Flawless Raider!!!!! Thanks to Drizzay, Silver Tongue, Jigga Man, Macello and Cosmos. Cosmos man, sorry about your modem but all of us are down to get it for you for sure!
1 hour wait for a callback from my ISP.
My first time going for a flawless and this happened. Now I'll never try it again
i've worked 60.5 hours over the past week. might finally get some destiny in today. did Xur have anything good this week?
Flawless Raider!!!!! Thanks to Drizzay, Silver Tongue, Jigga Man, Macello and Cosmos. Cosmos man, sorry about your modem but all of us are down to get it for you for sure!
Flawless CE on our first "real" attempt, even with poor Cosmos getting disconnected 5 minutes before we finishedIt's so easy though, we can run it as many times as needed.
Nah man, once you are back up and running we'll do it with you ASAP. One run and done is all it will take.
The last word... which most have I'm sure. Not much else. A lot of repeats. Good week to miss xur.i've worked 60.5 hours over the past week. might finally get some destiny in today. did Xur have anything good this week?
Buying this again as best friend is getting a PS4 with Destiny. I was parked at level 22 and haven't played since early November. What's the best way now to keep leveling? Any tips would be appreciated.
Is there a trick to restarting a mission? I hit square in black garden always takes me to checkpoint never beginning
Is there a trick to restarting a mission? I hit square in black garden always takes me to checkpoint never beginning
Watching that flawless stream gave even me the jitters and that is why i'm more then happy never attempting a flawless run. I can just imagine actually participating in one. lol
Watching that flawless stream gave even me the jitters and that is why i'm more then happy never attempting a flawless run. I can just imagine actually participating in one. lol
Thanks guys. I knew something was wrong when everyone suddenly stopped talking.
We did so well! I am waiting 40 minutes to an hour for Shaw to call me back. =
Flawless Raider!!!!! Thanks to Drizzay, Silver Tongue, Jigga Man, Macello and Cosmos. Cosmos man, sorry about your modem but all of us are down to get it for you for sure!
Doesn't get any better than when you get disconnected!
It's weird. You gotta select the difficulty with square, even though the game only presents X to select and O to cancel as the possible options.
That would be really frustrating to put it politely.Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Drizzay and crew my modem just died on the flawless run. Fuck.
It's not coming back. Have to call my ISP.
Ughhhjhbsbaka a
Just ran one and a half hour of Roc strikes and didn't get any exotic. The prophecy is a lie, we got a fake prophet among us!
Is there a good public event farm route now with the hive invading earth / moon? Those had the quickest public event loops, but it seems the "sword of crota has invaded" timer steals a lot of the public events that happen on earth and the moon now.Public events for vanguard marks and run vanguard bounties every day. Get to level 2 with Vanguard and buy the legendary armor you need to get to 28/29.'you should pick up enough ascendant shards doing that to get you going on the last upgrade tree for each armor piece and close to 30/31.
When you're 27 or so, run Roc strikes too.
I feel like i'd definitely cave into the pressure.Doing it is a great gaming high! Try it.
Doesn't get any better than when you get disconnected!
Anybody still need a Crota kill? Going to do another one real quick, at least 2 spots available.
Yup I'll goAnybody still need a Crota kill? Going to do another one real quick, at least 2 spots available.
When you get them on the phone be sure to tell them that their shoddy disconnect denied you the flawless raider and guardian lord trophiestemporarily
lol, that sucks
That would be really frustrating to put it politely.
On the bright side when a group gets together running CE multiple times is really fast.
Man, hope you get it soon.
I feel like i'd definitely cave into the pressure.
No worries man, i bet you get it before the end of the night. :]
I didn't say it would be easy. That was a minimum of a month's worth of Roc Strikes.
Yup I'll go
Is there a good public event farm route now with the hive invading earth / moon? Those had the quickest public event loops, but it seems the "sword of crota has invaded" timer steals a lot of the public events that happen on earth and the moon now.
Helping a friend kill Crota, have 4 spots on PS4.
Says you're filled up, if someone drops out let me knowOk, I'll add you now and send an invite
We were perfect on Flawless for CE till Crota, he was 1 hit away from Flawless, we played it safe for Ogres and last Swordbearer, then Corta spammed his Barrage of Lightning orbs, our Sword Carrier died =/
Trying again, real easy
No more Lies! Do you even have the Hawkmoon, it's probably a photoshop! Get the torches people!
Sigh. I'll get the Hawkmoon in next weeks Nightfall. Hopefully.
If you have room I'll go, other party is filled upHelping a friend kill Crota, have 4 spots on PS4.
Need 4 more for hard VoG.
1. Gdt
2. ms1582
3. Kydd-BlaZe
Ps4 gdt5016
Put me down. GibbShift. Think I got you on my buddy list.Need 4 more for hard VoG.
1. Gdt
2. ms1582
Ps4 gdt5016
We were perfect on Flawless for CE till Crota, he was 1 hit away from Flawless, we played it safe for Ogres and last Swordbearer, then Corta spammed his Barrage of Lightning orbs, our Sword Carrier died =/
Trying again, real easy
Lvl 32 Warlock. I'm down!
Put me down. GibbShift. Think I got you on my buddy list.
From the raid. Thanks guys!
Celebratory loot.
Ready to take on the bad guys!
Casualties of war... but it was only me that didn't make it haha
only 28 but i can come if you need a spot filled, firabudSweet.
Need 2 more for a hard VoG.
1. Gdt
2. Ms1582
3. Kydd
4. gibbshift