It seems everyone's already tried the raid and it only came out yesterday![]()
People just going for lvl 31 to make it easier. I should be able to make it to 31 soon I think.
It seems everyone's already tried the raid and it only came out yesterday![]()
Looking for two for Nightfall.
Ready to start when full (after visiting the tower)
Either you have it unlocked or I can start it on my Alt and then switch characters immediately.
Just join my fireteam if you want
PS4 DekuBleep
it's weird that Dinklege isn't back, right? Regardless of how you feel about his voice performance it's weird to not hear his voice.
In!Looking for two for Nightfall.
Ready to start when full (after visiting the tower)
Either you have it unlocked or I can start it on my Alt and then switch characters immediately.
Just join my fireteam if you want
PS4 DekuBleep
anyone? i really want to play now but i don't have the mission.
I called this happening like five threads ago, it's a convoluted system that virtually requires you to keep a spreadsheet out in order to determine personal goals. It's also not helped by a U.I that hides specific data points you kind of need to know two or three layers deep into a menu system. Then there's the fact that outside of running up to the specific people in the tower there's no way to figure out the rep for characters at a glance virtually requiring you to use the website if you want to know which faction would be closest to the level up goal. I think you've said you're pretty casual in how you approach this game so I don't know if you have multiple alts but that makes it even more infuriating since none of that progress is shared.
As an anecdote: I was partied up with a bunch of guys while we tried to figure out how we could most efficiently reach lvl31 to complete the raid and it was a laughable prolonged 20 minute sequence of back of the napkin math.
Wait I don't need to have it unlocked to do it if I just join you? Then I'm down, I did it on my main already. Level 30 Hunter.
I have it unlocked.
How are the vanguard weapons btw? Any standouts?
I've got all the vanguard armor now but I have a commendation to spend. Staying far away from The Devil You Don't. 5 rounds for a HC is awful.
I don't get why we can't repeat the first mission? SO we basically get 2 story mission, not 3. have a link to the super clean website that shows your destiny stats like reputation progress? its really minimalistic and I saw it the other day but can't seem to find it again.
Room for me?
it's weird that Dinklege isn't back, right? Regardless of how you feel about his voice performance it's weird to not hear his voice.
Are you on ps4 or xb1?
Any GAF team beat the new raid yet?
Hunter and Warlock are both 31, locked and loaded for Crota's End on Friday
Don't think I'll be able to get my Titan there though, really want the new ver of helm of saint 14.
Any GAF team beat the new raid yet?
How are people getting to 31? Raid armor drops?
How are people getting to 31? Raid armor drops?
Vendor armors
You can buy every piece of gear with 33 light level from vendors to get you to 31. Some people combine that with new raid gear drops and/or exotic nightfall drops.
Anyone else up for Nightfall? PS4
Anyone else up for Nightfall? PS4
You know I will brother...
We just did. Sword user needs to be 31.
We just did. Sword user needs to be 31.
I can do it, I haven't unlocked but I can join u if u have, lvl 30 warlock.
Me if you still have soace
A few GAFers tried earlier but didn't get loot again. There is a theory that the fireteam leader needs to have not done the raid yet for it to work. But I don't think anyone here has confirmed that yet.Um - not sure if this has been discussed already, but it looks like there is a daily reset on drops from clearing areas in the raid? Can anybody confirm???
Can you tell us your strat? Spoiler marked of course.Took down Crota with fellow gaffers DontBrickMeBro, Quint and Suntervotion.
It was amazing.
That's it. You're fired.
We now have an opening for the raid this Friday as Byte couldn't get his Titan there. Asshole. Lazy fucking asshole.
How exactly did you grind your second character to 31 so quickly? Last night I didn't think you were that close...
Is the newer Hard light any good? Just got it from a random Roc strike. Attack at 302. I was running around with my VOC or Vex as my primary (depending on if I was using icebreaker). Not sure if I should level this or wait.
Congrats, how many shards did you get?
So the sword part after the DeathSinger is the end of the raid? We have gotten to that part and we only have 30's