Thanks for the raid guys, sorry I couldn't join you for the 2nd and 3rd runs... I'm not hardcore enough to have three characters
So the Raid was... good to me this week. Got No Land Beyond from Deathsinger, and then from Crota himself I got Plan C and Hunger of Crota!
I was like WOW this is the best raid loot drop week ever! I got the Vex and Hard Light from Atheon a few days earlier. So I was kind of eager to try out my new goodies, so I head to the Crucible. Second match in I get a legendary engram. Almost 1:30am so I figure I might as well find out what it is and head to bed. And then.......
da fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuq :OOOOOOO
I am happy for you; must've been ecstatic!
SC is very unsafe unless you're running around corners constantly. I think you're majorly downplaying the threat of shotguns (or even a good fusion rifle. Hell ive killed SC Titans with TLW) Especially if the enemy is paying attention to radar.
I'll give you that throwing knife takes more skill, but you can also OHK by precision hitting them (unlikely I concede). The reason that it's not a OHK, is it's instant unlike a SC which you need to (kinda) charge up. Plus the range on that far outclasses any other melee attack. If you add in the burning effect it's pretty effective.
Then in the hands of people like Zoba it goes from effective to wayyyy OP.
It doesn't OHK even with precision damage. It will take them down to very low health, but not kill. Seen it happen multiple times.
I've been mowing down other titans with my shotty (usually use either SwordBreaker or Found verdict). I am not sure on my percentage of success to be fair. Perhaps 80%+? Granted, any time I see a titan charging at me I assume either the Fist of Havoc or a Shoulder Charge is coming. So I'm backing up and frantically spamming my shotgun
I am talking about Titans from the side and rear, not necessarily the front - that's not too bad.