One more for a crota kill, we have a 32 sword and some gallas so it should be real quick, psn rarbusto
I'd raise my hands if my baby lvl 27 Hunter could be of any help lol.
One more for a crota kill, we have a 32 sword and some gallas so it should be real quick, psn rarbusto
I'd raise my hands if my baby lvl 27 Hunter could be of any help lol.
Anyone farming glimmer later tonight (like in an hour or so)?
I might be down for a glimmer train run, in about an hour.I might be not sure but maybe.
Fusion rifle.
The only weapon with which a fresh noob can kill a veteran.
Sorry we filled up
Surely the veteran heard that charge-up sound...
Haha no worries. I wasn't serious about going in to fight crota at 27. Can't even kill a thrall with a maxed IB at 27.
Surely the veteran heard that charge-up sound...
I guess you've never been killed by a fusion rifle or you're not a veteran
I might be down for a glimmer train run, in about an hour.
I might be not sure but maybe.
I have been, plenty of times!
But they do have a huge warning sound attached to them. It's a significant disadvantage
That and distance. Know your maps.
That and distance. Know your maps.
Only if you have the patience and time to do it.
Realistically, I would only max weapons I plan on taking into hard mode CE raid. You get no damage bonus on the last bubble for any of the existing content due to its level.
doing CE from 2nd raid chest again, need one more, we don't have our 32 sword bearer so we need a 31 or higher (sorry Mr. 27)
I'd say that has to do with your play style as a lot of them are worth upgrading : Thorn and Hawkmoon are great, Monte Carlo is fun, Suros a Regime is always helpful, vex Mythoclast is... a Mythoclast. Most are worth playing with.I have most of the bubbles filled out and decided to just get the invisibility perk. It's a cool weapon, but not as cool as the Black Hammer. Honestly, it kinda sucks how few exotics there are that are truly worth it to be maxed.
I'd offer up my 32 warlock or 31 Titan but my hunter is hogging the TV chasing the eris quest gloves lol.
so you need a swordbearer? i will gladly help if you're not against the idea of someone slightly drunk swinging a sworddoing CE from 2nd raid chest again, need one more, we don't have our 32 sword bearer so we need a 31 or higher (sorry Mr. 27)
12:30am est glimmer run? C'mon guys . Does anyone have the gatekeeper check point?
damn, not sober enough to conitinue assistance.
so you need a swordbearer? i will gladly help if you're not against the idea of someone slightly drunk swinging a sword
I'd say that has to do with your play style as a lot of them are worth upgrading : Thorn and Hawkmoon are great, Monte Carlo is fun, Suros a Regime is always helpful, vex Mythoclast is... a Mythoclast. Most are worth playing with.
What am I doing with my life...
One of the biggest injustices we suffer : How hard would this be to fix?Unskippable Cutscenes for a 5th time.
What am I doing with my life...
I swear every time i go back to the tower from cosmodrome i get another husk of the pit in the mail
Unskippable Cutscenes for a 5th time.
What am I doing with my life...
12:30am est glimmer run? C'mon guys . Does anyone have the gatekeeper check point?
There's no cut scenes in crucible.
Suros has the range of a scout rifle, it's served me well. Of course I'm using Icebreaker for 90% of my PVE gaming but that's not to say the rest don't serve great functions even if they all can't be Icebreaker or Gjallahorn. Lately I have been spending my time upgrading other random exotics I've found like Hard Light and Bad Juju in hopes of using them more.Indeed, I am a very analytical about all of the weapons I use. Considering I am on Xbox, I don't have access to Hawkmoon (which I would max). Suros is just an assault rifle which isn't exciting for me; Thorn I maxed and the Vex I love. I like guns with unique traits.
there's no crying in baseball