We just started Nightfall. One more can join in if they want.
PSN: El_Bombastico
Made it with Nilla to the last boss. God that was just too much, hopefully the same guys can link up later this week to finish it. (Firday?)
That was a good group. Hopefully we can all link back up this week as 31s and finish Crota off.
Good stuff guys. Friday works for me but I can also probably do it sooner too!Yeah great stuff. Was really fun. That second section was tense as hell.
Probably stupid question but I got a 2nd Vex during the last raid and it excepts a exotic shard does that mean I have the updated version? My current Vex is Max ATK 323 will this one have max 331?
Also my loot haul for Hunter today was:
BLine Trauma
The Chosen
Pretty decent all I did was the three story mission and some crucible for the thorn bounty.
Damn, missed it. Anyone need one for weekly/nightfall?
PS4 PSN s Not jaded
Level 29 Warlock
RNG has been pretty good to me today.
-Tireless Striders (raid boots)
-Vanguard helm from legendary engram
-Vanguard chest & a commendation from vanguard package
-MIDA Multi-Tool from a legendary engram (dismantled my old one for a shard)
I already bought the new gauntlets so I just need to level all this up and I can hit 31. Now if only there was another way to get radiant shards other than the damn raid.
Me and my friends are laughing so hard at our hunter friend who is wearing the burlap pants that Eris calls a hunter class item around his damn head. Everything about the design of that is hilarious. The hood. The belt wrapped around it. The slit that makes it look like pants. I needed that laugh.
Need one more for weekly/nightfall. Psn same as username.
Someone in the previous thread mentioned a new multiplayer mode with no powers or radar. Do we know when that will come out?
Nevermind, done. So intense solo.
Mind you, I was doing it on heroic
Just finished the nightfall and got...
Predictions on the Urn of Sacrifice quest to purchase from Xur? My bet is a boat load of Coins. Probably got some cool reward at the end though.
So, is it verified that if you get weapon drops from VoG, the raid weapons are still 300 attack level? Except exotic of course.
Even exotics are 300So, is it verified that if you get weapon drops from VoG, the raid weapons are still 300 attack level? Except exotic of course.
Attempted Summoning Pits for Xyor. Not sure if I was doing something wrong or what, but the adds were extremely slow spawning in. I have no idea what wave I got to. I never saw any wizards, so I'm guessing not far.
Ended up dying and giving up for now since I need to head to bed anyway. I'll try again tomorrow or something.
Just finished the nightfall and got...
Quest line to get the Necrochasm?
We got through (what I estimate to be) about half of the raid tonight. Was awesome. We went blind and although we were in there for a while, it felt soo good figuring everything out. Can't wait to try and finished it tomorrow. Highlight of the day - Dragon's Breath. Hope it turns out to be a good launcher when it's leveled.
Well Nightfalls sucked, 9 energy, 9 coins and a crappy new scout rifle.
That's 1 month of Nightfalls on 3 characters, a total of 12 loot rolls, that provided no exotic or anything good.
Ugh. This awful streak has to end some week I hope...
Otherwise today's haul was:
-Warlock got boots from Crotas End, Vanguard gauntlets and chest (will upgrade one of my Exotic helmets with Xur to get to 31+), and the Crotas End class item
-Hunter got Vanguard chest, gauntlets and boots (Will upgrade one of my helmets to get to level 31+ with Xur)
-Titan got Vanguard chest, gauntlets and boots (will upgrade one of my helmets with Xur to get to 31+ or grind Crucible tomorrow to just buy a Crucible one)
-Murmur from completing the new story missions
-9 radiant energy
-4 radiant shards
The Crotas End raid boots was the only item that RNG provided me that was meaningful in any way.
Looks good but most of all of this is from my own purposeful grinding, nothing great from RNGesus especially the Nightfalls.
Also got all my 3 characters to the 3rd of the 4 parts of Crotas End.
So very tired...
I just bought a Warlock chest piece from the Vanguard and it's the fugliest thing I've ever seen, I can't believe I just put down 70 marks on this. :|
Tried twice. We could not do the 2nd section. Real bummer.
I'll try when I hit 31. Give people some time to hit that too. Thursday most likely.
Tried twice. We could not do the 2nd section. Real bummer.
I'll try when I hit 31. Give people some time to hit that too. Thursday most likely.
All exotics accept Shards now. We don't know if the Mythoclast will be Xurrable, but it should be. It's base maximum attack is ~326. New exotics top out at ~333.Anyone?