maps... good. Def playing that at some point today.
get a sword from a blade of crota on earth or go into the "sword of crota" mission, take the sword, let a group of thralls/dudes surround you and do a "super smash".
do the vendors purple gear have a higher light level now?
Sniper and shotgun around corner heavenInferno sounds legit.
after you max out you armor levels, could you tell us if you end up being 31 or 32 light level?My Titan lucked out today. New boots, new gauntlets, new helmet, and new chest. Only bought three (helmet, boots, and gauntlets) and got the chest from the engram. With all of the Vanguard bounties complete, my chest, boots, and gauntlets are nearly maxed out. If I do the crucible ones, I'll have all four fully maxed before the raid later this afternoon.
My Titan lucked out today. New boots, new gauntlets, new helmet, and new chest. Only bought three (helmet, boots, and gauntlets) and got the chest from the engram. With all of the Vanguard bounties complete, my chest, boots, and gauntlets are nearly maxed out. If I do the crucible ones, I'll have all four fully maxed before the raid later this afternoon.
I would be fine with the reset if there was a bit of an overlap. Why not have the new Raid be Level 28 with 32 Hard mode. I spent so much time grinding to level 30 and hitting it exactly the day before DLC hits and prepping for the DLC hoping it would help, but sounds like it is a fools errand and I would have been better served just taking it easy and picking up Vendor gear.
At least now I know what to expect for Exp II and I won't waste as much time on this game. I have better things to do.
No one knows yet. No one running Hard VoG this morning.
We've awoken the Hive!
Wake the hive!
Pick up a sword of crota and melee a bunch of goons that run at you in the next room on the first mission of the dlc
Hows it going BTW? Hmm go on, are you guys getting enough DPS in?
I dont wanna give up fatebringer D:
Theres no way we can melee 7 fast enough.
Good idea... that mission seems to have disappeared tho. Wtf...
You can buy legendary armor that had light level 33.I'll be running one tomorrow night with some fellow GAFers. We're all still hunting the Vex (and Fatebringer for me). I don't have one character that's a 30; Hunter is a 29, Warlock a 27 and the Titan is a 12 lol.
Winner!Destiny |OT12| But I dont wanna give up Fatebringer
I won't have time till tomorrow :/ but yeah I won't ask more. Don't wanna ruin too muchYeh we seem to be doing okay for dps with IB and Ghype.
The strat seems solid, but the windows are super tight.
What stage are you at?
So, that emblem thing was indeed for beating Crota.
Will do.after you max out you armor levels, could you tell us if you end up being 31 or 32 light level?
I had 185 Vanguard marks. I spent those on the gauntlets and helmet (once I got the commendation from vanguard leveling up). I spent what I had left of the Crucible marks on the boots. I saved a bunch of blues for Rahool and he ended up giving two legendary chest engrams. One turn into a chest for a Hunter and the other for my Titan.How'd you manage that?
One 28 and four 29s were among the first to beat Crota's end? What are you people complaining about the difficulty?
That bad, huh?![]()
One 28 and four 29s were among the first to beat Crota's end? What are you people complaining about the difficulty?
Wait seven members of their team sounds weird...
Primeguard dethroned?
None of my packages gave me a legendary engram. I'm about to finish the bad juju bounty and use that as my primary, since I don't want to spend marks on a new weapon from the vanguard and I need a weapon with more than 300 attack.Just a couple of circles away on my chest piece from having a full set of light 33 armour. Yay!The pre-grind paid off.
It worked for me and I am a warlock.Theres no way we can melee 7 fast enough.
The only thing shocking about skyshock is that it's worse than any other map in the game.